Islamic Republic in Iran uses the barbaric laws of Arab Bedouins for punishment of sexual relations, but the law has its loopholes.
ذوالنور یکی از کاندیدا های به اصطلاح مجلس در مصاحبه ای با خبر آنلین شرایطی که برای ورود یکی از چهرههای اصلاحطلب (خاتمی) به سیاست بیان کرد موجی به پا شد
مصاحبه با رادیو ایران (جبهه ملی)
The cruelty and lack of human rights in Iran has brought me to the point of explosion and I know well that I am not the only one
An amateur film shows rare footage on President Richard Nixon's State Visit to Iran, greeted by the Shah and Shahnanou at Mehrabad Airport
Sorry for being a bit naive, but I"d like to raise a rather unpolitical question, regarding horses in Iran
Problems swimming in a river and close-encounter with a deer
Member of "Combatant clergy"
ترسم نرسی به كعبه ای اعرابی؛
Princess Ashraf Pahlavi, twin sister of the Shah of Iran was the target of masked gunmen as she rode in her car along the French Riviera
The distain by Persians, being ruled with a bunch of Arabs