Keyhan Daily editor in chief,
We would like to here the same type of coverage you provided in Egypt and Tunis, for Iran.
صفورا و خانواده شان در ترکیه که کار نداشتند و صفورای هفده ساله میگفت که عوض رفتن به دانشگاه حتی مدرسه راهنمایی را هم نتوانسته است تمام بکند
Europe's premiere film festivals and the European film community have rallied behind Iranian director Jafar Panahi, calling on the regime in Tehran to reverse a sentence condemning him to sixyears in prison.
It is an unacceptable prospect for us
ما امضا کنندگان این نامه، خواستار توقف فوری احکام غیرمنصفانه صادر شده برای سعید ملک پور، فارغ التحصیل دانشگاه صنعتی شریف هستیم
An epic film that should make us all proud....just kidding.
A Special Day to celebrate Love and Friendship around the world
Link to Petition for Saeed Maelkpour just in case you haven't done so already
The things I never knew about pomegranates
What broke the camel’s back