The British Coincidence in Iran


by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy


An article was just written by the Daily Telegraph regarding the Involvement of the Foreign Secretary Of The UK's Direct Supporters in helping "the Hebollah Party In Iran" stay in power after the disputed June 2009 election, where the Hezbollah Party In Iran Rigged the elections in favor of the Supreme Leaders favourite candidate.  In August the gave the Regime a sophisticated software developed, which was capable of tracking the physical location of people that it could identify as protestors. 

The hezbollah party in Iran used this software to capture, imprison and torture tens of thousands of people that were protesting the Regime.  The report by the UN Human rights commission noted that many protestors were taken with out a trial and executed wthout anyones Knowledge, some 300 Iranians were executed by "the Hezbollah Party In Iran" in just one case identified alone.  Also important to note was the massive cover up of the number of killed protestors who died of wounds in hospital, where much higher numbers of dead protestors bodies at over eight hospitals were noted by hospital staff. 

So why are the British so deeply involved in Keeping "the Hezbollah Party in Iran" in power?  Why was the British Media, known as the BBC, busy producing propaganda against the Monarchy which lead to the 1979 Coup, based on exageratting and repeating 3 lies about the government 1) Dictator (for a leader that has not one single recorded case of ever using absolut power) 2) Corruption (as if this abuse was more than in it exists in the West). 3) Repression (with out acknowleding that it was less than in 90% of the world and among the very best in this regard).

This news was put forward in a particulary misleading way in the telegraph because it came to public consciousness after many reporters gave information after having being captured that the IRI had records of their location and asked questions about it.  So when the telegraph says in its,

"A British technology firm with links to William Hague, the Foreign Secretary,
has sold a product to Iran which could be used to track down protesters."


every single part of this misleading statement needs to be altered, 1) this occured to support the foreign offices actual policy for the IRI 2) It was used to torture, imprison and execute people, not could be used 3) Nothing was sold to Iran, Iran is me and you, it was given to the Hezbollah Party in Power in Iran, which the UK helped bring to power and clearly is helping to keep in power.  Do you still believe in coincidences? Like the British Coincidence in Iran.



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The Wests Mission Accomplished in Iran, Iraq and Libya. Now Syria. Part 2. (4 parts)
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more from amirparvizforsecularmonarchy

A Reminder...

by omeedvar on

Besides the British, many other countries have benefited from the Hezbollah Party in Iran since 1979. That is why they still support them. However, there is a difference between America and England. After the WWII, America replaced British and Soviet power and influence in Iran, and kept its long-term influence until 1979. Hezbollah facilitated the return of British and Russians to Iran, and provided their long-term interests by making their rival (America) the devil (shaitaan-e bozorg), starting with the hostage taking in 1980. and daily slogan of "Death to America" thereafter!


A Reminder...

by omeedvar on

Besides the British, many other countries have benefited from the Hezbollah Party in Iran since 1979. That is why they still support them. However, there is a difference between America and England. After the WWII, America replaced British and Soviet power and influence in Iran, and kept its long-term influence until 1979. Hezbollah facilitated the return of British and Russians to Iran, and provided their long-term interests by making their rival (America) the devil (shaitaan-e bozorg), starting with the hostage taking in 1980. and daily slogan of "Death to America" thereafter!


A Reminder...

by omeedvar on

Besides the British, many other countries have benefited from the Hezbollah Party in Iran since 1979. That is why they still support them. However, there is a difference between America and England. After the WWII, America replaced British and Soviet power and influence in Iran, and kept its long-term influence until 1979. Hezbollah facilitated the return of British and Russians to Iran, and provided their long-term interests by making their rival (America) the devil (shaitaan-e bozorg), starting with the hostage taking in 1980. and daily slogan of "Death to America" thereafter!


Anglo, British Foreign Policy is driven by long term dependency?

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Wealth accumulated by injustice does not indicate a foreign policy driven by long term dependency, it indicates a foreign policy based on lies.  The more the UK/USA lies the more they start believing their own lies.  It started with the idea of oil being a fossil fuel, that was a lie, it lead to stating oil was not abundant and replenishable all over the world that was also a lie, now it is based on the myth that global warming is going on as a result of human activity and burning fossil fuels which are not fossil at all. 

All this false science is to put forward in order to support the fantasy and fool their own intellectuals that British foreign policy is based on long term dependency, but it does more to conceal the truth than open ones eyes to the lies that idea is based on.  No necessity or dependency for this approach exists in reality.


The Problems Iran faces are Insurmountable at the Moment

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

For the moment, we not only have the USA/UK/France/Israel all working on imposing/keeping the IRI on Iranians and guiding the minds of their own people that they are for Freedom/Human Rights/Democracy, like the story behind removing Ghaddafi, but we also have all the other powers happy to benefit from Irans weakness and Regression.  The West wants to keep the IRI, but preferably their own group of mullahs, to keep Iran backwards and to be able to control iranians, the good news is the hezbollah party in Iran which is so vicious against Iranians is also not containable, so at some point the world will be in no position to keep them in power. 

This is why the British Coincidence, which is no coincidence at all is also extremely short sighted.  This type of neo-colonialism can only work on the assumption that the hezbollah party in Iran can be contained and anyone can tell you that that is folly, they can't even start dialogue with them let alone contain them, sanctions won't work and if they ever move for Regime Change, Iranians will have an opportunity to oppose the world and vote in the Shah.  It won't be difficult, because within Iran there is a longing for the monarchy.  The difficulty will be once the shah comes back to power in actually solving Irans problems, which is no easy task, he will literally have one obstacle after another placed infront of him and it may take 20 years just to restore freedom in Iran.

Iranians being more educated is not the issue, the west first spins the minds of its own educated people, long before it divides and rules educated Iranians.  So they fool their own before they fool ours. Developing a good character for Iranians is the issue, there is not much you can do against people of good character.  In the 79 coup, Iran couldn't even count on the loyalty of some of its top officers and that treason/karma, dealt a nation of traitors the corrupt islamic authorities we have in power today.  We need to know what really matters, not the words/cliches, but the real feeling of the quality, the essence.  We need to reconnect to our Farr and live from our Farr, in that way our problems will become surmountable and we will become United.  A great mind is no substitute for a good heart.  



by iamfine on

You are right. my cousins were anti shah and to this day they don't want to admit that they were wrong. Shah did lots of good for the country and unfortunately we did not appreciated him. Hope one day Iranians will become more educated in that regard


iamfine politics uses lying, cynicism and hypocrisy

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

The ultimate responsibility for being in the mess that we are in is Iranians falling for the wests plans for us and the inability to admit where we were fooled, so this keeps us divided and weaker/more controllable.  Many Iranians to this day are far from patriotic, loyal Iranians, they say that all of irans problems are the shahs fault and we went from one dictator to another, well with ignorance on that scale you want Iran to be able to do well?  These people believe in the goodness of the USA/UK/Israel for Iran and think they will get help in making Iran a democracy, there is a difference between wishful thinking and stupiditiy unfortunately we are victims of both.

Since iranians don't acknowledge their past mistakes in betraying a good shah they will have difficulty uniting and restoring the One institution that has proven it can succeed in the face of foreign domination and create a free, prosperous, evolving Iran, which will become more democratic only with freedom & time, not instantly after this period of islamic tyranny.

This Shows the Wests real unseen agenda, keeping Islam in power. We have been victims of their policy for 32 years now and it's not going to change unless we can first admit the mistakes we made in the past (victim of their deceit having us work against the shah), and honestly change by actively supporting the Iranian Institution of the Monarchy to Liberate Iran.


Those SOBs

by iamfine on

I have no respect for British. All lies and have no respect for human rights. Yet, they keep talking about human rights in Libya and Syria....May god (if there is one), mess up their country.


For the same reason that Americans did it

by anglophile on

Economic superiority in the region. And one correction Amir Parviz: Unlike their American ally, the British foreign policy is not driven by short term expediency but is based on a long term dependency.