برای تجربه دیگران و برای تطهیر نام کشور
بی زبان معلوم شد او را مراد
Dictators may start out with huge advantages in men, materials and training but they have an Achilles heel which is potentially fatal.
This world is now exploring to find out the answer of this Question like a rapacious person search for food
محمد رضا شجریان و گروهِ شهناز
اما دیدم مردم خوب دیگر زیاد هستند .. مانند همسایه ها
As you read the articles, blogs and comments on this website you get the sense that some are so anxious like little boys and girls crying to their mommys.
Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi insists that it is very important to exert pressure on the IRI but also help the opposition towards uniting their forces
“political commentator and musician”
برای هميشه از عقده های جنسی خود رها شويد
Iranians have many positive characteristics.