The Campaign for Peace and Democracy has been active in support for the struggle for democratic rights in Iran, while opposing U.S. military intervention or sanctions
A few months before Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali, the Tunisian president for 23 years, flee the country I visited Tunisia
در خیابان به جز چند بچه که با لباسهای صد وصلۀ صد بار دوخته شده به دنبال هم می دویدند و تعداد زیادی مگس چیز دیگری دیده نمی شد
Hanif Bali’s family fled from political persecution in Iran. Soon his parents sent him to Sweden. Twenty years later he has become a well-spoken Member of the Swedish Parliament
Look who is keeping them there
Colin Firth Oscar Nominee and Golden Globe Winner for best Performance in "The King's Speech" was the guest of Jon Stewart on the Daily Show
Political Cartoon: You're Not my Brother, You' re not my sister.... by Kaveh adel Copyright 2011. American politics or just world politics don't mix with religion.
When you say Reformists the first person that comes to mind is President Khatami. However, the reform movement is nothing new
Facing off bullies takes guts
for some, fear mongering is the order of the day.
استفاده در زمان شور گرفتن
Wth foreign "Tooranians" at the gate and with the Iran's back against the wall, Ahmadinejad decided to pull an Arash Kamangir with crayons.