افشاگری حسن داعی در مورد ارتش سایبری نایاک ، لابی رژیم


افشاگری حسن داعی در مورد ارتش سایبری نایاک ، لابی رژیم
by afshinazad

ارتش سایبری نایاک و سایت ایرانیان دات کام اسناد دادگاه فدرال واشنگتن حسن داعی : پس از آنکه "باب نی" نماینده فاسد کنگره و کارفرمای تریتا پارسی در پایان سال 2006 تحت تعقیب قضائی قرار گرفت و ارتباطات وی با جمهوری اسلامی برملا شد، سیل مقالات و گزارشات در باره لابی رژیم ایران در آمریکا و بخصوص نقش ویژه سازمان نایاک براه افتاد. برملا شدن ارتباطات ویژه تریتا پارسی با مسئولین رژیم و بخصوص باند احمدی نژاد و ملاقات های پنهان با هاشمی ثمره در اروپا، باعث بی آبروگی و بی اعتباری وی در میان جامعه ایرانی-آمریکائی شد. تریتا پارسی و حامیان وی، برای مقابله با انتقادات هموطنان و ترمیم چهره لابی رژیم دست به اقدامات گوناگونی زدند. مثلا از سال 2009 که دادگاه فدرال به من اجازه انتشار اسناد داخلی نایاک را داد، تریتا پارسی با یک موسسه روابط عمومی بسیار مهم بنام Brown Lloyd James قرارداد بست تا ضمن بکارگیری امکانات رسانه ای این موسسه در آمریکا، برای ارتقاء موقعیت خراب شده نایاک یک کارزار براه بیندازند.این موسسه همچنین برای معمر قذافی و کمپانی نفتی بریتیش پترولیوم نیز کار روابط عمومی و "ترمیم چهره" انجام داده است. من در یک گزارش ویژه اسناد مربوط به این شرکت روابط عمومی و هجوم رسانه ای آنها در رسانه های آمریکائی و ایرانی را بازگو خواهم کرد.اسناد دادگاه همچنین نشان میدهد که نایاک از سال 2008 ببعد یک ارتش سایبری درست کرده تا سربازان آن تحت نامهای مختلف، زیر هر مقاله ای که بنفع یا علیه نایاک چاپ میشود نظر بدهند و وبلاگ ها و روزنامه ها را در اختیار گیرند تا فضایی بنفع این سازمان ایجاد کنند. این ارتش مخفی سایبری توسط بابک طالبی نفر شماره دوم نایاک براه افتاد و نام Internet response Team را روی آن گذاشت.سربازان این گروه کماندوئی را کارمندان نایاک و همچنین داوطلبانی تشکیل میدهند که برطبق خط و خطوط داده شده توسط تریتا پارسی به فعالیت در دنیای مجازی می پرداختند. برای مطالعه بخشی از این اسناد به روی این لینک کلیک کنید://www.iranian-americans.com/docs/ResponseTeam.pdfنکته دیگری که در این اسناد جلب توجه میکند، ارتباط ویژه نایاک با دو سایت "ایرانیان دات کام" و دیگری "پیوند" میباشد که به بلندگوهای این سازمان تبدیل شده اند. به چند ایمیلی که بین جهانشاه جاوید و تیم نایاک رد و بدل شده نگاه کنید تا با "بیطرفی" سایت ایرانیان در مورد نایاک آشنا شوید.این ایمیل ها نشان میدهد که نایاک از امتیازات ویژه ای در این سایت برخوردار بوده و مقالات و بلاگ های آنان بی هیچ مشکلی وارد سایت میشده اند. ماهی دو سه مقاله و هفته ای چند بلاگ سهم حداقلی است که جهانشاه برایشان معین کرده است.طی 4 سال گذشته، جهانشاه جاوید بارها و بارها مقالاتی را در نشریه خود به چاپ رسانده که ضمن دفاع از نایاک، با اسم و رسم به من حمله کرده اند. من نیز بارها و بارها با ارسال ایمیل از او خواسته ام که پاسخ مرا چاپ کند که وی نیز اعتنائی نکرده است.ایمیل های بدست آمده از دادگاه نشان میدهد که انتظار بیطرفی از جهانشاه جاوید امری بیهوده و ناشی از توهم است. وی که اولین کارهای رسانه ای خود را نزد صادق خرازی یعنی پدر خوانده لابی رژیم در آمریکا شروع کرد، در سایت خود بخش کوچکی را به بلاگ های مختلف اختصاص داده تا نشانی از دموکراسی و آزاد منشی اش باشد. اما بخش اصلی سایت همواره شامل مقالات و گزارشاتی است که توسط امثال تریتا پارسی، دیگر اعضای شناخته شده یا مستعار نایاک، اردشیر عمانی و افرادی مشابه است.در اینجا بازهم از جهانشاه جاوید میخواهم که بنا به اصول شناخته شده دموکراسی، اجازه دهد تا در مقابل دهها مقاله ای که نایاک و ارتش سایبری اش در این سایت علیه من نوشته اند، یکبار و فقط یکبار وی پاسخ کامل من به آنان را به دو زبان انگلیسی و فارسی چاپ کند.


more from afshinazad

Aghaye Dai: I resepct and

by vildemose on

Aghaye Dai: I resepct and applaud your hard work in exposing the "NIAC flee market Bazaar", however, you need to apologize to JJ for you don't have an iota of evidence to back up your slanderous remarks against him. If you want to be taken seriously as a scholar not as a vengeful 'curmudgeons like Afrasiabi or Dabashi', you need to reconsider putting your ego and emotions at the door when trying to find the truth.

"In finding the truth, the minute we get angry, we no longer defend the truth but our emotional state and our own ego--buddha


Not sure JJ has any hand in this

by mahmoudg on

I do not support NIAC nor Parsi.  I also do beleive they are a lobby of the regime and have told so to the attorney represnting the Law suit against NIAC.  But i highly doubt JJ has anything to do with NIAC.  This is democracy in action, NIAC can post so can we who are against it.  Let the people decide for themselves.


Dear VPK

by Paykar on

I admire your desire for building such an organization. Indeed, if we are ever to be victorious against the IR, a broad based coalition is needed.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear Paykar

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


If there is be any kind of organization we will have differences. We should not require that all members agree or we end up with MKO. The problem with many of us is that we only want join if it agrees with us 100%. 

That is never going to be happening. The same goes for NIAC. I agree with some parts of it and disagree with others. As long as people are going to say "my way or the high way" nothing will happen. No wonder IR has been in charge for so long.

Yes, I am a pan Iranist. Others are not: fine. I do not demand that everyone agree with me. There must be some basic principles:

  • Secularism.
  • Respect for freedom of speech and religion.
  • Respect for freedom of speech.

That to me is the basis. The rest is up for the individuals. In a democratic Iran this is what happens. If some region wants to join Iran then it would be put up to a vote. If both Iran and that region agree it joins. If not it does not join. If we want to build a bridge then it goes to vote. If the elected officials agree we do it. If not then we do not. Next election there will be different people and they may chose to act differently.


"In contrast Hassan Dai's

by Paykar on

"In contrast Hassan Dai's discourse is singularly about "exposing" and
stuff. So boring, so passe, so relentless in its obstinate refusal to
evolve beyond the quaqmire of tried and failed old generation tactics.

This article is a museum piece, maybe worth a frame in a nostalgic IC
photo essay. To get more space, have something useful to say. We've got a
community to build! "

Ari -

Since I am relatively new, I lack the information about Dai's previous expose of NIAC or its alleged relationship with IC and JJ. Having said that, I am puzzled by your, basically, rhetorical/emotional response. I am  concerned with NIAC's relationship with agents of Islamic Republic. This aspect of the claim is neither passé, nor trivial to deserve response of this nature.

This site is partly a political venue therefore, I think, we have the Right to know the editorial position of IC regarding activities of NIAC as it pertains to its contacts with agents of Islamic Republic.



Amir Marshall


Massoud Jaan.

Thanks for your efforts in bringing to light questionable activities of the highest ranking member of this organization.

It has been a long time indeed, I was not sure if you would recall my nickname:)



I would have joined you in forming an organization, but as a Marxist( Groucho that is). "I would not care to to join a club that  accepts people like me as a member." Plus "PAN" anything creeps me out.



Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Regarding IC

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


IC is not perfect and does have shortcomings as do all others. However compared to other blogs like BBC HYS or Huffington Post, IC is very free. JJ takes criticism much better than the other ones. I have got into arguments with him and not got banned. He did not even delete my posts! 

Just try to post something on BBC HYS. The arrogant "moderators" will not publish anything they don't like. It is the absolute worst. But then what do you expect of BBC: the creator of IR and Khomeini. I deleted my account long ago.

Try to post on HoPo and see more than half the posts not published. Another half of what is published gets removed with no reason given. At least on IC there are some half way reasonable rules that I understand. These others have no rhyme or reason.


Thus Spake Judge Judy

by پندارنیک on

I have a ton of issues with JJ and the way he runs this site, but at the end of the day I fully concede that this site for all intents and purposes is his (and his business partners')only. He also has no legal obligation for fair balance or equal distribution so to speak. As long as he keeps the site void of slander and libel, he doesn't have to dignify any claims with a response.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

Before I proceed I want to make my position totally clear.

  • I am an Iranian nationalist.  
  • I am a pan Iranist and believe in a "Greater Iran" incoproating lost regions.
  • I am opposed to Islam and would just as soon have it disappear.

Now regarding NIAC. This is a contraversial organization. I have in the past both criticized and defended them. I spesiailly dislike some of their high profile members in particular the Islamist *** Reza Aslan.

However they have at times done some good like preservation of the Persepolis tablets. My problem is this: what other organizations do we have?

  • Reza Pahlavi
  • IIC

I am not even going to mention MKO as a real organization because this traitor bunch is worthy of nothing but prosecution.

To be fair NIAC is a perfectly legal organization. Yes it does have some unsavory people on its boards. No question about that. It does not represent the Iranian community. It represents its own members and even then only to a degree. 

The problem is that none of the above has the profile of NIAC. For all of us including me I suggest that we become active and create something
new that we may all accept. I like RP in particular to become more active. Make an organization; and gather the different factions under an umbrella. So let us get off our b** and organize. Make a nationalistic organization that:

  • Opposes the IR
  • Is 100% Secular
  • Has some power

Are we up for the job? Or do we just want to whine about it and do nothing.

Mash Ghasem

Much ado about nothing

by Mash Ghasem on

Silly accusations and a very inaccurate depiction of IC.

This site like any other has its limitations and problems, but Mr. Daei is not even close in his 'critique' of such shortcomings on IC.

Based on my limited experience here, this is one of the more open-minded projects dedicated to Free Speech  and a healthy clash of ideas.

Thanks to all the Moderates, Right-wingers, Lefties, IR agents (yes, even they are entitled to Free Speech), Nut Jobs, Animals [Khers,  Khar (our beloved Mr. President) , Khaleh Mosheh...] and the rest...for creating  a lively forum,

Khasteh nabashid, cheers


same old vision !

by Shemirani on

Its not because NIAC followers are hyperactive (write lot and put video) on a site that the site belongs to them or the owner is linked to them...(and its the same for Mojaheds or monarchist  or any group ....)

actually this is a great plateform to get to know what's going around and make a personel opinion ! if niac videos weren't post here i will never understood how foxy they are and i really believe they work for mollah's interest ! but don't mix up everything !

I really dislike this state of mind in iranian community, considering people like a 5 years kid needed to be tell how to think and how to behiave how to see ... majority of readers are well educated and have free will. so change your own state of mind and attitude ! 

to make it simple,put it this way mister Dai , its not because your brother is in a political group that you are too ! right ?! so its not because jj publish articles in his site that he agrees with all of it ! use the same logic ;)

Baz yeki zahmati keshido be jaye tashakor, talabkar shodim ? Its wrong ! thanks to JJ for this site ! we  appreciate it !


Thank you Mr. Dai

by Rostam on

For having exposed the NIAC lobby and its connection to the regime of rape and murder.

From this point forward, we shall be aware of NIAC's "Internet Response Team" and its strategical similarities to the IRI's response teams. I think many of us already have an idea of who some of its members in this site might be.

To Trital Parsi: I think you would be reading this blog. I have one advice for you, do either of the following two things:

1. Pray that the IRI does not fall and its Ministry of Information secret documents remain secret, or,

2. Secure a nice hideout place somewhere in order to protect yourself from the arrest warrant issued for you by the 2nd republic of a free Iran.

Dr. Kazemzadeh: Thank you as well for your well written comment. In Iran's democratic and secular 2nd republic, the likes of NIAC shall join the trash bin of our long history.  


عجب جالب حسن آقا.


عجب جالب حسن آقا.

ما تا چند وقت پیش فکر میکردیم iranian.com دربست در اختیار همیهنان سلطنت طلب است. حالا شما آمدید افشا گری کنید که تحت اختیار NAIAC است ؟ "مدارک" شما مرا یاد نامه امیر انتظام انداخت که سفیر آمریکا را Dear خطاب کرده بود، و به این مناسبت چندین سال از عمر شیرین را در پشت میله های اوین گذراند. شما اگر انتقادی به این سایت داری، درست و حسابی بگو. مگر خوانندگان محترم کور تشریف دارند که هزاران مقاله، همین داریوش خان کدیور، این چاکر بی اختیار سلطنت را هر روز نبینند؟ شما نگاه کن ایشون سر قفلی کامل در این سایت دارند. روزی ۵ تا مقاله ایشون به صفه اول ارتقاا پیدا میکند. هرچی هم ما به این جهان شاه میگیم لااقل روزی به یکی دوتا بسنده کن، به خرجشون نمیره که نمیره. نکنه خدای نکرده در "دمکراسی" شما هم خودی نخودی باید باشد؟ لااقل اگر مشق خود را انجام داده بودید، یک درصدی میگرفتی از مقاله های چاپ شده در این سایت. برای مثال مینوشتید:

بین تاریخ اول مارچ ۲۰۰۹ تا اول مارچ ۲۰۱۰ شما که این سایت را بررسی کردید، ۷۰۰ تا مقاله در صفحه اول دیدید. چند درصد، به چه گروهی یا سازمانی تعلق داشت؟ ولی نه- آمار و ارقام، کار شما نیست، وگر نه به اینگونه افشاگری های دوزاری رو نمی آوردید

انتقادی که من به جهان شاه وارد میدانم، بیان دقیق چگونگی ارتقا مقاله ها(بلاگ ها) به صفحه اول است.

مخصوصا داریوش خان.


آقای جهانشاه


آقای جهانشاه جاوید
آیا این درست است که من برای شما بارها ایمیل فرستادم و خواستار درج پاسخ به مطالبی شدم که علیه من نوشته شده بود و شما زحمت پاسخ به من را نیز به خود ندادید؟
آیا این درست است که چند بار بلاگ ثبت کردم که پاک شد و نام من نیز سرانجام حذف شد؟
آیا یک نمونه، حتی یک نمونه سراغ دارید که در بخش مقالات یعنی ستون اصلی که همان ستون وسط است مقاله ای در انتقاد از نایاک چاپ شده باشد؟ به ازای هر یک مقاله ای که شما نشان دهید من بیش از بیست مقاله نشان میدهم که از طرف نایاک و کارمندان و وابسته گان آن منتشر شده است.
آیا میتوانید یک نمونه، حتی یک مورد پیدا کنید که مقاله ای از طرف نایاک برایتان ارسال شده و شما از چاپ آن خودداری کرده اید؟
آیا درست است که بارها کسان دیگری که بلاگشان را برای من نیز فرستاده اند، مطلبی روی سایت درج کرده اند و هرگز به صفحه اول که بلاگ های منتخب است راه پیدا نکرده است چون علیه نایاک و لابی طرفدار مماشات با جمهوری اسلامی بوده است؟
آیا درست است که شما با دوربین خود به نایاک رفتید و با گرفتن عکس و چاپ آن در سایت برای نایاک تبلیغ کردید؟
با استناد به کدام اصل دموکراسی به خود حق میدهید که مقاله من که پاسخ به فحش نامه طرفداران نایاک است را چاپ نکنید زیرا از نظر شما من به دیگران تهمت میزنم. 
و در پایان:
آیا فکر نمی کنید که آشنائی جامعه ایرانی با روابط پشت پرده نایاک و تریتا پارسی با رژیم ایران حق تک تک ایرانیان است و شما این حق را از آنان دریغ میکنید؟
با سپاس

  "کامنت آقای حسن دایی " .  به علت اجازه ندادن کامنتهای  آقای حسن دایی در ایرانیان.کام و به درخواست ایشان،من  این کامنت  آقای حسن دایی را در اینجا درج می‌کنم ، به امید اینکه اینهم پاک و یا سانسور نشود

Masoud Kazemzadeh


by Masoud Kazemzadeh on


I am 50 years old. I have been highly active in politics since I was 15. Based on my 35 years of political activity, in my judgment, Marhoum Kharmagas (aka Kharmagas, Anony 7) is an actual agent of the terrorist regime’s Ministry of Intelligence.

My 2 cents,



Masoud Kazemzadeh

Paykar jaan, Fred, Sohrab, Mammad

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

Paykar jaan,

Looooong time no see my friend. I owe you an e-mail.

The poster MM pretends to be an opponent of the terrorist regime. He is NIAC’s Shaaban bi-mokh. Instead of logic, he uses insults.

Best wishes,





Fred jaan,

I agree with what you wrote.





Sohrab jaan,

I agree with you fully.  Thank you.







1. If there is nothing unethical and immoral about NIAC leaders creating Internet Response Team, then why they did not say it openly and honestly????? Why did they hide that fact?????

2. Are YOU a member of the NIAC Internet Response Team?

3. If there is nothing unethical about NIAC’s actions, then they should release the names of all the NIAC Internet Response Team who have been (so far secretly) posting on Iranian.com. If NIAC refuses to post the names, then it is clear that that action is unethical and immoral.

4. I disagree with you, but if you say something that is true or do something that is good, I will support your true statement and/or thank you for your good action. I disagree with monarchists, but if a monarchist says or does something good, I will support and thank that monarchist for the good action. I disagree with many of Fred’s views, but if Fred says something good or does something positive, I will support and thank Fred. The same with Mr. Dai or x, y, z.

5. I regard the fundamentalist terrorist regime and NIAC an enemies.

6. I do not regard you or Dai as enemies. Only as individual with whom I have disagreements with. You support NIAC; I condemn your support for NIAC. You also write good stuff against the terrorist regime: I support your writings against the terrorist regime. In other words, when you do something against the interests of the terrorist regime, I will support you. When you do something that benefits the terrorist regime, then I will condemn you.




I could not agree with you more Shifteh Khaanoum

by Mammad on



I do not get this!

by Mammad on

Why is it a big deal that NIAC created a response team? Most organizations do have such a "team." You do not believe it? Check the popular websites. No one likes to be attacked, let alone a national organization. Regardless of what one thinks of NIAC, what do you expect NIAC do, when it is attacked? Just be sitting duck and take the attacks? Criticize NIAC as much as you want for its past. But, it is ridiculous to attack it because it has created a response team.

Dr. MK is wrong about Kharmagas. As far as I know, he is not a member of MOI, for the simple fact that he has supported Iran's nuclear program. But, even if he is, talking about it like a "sin" by Dr. MK who thanks Daei, a MOI member to the hilt, is strange! If I were Dr. MK, I would not want in any shape or form to be in the same sentence with Daei, let alone thanking him.



سوالهای بدون پاسخ در ایرانیان دات کام


آقای جاوید، براستی اگر ادعاهای آقای داعی درست نیست، لطفا بگویید که آیا یکبار مقاله یا مطلبی در ستون میانی صفحه اول بر علیه نایاک منتشر شده است؟ آیا افراد نایاک هر موقع که خواسته اند بهتری موقعیت های سایت را در اختیارشان قرار نداده اید؟ آیا افترا و توهین به حسن داعی اشکالی ندارد اما عدم درج پاسخ داعی که می گوید تا به حال از آن سر باز زده اید، به بهانه توهین به دیگران مشروع است؟ تا جایی که من می دانم داعی همیشه بر اساس سند و مدرک آنهم مدارک داداگاه فدرال مطلب نوشته است. آقای جاوید به جای حاشیه رفتن بهتر است به این سوالات پاسخ دهید. آیا ایمیل هایی که طالبی و دیگر افراد نایاک در هماهنگی با شما رد و بدل کرده اند، بدون اطلاع شما بوده است؟ با تشکر


Unfair to Jahanshah

by Sohrab_Ferdows on

همانطور که آقای کاظم زاده بخوبی توضیح دادند، کار آقای داعی در زمینه تحقیق و افشا گری در باره گروه نیاک بسیار قابل تقدیر است اما ادعای نزدیکی میان جهانشاه و نیاک و یا مقامات جمهوری اسلامی نه تنها به هیچ وجهی پذیرفتنی نیست بلکه بسیار غیر عادلانه است. تبادل ایمیلهائی که به عنوان سند خلافکاری از طرف جهانشاه آورده شده نشان دهنده روش معمول آقای جاوید در کمک کردن به کسانی است که میخواهند مطالبشان را در ایرانیان دات کام منتشر کنند. همانطور که دیگران هم اشاره کردند، جهانشاه با منهم در همین زمینه ها تبادل ایمیل داشته و من شخصا ضمن سپاس از کمکها و همراهی او به هیچ روی چنین مبادلاتی را دلیلی برای محکوم کردن ایشان نیتوانم بشمار بیاورم. من به سهم خود از جهانشاه بسیار سپاسگزارم که چنین فورومی را فراهم کرده و از آقای داعی هم به خاطر کار با ارزششان در افشای لابی جمهوری اسلامی سپاسگزاری میکنم اگر چه ممکن است از جهات دیدگاههای سیاسی با ایشان همسو نباشم.


I have more respect

by Paykar on

I have more respect for weasels than I do for politicians(by extension, lobbyists and agents,) and I absolutely hate those who in any shape, or capacity, have connection to the terrorist regime. They are enemies of Iran and Iranians.

I have no "horse" in this race, but I can spot BS from a mile away. The poster below(MM) under the  guise of defending democratic practices of JJ, unleashes attack , visa -vis links, that contain edited information (one sided) against Dai.

As for other respected posters, I expect informative, rational critique/defense of the either sides of the issue; Disappointingly what I have read  are mostly knee jerk response with a couple of exceptions.


JJ emailed me on how to write articles/blogs too

by MM on

To criticize JJ as a closet NIAC-cyber-army by an "alledged" MKO-supporter (*) is ironic, if not funny.  And, the main evidence is based on emails on how to write articles/blogs?  What is the next accusation based on these emails - JJ as VF's secret agent in the US!

I encourage Hassan Dai to come in, register, write a blog, answer the IC bloggers and either be cheered or jeered.

(*) See, e.g., Who Is Hassan Daioleslam?, OR Hassan Dai's interview with Andisheh TV (relationship with the MKO), OR Neocons, the MeK, and the Fight Against Iranian-Americans, OR BBC video report on the Hassan Dai/NIAC/Neo-con/AIPAC controversy


Attention Please

by All-Iranians on

1. The Website of iranian.com has a democratic record that you cannot find it in any part of the cyberspace.

2. Many credits go to Jahanshah Javid who has founded this Democratic Institution.

3. We are all practicing democracy.


A simple Q.

by پندارنیک on

Isn't Daei an MKO fellow?

Masoud Kazemzadeh

On Dai (good), NIAC (ugly), and JJ (wonderful)

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

1. Mr. Dai has done a fantastic job on exposing NIAC’s internal documents. Opponents of the fundamentalist terrorist regime owe Mr. Dai a huge debt of gratitude.

I have not had time to look at most of the documents. My guess is that I have looked at something like 1 or 2 percent of what Mr. Dai has revealed. What I did see clearly show that Trita Parsi has had meetings and communications with officials of the TERRORIST regime. The documents show that officials of NIAC had pushed members of the U.S. Congress to meet high level officials of the TERRORIST regime.

For example, I saw the e-mails between Trita Parsi and officials of the terrorist regime exchanging niceties. Here is the e-mail between TP and the Ali Asghat Soltanieh the terrorist regime high level OFFICIAL.

P. 7.


Trita Parsi to the TERRORIST regime OFFICIAL:

Dear Amb. Soltanieh,

It was a great pleasure seeing you in Holland for the Pugwash meeting. I very much enjoyed our conversation and I look forward to remaining in touch.

Trita Parsi


Another NIAC official has been pushing for members of US Congress to meet high level official of the TERRORIST regime (e.g., Mashaee).

Pp. 11, 13.


In my opinion, the two documents above, alone, are sufficient that all those who oppose the terrorist regime and want it to be overthrown to CONDEMN NIAC. The high level officials of the terrorist regime are responsible for the brutal dictatorship, mass torture of political prisoners, mass rape of political prisoners, mass killings of the opposition members. The decent thing to do is to condemn the terrorist regime, to isolate them, to undermine them.

Please correct me if I am wrong: if we want to send the terrorist regime to the garbage can of history, does it make sense to exchange friendly fadayat shavam private e-mails with these TERRORIST officials????????

Mr. Dai, thank YOU so very much for exposing these documents on the relationship between NIAC and the TERRORIST regime high level officials.

2. The documents Dai has exposed are very very valuable in shedding light on the secret activities of NIAC.

For example, I thank Dai for exposing the document on NIAC’s "Internet Response Team." Obviously NIAC wants to project the image that these spontaneous persons support NIAC and oppose those the criticize NIAC. The document does show that NIAC was itself involved in creating group to project this image. Because those on Iranian.com did not identify themselves as members of the NIAC Internet Response Team, therefore, in my opinion it is fair to say that they were secretly mobilized to project a FALSE image. That is by hiding the fact that they were not spontaneous posters, but rather they were secretly mobilized by the NIAC organization they were engaged in an effort to make NIAC look popular and attack opponents not as secretly organized group but as spontaneous individuals. I think it is fair to call this propaganda.


I think the following two blogs are cases in which the NIAC Internet Response Team was involved. In this case, it appears that agents of the terrorist regime Ministry of Intelligence were also involved. In my opinion, for example, the poster Marhoum kharmagas (aka Kharmagas, anony 7) is probably an agent of the MOI. Also other supporters of the terrorist regime were participating on these blogs supporting NIAC and attacking the opposition. I think only one IRI supporter criticized NIAC.



In my judgment, in the above blogs, myself and other opposition posters completely and fully defeated the supporters of NIAC (and its Internet Response Team). Let me thank again those in the opposition (e.g., democrats, socialists, monarchists) who participated in the above blogs and helped out. Sepaas gozaram.

My criticism of the NIACis in the above blog is this. First, if you were secretly sent an e-mail by the NIAC official or member in the NIAC Internet Response Team and hid that fact, then you engaged in something fishy. In other words, YOU were NOT honest. And more significantly, your BEHAVIOUR in those two blogs were unethical and immoral. Instead of providing HONEST answers, you NIACis engaged in making FALSE PERSONAL ATTACKS AND INSULTS. Therefore, I condemn your immoral and unethical behavior.

What the document exposed by Mr. Dai shows is that the personal attacks and insults were not spontaneous responses of individual who did not have good answers, but rather these personal attacks and insults were mobilized secretly by the NIAC Internet Response Team.

3. I disagree with many of Mr. Dai’s views. For example, the document does NOT show that JJ did anything wrong.

Actually, my opinion of JJ greatly improved (it was already very high). The document clearly shows that JJ simply told NIAC officials how to register and submit articles.

JJ has on many occasions stated that he is sympathetic to NIAC. It is JJ’s right to be sympathetic to any organization he so desires. I disagree with JJ’s view on NIAC. But what is significant is whether JJ has done anything secretly that should be condemned. The answer is absolutely that JJ has not done anything wrong. JJ has shown that he is fair, HONEST, and decent human being.

In conclusion

1. Thank you Mr. Dai for exposing NIAC’s documents.

2. I criticize NIAC for its meetings with (and friendly e-mails to) the high-level officials of the TERRORIST regime. I condemn NIACis at Iranian.com for making personal attacks and insults instead of providing honest answers to questions.

3. I thank JJ for his integrity and decency. JJ jaan, thank YOU.

my 2 cents,



So non-sense and chert o

by comments on

So non-sense and chert o pert.

I didn't expect JJ to reply.  Is JJ going to defend himself for har khari?

Shifteh Ansari

Freedom of Speech

by Shifteh Ansari on


In my humble opinion, and with all due respect, featuring malicious literature against yourself on the first page of Iranian.com does not prove that you are a defender of free speech. In fact you don't need to prove anything in that area. Your 15-year record and Iranian.com's archives show what kind of commitment you have to freedom of expression.

Freedom of speech does not equal being able to make unfounded and libelous remarks about people and entities. Hassan Daei has no right to drag your and your website's good name into his dubious years-long squabble with Trita Parsi. You are a publisher with exemplary integrity and you shouldn't be pulled into Hassan Daei's mudslinging at Trita Parsi or anyone else.

As for Hassan Daei's "point of view," what is it exactly? To be able to hate, a lot, frequently, and publicly, is not really considered valuable political analysis or commentary. It makes me sad to see Los Angeles TV stations invite Mr. Daei on their programs and let him loose on his hate, making a spectacle of himself and adding exactly nothing constructive to the discourse.

Daei's libelous attack on Iranian.com as one of the most democratic spaces for Iranians worldwide just shows how out of touch he is with reality. It amazes me that some Iranians who have never built anything to help others would so easily take steps to destroy the results of the dedicated, hard, and selfless efforts of others.

Anonymous Observer

JJ can never be a part of any "army"

by Anonymous Observer on

he's just too out of shape! 

Sorry JJ.  Couldn't resist dude.   :-))


Plus, I heard that NIAC requires all its top echelon to sport a goatee, which is another missing link in the "NIAC - JJ" chain of intrigue! 


Red Wine


by Red Wine on

چه شد آقا ؟ اینجا چه خبر است ؟ نصفه شب است اینجا و این همه سر و صدا و نمیگذارید با خیال راحت زن همسایه را دید زنیم !

اگر قرار بر امتیاز و غیره باشد..پس لطفا سهم ویژه ما را بپردازید که هم مستحقیم و هم پروردگار راضی‌ شود.

خداوند سایه حضرت جهانشاه (بزرگ سلطان جهانگردی و جهانگشایی) خان محترم را از سر ما کم نکند .



امتیازات ویژه!


اگر امتیازات ویژه ای توی این سایت هست بیزحمت خدا وکیلی سهم مرا هم  بدین و مرا هم فراموش نکنین!

والله بخدا منهم دل دارم و از یک دوست با بنفیت بدم نمیاد!


"به چند ایمیلی که بین جهانشاه جاوید و تیم نایاک رد و بدل شده نگاه کنید تا با "بیطرفی" سایت ایرانیان در مورد نایاک آشنا شوید.این ایمیل ها نشان میدهد که نایاک از امتیازات ویژه ای در این سایت برخوردار بوده"

Ari Siletz

Suggestion on how to get more space on IC

by Ari Siletz on

NIAC helps work the problems Iranian-Americans face in the American civic arena today. Visas, discrimination issues, community interactions with US representatives... In this way the organization is relevant to the Iranian-American community. NIAC's progress reports and issue raisings address all of us at IC whether we are NIAC supporters or not.

In contrast Hassan Dai's discourse is singularly about "exposing" and stuff. So boring, so passe, so relentless in its obstinate refusal to evolve beyond the quaqmire of tried and failed old generation tactics.

This article is a museum piece, maybe worth a frame in a nostalgic IC photo essay. To get more space, have something useful to say. We've got a community to build!