Manoucher Avaznia
08-Feb-2009 (10 comments)

تا سراپرده ی خورشید محبت چه رهی ست؟

ای که از مکتب مهرینه مرامی داری.




08-Feb-2009 (30 comments)
AIPAC pushing for war with Iran, and Patriotic shahi's are helping........ >>>
David ET
08-Feb-2009 (19 comments)
Article 16 The government must ensure the rights of women in all respects and accomplish the following goals: 1- Protecting and promoting equal rights with men in all areas >>>
08-Feb-2009 (2 comments)
"Africa" by Toto hit number one in the Billboard charts in 1983.    >>>
08-Feb-2009 (2 comments)

Uncle Phil would have been a great moderator in the recent Gaza/Israel blog wars.

Orang Gholikhani
08-Feb-2009 (4 comments)
رسیدم به ژرفای آبی
تا بچینم اشک سرد ماهی
Saead Soltanpour
08-Feb-2009 (one comment)
بالاخره خاتمی دقایقی پیش به عنوان نامزد ریاست جمهوری اعلام حضور کرد>>>
08-Feb-2009 (7 comments)
"Shalom from Israel" she said.   >>>
08-Feb-2009 (4 comments)
Satriani says they stoled his song. . . >>>
08-Feb-2009 (5 comments)
I am currently working on my thesis about the reconstruction of Iranian identity in America. I was hoping to post some discussion questions>>>
rosie is roxy is roshan
08-Feb-2009 (20 comments)

But whose state? And whose mind?

I know, I know, you're all very angry with me I'm angry with me too. Just read it, will you please. It's short.

Farah Rusta
08-Feb-2009 (3 comments)

When the mice roar ...

Darius Kadivar
Alain Delon plays Robert Klein a charming, unscrupulous art dealer in Nazi-occupied France. As Jews flee Paris, Klein exploits them until he finds his name is shared by a Jewish criminal ... >>>
Manoucher Avaznia
07-Feb-2009 (6 comments)

گوی و چوگان چکامه به میان است هنوز

اسب مست غزل و ذوق سواران به من آر.

