The distribution of a list containing the names of the Baha'is in Shiraz, their professions, and the consequences of being in contact or associating with them
SCE President, Nazanin Afshin-Jam received news from former child-prisoner Reza Alinejad of the imminent execution of Rahim Ahmadi believed to be carried out this Wednesday, February 18th 2009.
This song is dedicated to the concert musicians and roadies who visit this site.
Indeed, since he had become a sincere materialist fear and unease had filled his life. Was he going to regain that lost tranquility? Is there a moment of rest in this restless universe?
Hadi Khorsandi talking about his experience during the Islamic revolution
Britain reached newest low in dhimmitude by banning a Dutch politician from entering the country because of a short film he had made about Islam.
دفاع از بهائيان، دفاع از يک دين يا گروه نيست. دفاع از حقوق بهائيان در دفاع از حقوق تمام ايرانيان است. اعادهی حيثيت از بهائيان، اعادهی حيثيت از ملت ايران است
حالیا دیری از آن بامدادی میگذرد که مأمورین حکومتی ناغافل به منازل شش تن هجوم بردند و تمامی خانهها را زیر و رو ساختند و خود آنها را با خود بردند و سپس نفر هفتم را نیز به آنها ملحق ساختند.
Back in January of '78 when I landed in the girls' dorms in Florida, I was clueless, about many things. The English that I thought I had learned in Iran, which made my parents proud, was at best minimal in real life, especially at our campus dormitory.
These are wonderful poems i have to share with everyone for Valentine's Day.