Ari Siletz
04-Jan-2011 (28 comments)
فکر کردم واجب است که ثواب کاری مغز خود را به این استاد هدیه کند. این چه جور امتحان دادن است که بعد از دو نیمسال دانشگاهی به مرده شور خانه میانجامد؟ >>>
04-Jan-2011 (2 comments)
Stick to Computers, You're an idiot. >>>
Sahameddin Ghiassi
متاسفانه مرتب بایست شاهد مرگ و از بین رفتن جوانان میبودم  وقتی بمن گفتند که فرید و آرمان و مرضیه همزمان خود کشی کرده اند باورم نمی شد >>>
04-Jan-2011 (2 comments)
در 40 كيلومتري شمال غربي نطنز از استان كاشان در دامنه كوه كركس >>>
04-Jan-2011 (7 comments)
The notable British newspaper DAILY TELEGRAPH has published the photo of Prince Reza Pahlavi, instead of Prince Alireza Pahlavi who killed himself hours ago. >>>
Veiled Prophet of Khorasan
04-Jan-2011 (74 comments)
Recently a professor at Stanford made incredibly racist remarks against Iranian students>>>
Tirgan Short Story Contest invites you to write, to bewitch, to bewilder ... >>>
shahryar shahamat
نگاه کن
مرا فرشته می بینی >>>
04-Jan-2011 (12 comments)
This is a continuation of Ari's journies to Israel.  The story was paused at "What a Trip Israel is (1) " by Faramarz>>>
Translated serie.>>>
Darius Kadivar
04-Jan-2011 (47 comments)
Prince Ali Reza Pahlavi the second Son of the Late Shah and Shahbanou Farah took his life away in his Boston Apartment. This is a Day of Great Tragedy. May the Prince of Persia Rest in Peace along with his sister. I am speechless ...>>>
04-Jan-2011 (3 comments)
A majority of Iranians have reached the pivotal conclusion>>>
Darius Kadivar
04-Jan-2011 (one comment)
Documentary about Something's got to give, the last and unfinished movie of Marilyn Monroe. It shows footage of a new reel of Iran's Royal Couple visiting 20th Century Studios >>>
04-Jan-2011 (12 comments)

Highlights from the resume of a nation 63 years in the making.

Dr. Mansur Rastani
04-Jan-2011 (3 comments)
Video Clip: مقابله با اشغالگران میهن وظیفه ملی و میهنی ، اشغالگر باید احساس ناامنی کند نه صاحب کشور >>>