A Short Story about Me and a Girlfriend with Silicon Breasts!
I fell asleep and I had a dream, it was all black everything
It was meant for me to experience this..... Nah...don't believe in stuff like that, but hey it sounds profound, no?
Petite Fleur
Recorded at Tobu Friend Hall, 24, September 2003
Powerful poem About Iran. so sad to see the direction Iran
An embarrassing error was made by French politician Frédéric Lefebvre who said his favourite book is… a high street clothes shop??
پری بلنده و عصمت انترکیب و مابقی ماجرا
"Man Size" by PJ Harvey. From the album "Rid of Me", 1993.
افشا گری خبرنگار دیپلماسی عمومی و جنگ نرم