ساده رنگ

Azadeh Azmoudeh
by Azadeh Azmoudeh

آسمان، آبي‌تر،
آب آبي‌تر.
من در ايوانم، رعنا سر حوض.

رخت مي‌شويد رعنا.
برگ‌ها مي‌ريزد.
مادرم صبحي مي‌گفت: موسم دلگيري است.
من به او گفتم: زندگاني سيبي است، گاز بايد زد با پوست.

زن همسايه در پنجره‌اش، تور مي‌بافد، مي‌خواند.
من "ودا" مي‌خوانم، گاهي نيز
طرح مي‌ريزم سنگي، مرغي، ابري.

آفتابي يكدست.
سارها آمده‌اند.
تازه لادن‌ها پيدا شده‌اند.
من اناري را، مي‌كنم دانه، به دل مي‌گويم:
خوب بود اين مردم، دانه‌هاي دلشان پيدا بود.
مي‌پرد در چشمم آب انار: اشك مي‌ريزم.
مادرم مي‌خندد.
رعنا هم."

سهراب سپهری 


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Azadeh Azmoudeh

Another Student

by Azadeh Azmoudeh on

Thanks for the clip. It was wonderful.



یاد و خاطره‌ سهراب سپهری گرامی.

Another student (not verified)

Azadeh Azmoudeh

Anonymous Student

by Azadeh Azmoudeh on

What is so great about art and literature is you can define it no matter what. Someone might percieve those words as having some implied meaning, and some might have fun with the pleasure of being simple. Sohrob has mentioned the word "sipmplicity" so many times in his "HAsht Ketab" and he meant it. When he says ساده باشیم چه در زیر درخت چه در بانک

I believe he was one of the few who talked about this specific characteristic of human being. In this piece, I think he talks about daily life, and talked about openness, when he says the last line. However, there are people who take his words down to Soficism. I read peotry and enjoy those which touch my hear and Sohrob's is one of them.



Lemon juice

by Anonymous Student (not verified) on

It’s so easy to misunderstand. I remember in elementary school there was a lesson about different types of tastes, and there was a picture painting of a boy who had just tasted a sour lemon and because of it he was squinting, almost like crying, so for the longest time I thought he must have squirted lemon juice in his eyes when he was cutting it so he was crying!

So, what does this poem supposed to mean? The words are so simple. Is this just a recitation of memory of a simple life, or did he have a crush on his neighbor, or is it a call for more open heartedness?

Orang Gholikhani

I liked it

by Orang Gholikhani on

Rohash shad bash