Sahameddin Ghiassi
 شاید حقوق بشر هم مثل همان دینها حربه ای به دست کسانی است که از آن استفاده های کلان میکنند؟ >>>
Ari Siletz
08-Apr-2011 (9 comments)
IC community does what advertisers have learned to get paid for. >>>
Saead Soltanpour
08-Apr-2011 (one comment)
حمله نظامیان عراق به نظامیان غیر مسلح هوادار رجوی نقض فاحش حقوق بشر است>>>
Darius Kadivar
08-Apr-2011 (9 comments)
Brave Iranian poetess expresses her thanks upon hearing President Obama's Nowrooz Greetings and hopes that Gaddafi's fate will be a lesson to Khamenei and IRI's Henchmen>>>
08-Apr-2011 (4 comments)
Torno a Surriento >>>
08-Apr-2011 (17 comments)
I would like to discuss a controversial issue today. Not many people like to talk about Mujahedin>>>
08-Apr-2011 (5 comments)
Another photoshopped picture of the revolting people of Iran>>>
Nazanin karvar
Miles Davis - Lena Horne>>>
08-Apr-2011 (one comment)
حمله عراقی ها به کمپ اشرف >>>
Sahameddin Ghiassi

  زیرا دیدیم که طمع کار وغارتګر و تمامیت خواه به هیچ کس رحم و مروت ندارد  و در نهایت ممکن است که حتی به روی دوستان و خانواده خود هم پنجه بکشند   

08-Apr-2011 (15 comments)
CHOPIN Nocturne No.20 >>>
08-Apr-2011 (2 comments)

Iraqi police attcked to Mojahedin Camp in Iraq this morning. It's reported that 25 people have been killed and around 200 people have been injured.


08-Apr-2011 (3 comments)
یکشنبه، ۱۱ اسفند ۱۳۵۳ >>>