26-Aug-2008 (one comment)
Reprint of an article I wrote a few years ago. >>>
on a executive jet ride circa 1976 >>>
26-Aug-2008 (2 comments)
The original song was performed by Camaron de la Isla. This is the originl lyric and my translation of it to English. Hope you enjoy it. >>>
Manoucher Avaznia
26-Aug-2008 (3 comments)

عزیزان نشسته در دل میخانه های گرم

جامتان لبریز و لبهاتان پر از لبخند؛

من دچار خشم توفانم.

26-Aug-2008 (5 comments)
Youtube: Clintons4McCain founder & PUMA gets smacked down on Hardball... I unfortunately don't have enough time to break down all the disturbing, malicious and bigoted presuppositions which frame these misguided "ladies">>>
Paymaneh Amiri
Omid, a memorial in defense of human rights in Iran. >>>
26-Aug-2008 (2 comments)
Here is a short clip from the show Mixed Nutz - Persian Adventure. Babak learns how to haggle Iranian-style! >>>
26-Aug-2008 (one comment)

Warning : it contian graphic material.

An amateur camera recorded the fire following a plane crash that took place on Sunday in Kyrgyzstan, killing at least 68 people.

26-Aug-2008 (9 comments)
Full bar on Emirates >>>
26-Aug-2008 (8 comments)
Just decided to share this piece with you. The writer beautifully expresses one thing that many of us may lack, The Golden Rule. >>>

Award-winning journalist and writer Naomi Klein speaks about Obama and the intellectual and political integrity of the progressive movement

SCE Campaign
26-Aug-2008 (11 comments)
We regret to announce that without any prior notification of his parents or lawyer, Behnam Zare was executed this morning in prison yard of Shiraz >>>
26-Aug-2008 (2 comments)
I received this one as an email. It is based on the real facts, you have already heard about. >>>
26-Aug-2008 (21 comments)

Fiery debate on Al-Jazeera's Inside Iraq between veteran journalist and author Robert Fisk and Brad Blakeman, former member of President George W. Bush's Senior Staff...

Ali Ohadi
26-Aug-2008 (one comment)
بابام نمیدونست این فقره که داره او را از هم میدره! >>>