بگو تو در منتهی الیه غرب چه میکنی؟
Photo essay: The opening of "Africa", Carlos Estrada-Vega's art show at Casa Chihuahua, Mexico
Can you identify the Iranian films in this Ey Iran performance?
Giving preference to Arabs over Iranians
Then, like Moses on
Mount Sinai, it downs on me that lo and behold: “Mess is not created and Mess is not destroyed, Mess just turns from one form to another”!
Establishment of Patriarchy in Dominant Classes
Feedback to the first two parts from Professor Noam Chomsky
Enjoyed it and appreciated it.
I noticed this audio clip of Khomeini talking about the state of government after the revolution or perhaps towards the end of his demonic life. i suggest you listen to it.
A Short Story about a Marriage Proposal and Everything else that Goes with it!
بگذارید الله اکبر ها را در مسجد و خانه بهنگام نماز بگوییم و در خیابان ها و پشت بام ها فریاد بزنیم ایران ایران جاویدان.