The American dream...

by پندارنیک

I only wonder why does the United states of America have to pay to the recepient of her foreign aid, the biggest recipient being the state of Israel, while there are so many economic and social problems that are increasingly piling up on the shoulders of the average American family...................when will the American tax payers wake up and voice their rational concerns over the chronic injustices at home and abroad? When will the American voters will succeed in taking their legislative apparatus back from the ominous grip of the Zionist state's lobbyist groups and their paralyzing financial web? 

This video which was pffffffffted into my inbox, made me write a few words and post it in the blog section..........I wish I was anywhere close to her talent in writing.....................


**There must be a reason for my inability to embed the video.........this too shall pass........


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Mash Ghasem

WASP's domination of American Media and Financial system is

by Mash Ghasem on

an irrefutable fact.

Only obtuse Jew bashers (like the one in here) would deny such a basic fact of US political-economy.

As far as a progressive renewal of American politics and culture don't forget how the Occupied Movement in US, was copied and followed throughout the world. Just wait till March 21, 2012 and you'll see its continuation.

Since this blogger seems to have an eternal love for his Emam, hereby  he is given the prize for the most obtuse, Jew bashing blogger of the day.

Enjoy and squeez it hard in your little hands. Cheers
