نویسنده، شاعر، مورخ، طنز پرداز و بالا تر از همه، انسان والای ما : "دیوانه" مدتی است که در این سایت ، غائب است. این شعر بمنزله ی دعوت نامه ای است برای بازگشت افتخار آفرین ایشان
دیوانه ، کجا رفتی
تنها مگذار ما را
با آن قلم شیرین
مشعوف بدار ما را
بی تو نشود دل، خوش
ماییم پریشانا ، ماییم پریشانا ...
از دوستداران ، تقاضا می شود در قسمت کامنت، این دعوت نامه را تایید فرمایند. تشکر
Recently by All-Iranians | Comments | Date |
کار پردازان انگلیس در ایران : ۵٢ - احسان نراقی عنصر فعال فراماسونر | 4 | Dec 04, 2012 |
اشعاری به یاد محمد مختاری شاعر و نویسنده ی مقتول ایران | 11 | Dec 04, 2012 |
خدمتگزاران فرهنگ ایران : ٢٠ - محمد نوری | 2 | Dec 02, 2012 |
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
حال دانیم ، چون و چندانی
All-IraniansMon Jan 23, 2012 01:34 PM PST
خبرت ، خوش رسیده است به ما
حال دانیم ، چون و چندانی
شاید اکنون به شهر تهرانی
عازم یک سفر به میلانی
یا که هستی به خاک رومانی
پس از آن، رهسپار یونانی
هر کجا هستی ای آبادانی
راحت و تندرست و خوش مانی
با احترام فراوان
همه ی ایرانیان
Dear Friends
by divaneh on Mon Jan 23, 2012 01:05 PM PSTI have been humbled and am indebted to all of you for your kindness and for the care that you have shown.
This is what I feared would happen when I left the comment for JJ. I did not wish to give the impression of breaking up with the site (ghahr) which often is a form of attention seeking. I however had made my mind no to contribute to this site any longer (with exception of completing an unfinished job) and felt that it was my duty to let the management and other contributors know why someone may snap. Otherwise I would have left without a note as I frankly do not wish to be in this embarrassing position of receiving attention for the wrong reasons. But hey, I have not been this spoilt in ages, so thanks.
I can assure you that I was careful not to blame others for my own action. MPD’s assumed chain of events is unfortunately not what happened. After the update I checked the blogs and still those in front and behind mine were not featured. I did not feel it was right to write an email to the Admin as Souri suggested. In the past I have written to the admin when a featured blog was removed from the list after an update. This is however a different case. In this case it was singled out and was not featured and it has happened before too. I have avoided writing to admin in such cases as I am not interested in forced self-promotion. Having said that, like many others, I am constantly battling for time and when I allocate some time to an item, it is based on certain assumptions which in this case were based on the stated rules of the site. It is a huge discouragement to allocate many hours to a blog and then see it left in a back page whilst a blog that is nothing but a link to a video of an old advert in the Youtube has been featured. I have admired JJ in the past for his achievements and understand the difficulties of the task, but bloggers’ time is also valuable. Still I would have not uttered a word if JJ stated that the editor/s would select the featured blogs.
And lastly, as one positive outcome, I have found that I can induce a feeling of poetry in people. Reading all these beatiful poems I felt a little bit like Khamenei :)
Dear Vildemose,
I am sorry and feel guilty that you have been bashed because of me. I did not take your world literally as some other friends did and understood that you just wanted me to feel good and valuable. I think as we mature we can exchange some niceties without holding to every word of a compliment. I can assure you and everyone else that I am mature enough not to take this wrong and assume a false grandeur. I took your compliment in the same way that I took the kind words by All-Iranians who called me a writer, poet, historian and satirist. Whilst I am grateful to AI for this blog and such generosity, I know that I am none of these but another amateur writer who has written a few blogs in the above fields. As the old Persian saying goes “Man aanam ke man daanam”.
I feel guilty that I didn't reply him nicely once. Compensation:
by Farfromheaven2002 on Mon Jan 23, 2012 12:19 PM PSTای دریغا ز آشنا اسفند
All-IraniansMon Jan 23, 2012 11:11 AM PST
ای دریغا ز آشنا اسفند
که فتاده به حال بحرانی
که بیایی و عطر گل آری
ای تو دیوانه ی آبادانی
همه ی ایرانیان
PS: to be continued
آقا اگه با حرف نمیاد بگیم داریوش جان با پس گردنی بیاردش!
Esfand AashenaMon Jan 23, 2012 10:30 AM PST
Everything is sacred
ای تو دیوانه ی آبادانی
All-IraniansMon Jan 23, 2012 10:26 AM PST
هم فرامرز و آشنا اسفند
مانده اند در بساط حیرانی
که بیایی و عطر گل آری
ای تو دیوانه ی آبادانی
همه ی ایرانیان
PS: to be continued
دیوانه چو دیوانه ببیند خوشم آید!
Esfand AashenaMon Jan 23, 2012 07:22 AM PST
Everything is sacred
ای تو دیوانه ی آبادانی
All-IraniansMon Jan 23, 2012 06:54 AM PST
ای تو دیوانه ی آبادانی
همردیف عبید زاکانی
دوستانت ، همه درین وبلاگ
وبلاگ_ مردمان ایرانی
دکتر و آن شراب سرخ ناب
بانو شیرین و ساز و لیوانی
نازنین خانمی ز اهل ادب
کاویانی زنی که می دانی
سوری و ج ج هست و آناهید
ویلدموز اندکی عجیب و بعید
ام و پی دی و شخصی از تگزاس
مازیار و یکی خراسانی
موندا و روزبه خان و انگلوفیل
مشدی قاسم "رفیق" جان جانی
دو سه دیگر میان این جمعند
ناله دارند ازین پریشانی
که بیایی و عطر گل آری
ای تو دیوانه ی آبادانی
همه ی ایرانیان
PS: to be continued
خبر آورد مرغ سحر که دیوانه عاقل شد!
FaramarzMon Jan 23, 2012 06:41 AM PST
خبر آورد مرغ سحر که دیوانه سر انجام عاقل شد
کوله پشت بر دوش نهاد و در کاری خیر شاغل شد
رها نمود الافی و پرسه در این سایت شب و روز
از کودک فکران سوا گشت و سر انجام بالغ شد!
من و مست و تو دیوانه
anglophileMon Jan 23, 2012 06:16 AM PST
صد بار تو را گفتم کم خور دو سه پیمانه
در شهر یکی کس را هوشیار نمی بینم
هر یک بدتر از دیگر شوریده و دیوانه
دیوانه جان لطفا برگرد!
MondaSun Jan 22, 2012 10:38 PM PST
با این توضیحات اگر هنوز لازمه، من هم دست به پتیشن امضا کردنم بد نیست.
Wow! What an outpouring of emotions!
by Disenchanted on Sun Jan 22, 2012 10:27 PM PSTIt is interesting and heart warming to see our otherwise callus :-) bloggers are expressing support for return of Divaneh! Very nice!
Of course i agree with him that the policy regarding featured blogs is a bit murky, fuzzy & fishy! :-) As i have mentioned in an independent blog the fact that we have "someone" who publishes two blogs a day -guaranteed rain or shine- can't be possibly reconciled with the fact that other blogs have to go through some KIND of selection process!
That is a black eye for Iranian.com! I think JJ has to tell us straight that may be Anti defamation league has forced him to publish two doses of nonsesne everyday as an anti-body for an otherwise pervasive anti-semitism on this site! :-) Wink wink!
Anyhow, although we all miss Divaneh, the good news is thanks to having had to read all your blogs and arguing with you I have become Divaneh myself. So there you go ... :-)
ای دیوانه عاقل تو کجایی؟
Roozbeh_GilaniSun Jan 22, 2012 09:56 PM PST
Yes, his absence as one of only a handfull of contributers who say and write something of a substance is well noted by those of us fed up with the daily drivel of the gangs of ....... Frankly, I would not blame him if he never returns to this site, like the other notable contributer, Majid. These guys are just too good for this site....
To JJ, MPD, & Divaneh
by All-Iranians on Sun Jan 22, 2012 09:41 PM PSTJenab JJ Thank you for your very clear & honest response. More power to you!
Jenab MPD Thank you for your very logic analysis & reasoning. More power to you too!
Jenab Divaneh Now, JJ said it. MPD explained it. What else? Is there any other problem? If not, please come back soon. More power to you too!
Indeed, you are right dear MPD
by Souri on Sun Jan 22, 2012 09:01 PM PSTMy last blog was featured. After a second thought, I decided to change the title (which you didn't like it by the way :))
Before making any change, I sent an email to the editor, informing him that I was about to change the title, and I asked him to do me a favor and re-feature the blog again. And he did it.
I think it is always better to communicate with the Admin, directly, to avoid any confusion.
Thank you for the Editor's explanation
by Multiple Personality Disorder on Sun Jan 22, 2012 08:58 PM PSTI was trying to tell Divaneh the same thing that the Editor stated in his comment, but I think Dinaneh believes he made the changes to his blog before even 'the blog before his' was featured. However, I think things happened in this order:
1-Divaneh looked at the Featured Blogs list and saw that his blog, and the one before his, was not featured yet.
2-He went to make the change that was suggested by me.
3-While Divaneh was making the change his blog was featured.
4-Divaneh updated his blog and as the result his blog was un-featured
5-The blog before Divaneh's was featured.
6-Divaneh looked at the Featured Blog list again and saw that his blog was not featured, but the log before his was.
I think all of this is just a misunderstanding.
People who work hard to write original and creative materials rightfully get upset when their hard work goes unnoticed. Case in mind, right now there are 23 blogs on the Featured Blogs list, of those 40% are copy-and-paste matterials, maybe with a few sentences added here and there to make them look like the blogger has done some work, but they are essentially copy-and-paste materials. These blogs take away space from original bloggers, such as Divaneh. The lack of clear rules are upsetting, so much so that creative bloggers feel like there is a "double standard" going on around here.
LOL, dear JJ
by Souri on Sun Jan 22, 2012 08:20 PM PSTYou reminded me of a very pleasent past.
Back in Iran, we were a big family, 35 cousins from my mother's side, only. Many of us (about 12) were always together, going out together, clubs, discos, parties....everything. There was that cousin, Faramarz, who was the eldest one. Eveytime, there was a problem, something wrong happening somewhere, or parents yelling at us for being late....etc, we were used to put all the guilts on Faramarz, because he was the eldest and responsible for us, also because he could take it, no problem!
Now, you remind me of my cousin Faramarz. Everything happening at IC, is only your fault! It is better, this way, Everybody is happy with that :)
ey baba!
by Jahanshah Javid on Sun Jan 22, 2012 07:50 PM PSTif I didn't feature Divaneh's translation of MPD's poem, it was my mistake and completely unintentional. of course i would have featured it!
usually though what happens is that I feature blogs and then bloggers go back and edit something. when you do that the publishing system automatically drops that blog from the featured list. if the blogger emails me and lets me know, i'll re-feature it.
again, if it was my mistake, ghalat kardam!
dear VPK
by Souri on Sun Jan 22, 2012 06:57 PM PSTDivaneh's absence is due to a completely different reason. His last blog, a beautiful translation of the poem "Hejab" of MPD, was not featured. Here is what he said in there:
Dear JJby divaneh on Sat Jan 14, 2012 02:58 PM PST
This is not the first time that
my blog has not been featured in the main page despite your own stated
rules. Last time I translated the first part of my own article about the
British and Shia clergy, and had to see the result of my hard work
hidden in a back page. I am not necessarily proud of everything that I
write and I do not think that I deserve or have a right to have my blog
featured in the first page. It is however about your double standards. I
have enough respect for myself not to put up with such treatment. I
will finish any unfinished work but will not compete for room in your
featured blogs anymore.
About Vildemose,
Although it is very bad to comment about an individual (I know) but I must say that I agree with you. Ms Vildemos is here since a long while and had greatly contributed to the site. She was always very nice and her comments were mostly witty. Recently, I have seen a big change of the cape (as they say it in French). Maybe she is going through a difficult time or having some personal issues, which of course it is not our business. But I wanted to mentione that I too, regeret that we have to read sometimes some very irritating comment from this otherwise very valuable member of the site.
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Sun Jan 22, 2012 06:38 PM PSTI don't want to wreck this blog and do miss Divaneh. I don't know why Divaneh left actually did not know about it until now. But figured I put in my input. Maybe the way people behave here turns others off. It turns me off for sure.
Many times my family has asked me "why do you read IC when you do not enjoy it much". I guess it is because of habit. My suggestion is to instead of begging and pleading change the tone. A perfect example was the post I mentioned.
People here constantly bicker and insult even when there is no reason. People rather yell than listen to each other. Most blogs are highly opinionated and silly. I guess IC needs to improve or settle for the people who are here now.
نامه ای از دیوانه به ما رسید
aboli_moezziSun Jan 22, 2012 06:06 PM PST
جل الخالق...اولش فکر می کردم شاید خواب باشم.بعد دیدم نه بابا خودشه. هفته پیش از دیوانه نامه ای داشتم به تگزاس. جماعت نگران نباشید. دیوانه حالش خوب و تنش سالم و نفسش گرم است. بابا دیوانه جان با این همه التماس و درخواست، یه رحمی به این جماعت منتظر به دیدار و گریان در فراق زیارت خودت بکن. برگرد به این تارنما و ما را از سلامتی خود خبر دار کن.
وسلام نامه تمام
Jenab Veiled Prophet of Khorasan
by All-Iranians on Sun Jan 22, 2012 05:34 PM PSTPlease take it easy and do not read it ONLY. Be kind enough and read it as ONE OF THE MOST, please.
by maziar 58 on Sun Jan 22, 2012 05:28 PM PSTNO OREGANO!
till the return of our great hamshahri.
P.S If he's not vacationing in greece or god forbid at bed.
Majnon aziz, this place is not the same without you
by Mash Ghasem on Sun Jan 22, 2012 05:06 PM PSTAnd as you could see, we all miss you, please be back ASAP. Cheers
Yes I want Divaneh back
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Sun Jan 22, 2012 04:53 PM PSTBut frankly I find the comment by Vildermose very obnoxious:
You are the ONLY well-adjusted emotionally, mentally and politically individual on this site.
Thanks Vildermose you just managed to insult every single person on IC. If this is what you think of us why do you bother to stay here yourself.
I wish Divaneh changes his mind and will be back soon
by Souri on Sun Jan 22, 2012 04:32 PM PSTHe has write intersting articles and has some great points.
I wish he reconsider his decision, especially that it's only over a matter of featuring. Personally I never look at the list of featuring blogs, because it is irrelevant to me, but I have to admit that i've noticed that my blogs get more reads when they are featured. Divaneh is now well known in this site and everybody (or almost) knows him. His funs would never miss any of his blogs, whether they are featured or not.
Anyway, I wish him the bests.
Divaneh jan: where are you?
by vildemose on Sun Jan 22, 2012 04:30 PM PSTDivaneh jan: where are you? You are the ONLY well-adjusted emotionally, mentally and politically individual on this site. You are a breath of fresh air and restorer of our faith to humanity when all hell breaks loose on this site.
Please Come back and don't deprive of us your wisdom, your thoughts and invaluable insights. IC will never be the same without your voice of reason.
We love you and we beg you to come back...
A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.--Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
بله، بله!
Nazy KavianiSun Jan 22, 2012 04:28 PM PST
من فکر کردم ایشان را چند روز پیش دیدم که مثل همیشه به طنز و عقل و شعور روی سایت مشغول بودند. اما مباد که ایشان و یا هر یک از دوستان بروند.
من دیوانۀ عزیز را بسیار بسیار دوست و احترام دارم.
در تکمیل شعر دعوت نامه
All-IraniansSun Jan 22, 2012 04:23 PM PST
برگرد و بده جلوه
بر تارنمای ما
دیوانه ، کجا رفتی
تنها مگذار ما را ...
Dear Divaneh
by Anahid Hojjati on Sun Jan 22, 2012 03:53 PM PSTyou should come back. we miss your great writings such as the poem that you wrote about lady who killed the soccer player's wife. you are also funny and a good observer. so i sign this invitation too.