17-Oct-2008 (18 comments)
Help bring Cyrus the Great back to life >>>


Darius Kadivar
Mohamed Reza Shah Pahlavi, President Kennedy, and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara in the White House Cabinet Room on April 13, 1962 >>>
17-Oct-2008 (2 comments)

نمیشد منو زرافه یا الاغ خلق میكردی؟

Darius Kadivar
Ahmad Shah Qajar and his ministers on a private visit to Paris, France visit the Longchamps Horse Racing Stadium. 1919 >>>
Darius Kadivar
Handsom Royal Chariot Guard photographed by Roloff Beny during State Visit of French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing to Tehran 1975. >>>
AmirAshkan Pishroo
16-Oct-2008 (2 comments)
Bad habits are like a comfortable bed, easy to get into, but hard to get out of. The latest victim of  this age old tactic is Milan Kundera, the world’s leasing author. >>>
SCE Campaign
16-Oct-2008 (12 comments)
Stop Child Executions organization welcomes with joy Iran’s announcement to abolish juvenile executions. >>>
persian westender

 A short story...very short. 

16-Oct-2008 (7 comments)

We received this e-mail from our sisiter-in-law who live in Midwest and except out e-mail address

everything else is original.I am disappointed and angered an dI let you decide for yourself.

16-Oct-2008 (2 comments)

baby Monkey gets his own guard dog


16-Oct-2008 (2 comments)

Hishki nemitooneh mesleh CIA jasoos besheh !

SCE Campaign
16-Oct-2008 (2 comments)
فقر، ام‌الفساد است و بسياري از جرائم با انگيزه كسب ماديات به وقوع مي‌پيوندند لذا دولت وظيفه دارد تا از طريق مقابله با بيكاري و ايجاد اشتغال و زدودن فقر در ميان طبقات جامعه و همچنين كنترل تورم، دستي در پيشگيري از وقوع جرائم داشته باشد>>>
16-Oct-2008 (9 comments)
After Khomeini and his interpretation of Islam and Islamization of Iran, a very high percentage of people in Iran have gotten so turned off about Islam that many don't even consider it a true religion anymore>>>
16-Oct-2008 (2 comments)
an attempt at what might not be considered poetry. ps this poem does not work for australia or brazil.>>>