Reza Chahid interviews Former Crown Prince of Iran Reza Pahlavi after his meeting with the International Press for his Book release at Le Grand Palais in Paris on Monday 9th Feb, 2009.
Children, the gifts of God tell it all of what really matters. The understand no nationality, no divisions, no religions and no wars
میگویند اگر جنست از جنس زندگیست از بروز حوادث خبر خواهی داشت، و او از امدن
روز رفتنش خبر داشت
oh this is sooooooooo funny...
and so NOT so funny
سایت اصغر آقا
رو میخوندم که بر حسب اتفاق یادداشتی را پیدا کردم که آقای خرسندی در مورد
یکی از دوستانمون نوشته بود.
از ورودت به دنیای من دقیقا یک سال می گذرد
Amnesty International has launched an urgent action update exclusively devoted to the latest news about the Baha’i leaders in Iran.
STOP bombing Afghanistan and Pakistan! STOP war with Iran! STOP the empire building! Stop in the Name of Love, Stop in the Name of Change.
Send Obama a Peace Valentine!
O concourse of Muslim divines! By your deeds the exalted station of the people hath been abased, the standard of Islam hath been reversed, and mighty throne hath fallen. -- Bahá’u’lláh
Of all the creations of the earth and heaven Love is The Most Precious...