If you label me you negate me" -- Søren Kierkegaar
I had a good hunch that
Sarah the wise Mama will disappoint the nay sayers & lefto-centric elites of the
Liberal media, Obama mania & Doomsday leftist schizophrenia.
SCE: Following is a new urgent action call by Amnesty about Emadeddin Baghi, the Iranian human and children rights activist who is currently imprisoned in Iran.
here is a lot of khars in Iran; everyone whom wanted Khomeini and an Islamic Republic, in my ever humble opinion, was khar. Having said that, how come there are so many olaghs in America now?
Locals singing folk song under Khajoo Bridge in the city of Isfahan.
COLLEGE PARK, Md. -- NASA's Deep Impact spacecraft has created a video of the moon transiting (passing in front of) Earth as seen from the spacecraft's point of view 31 million miles away
The Editing of Blogs has become a silly game here. I saw the editors allow some anonymous character used the word "F--k" in a blog the other day
This is all about Fado (destiny, fate)
You asked me the other day,
If ,I may know what the Fado (fate) is about
I tell you ,I do not know
صرف نظر از برخورد تخریبی آقای سحرخیز به نوشته انتقادی اینجانب، من از عضویت ایشان در هیأت اجرایی شورای ملی صلح استقبال میكنم. آقای سحرخیز از معدود كسانی است كه پس از جدایی از حاكمیت معمولا در نوشتارهای خود از ارزشهای دموكراتیك و آزادیهای مدنی دفاع كرده است.
Its not only Akhmadinejad(lol), who receive revelation from above, there are others as well Sarah Palin tells her church