02-Sep-2008 (one comment)
I am adding a clip that I was watching earlier. It's a bit long but if you watch it all the to the end you will see how truly we are divided by our beliefs>>>
AmirAshkan Pishroo
02-Sep-2008 (15 comments)
Following Virginia Woolf’s model of sexual equality, the internationalist feminists are convinced of the universality of women’s needs and rights beyond national boundaries>>>
02-Sep-2008 (9 comments)
Protesters Dress-Up and Sing 'Bomb Bomb Iran'... I am wondering how the Iranians felt when attending as Democrats or Republican. It must be a real good feeling. >>>
Ali P.
02-Sep-2008 (2 comments)
احکام روزه و استمنا،، فتاوي آيت الله خامنه‌اي و توضيحات اصغرآقا (18+) >>>
02-Sep-2008 (5 comments)
Leonard Cohen, "Everybody Knows", 1988>>>


Azadeh Azmoudeh
02-Sep-2008 (2 comments)
One more time, and you change what? >>>
02-Sep-2008 (4 comments)

Meeting couples in the NW Los Angeles area...

Red Wine
02-Sep-2008 (5 comments)
خاطرات سفر به كاليفرنيا >>>
02-Sep-2008 (4 comments)
Set it on fire >>>
SCE Campaign
02-Sep-2008 (one comment)
در حال حاضر، اطفالي در انتظار اجراي حكم اعدام در زندان به سر مي برند كه گاهآ به راحتي اغفال شده و تحت تاثير شرايط محيطي و اطرافيان قرار گرفته، جرم ارتكابي توسط ديگري را به گردن مي گيرند عده اي در اثر كوچكترين فشاربه راحتي مرعوب گرديده و با پذيرش گناه ناكرده پاي چوبه دار مي روند؛ >>>
Chaim Ben Pesach, chairman of Jews Against Obama, speaks on the vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin and her alleged ties to the Nazi Pat Buchanan. >>>
02-Sep-2008 (2 comments)


Simply Red - Sunrise


With the expansion of business networking or blog sites we can put this site to a better use than going for each others throat all the time. >>>
02-Sep-2008 (2 comments)
The video of Iranian student in RObo Cup being edited. Need to see the whole vidoe to see the edittings. >>>