How Judgemental Are You?

Azadeh Azmoudeh
by Azadeh Azmoudeh

I have no problem with discussing matters; however, when it turns into argument I rather step back and ook what is that each side wants to proof and why! It is so interesting that some of my blog comments give me an opportunity to find ttle for the next. In the last blog I wrote about "isolation", and all I wanted to say was that we human being initially are alone, regardless of living in a society. I brought a back up from Yalom(by the way it ends with "m"), who does not argue, but theorized his idea of existantialism. If an individual wants to reject it, fine with me; however, please do not discredit the guy! This is what I call judgementalism, where we have gathered ideas from here and there and want to put down someone because he/she does not say what we believe. We also go furthur and question his credibility!!! That was when I had to stop and think what was going on. Why do we attack, when we can respect others and go on our way?


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Psychologists: Matsters of labeling and judgmentalism

by Mehdi on

Funny how your whole blog is about judgmental ism, which you never defined, after no matter how many comments I left. But your replies are nothing but labels. I am saying that is ALL there is to psychology. I am saying all psychological "illnesses" and "syndromes" etc are nothing more than labels. They have never been proven to exists. ALL such "illnesses" are voted in by the APA. They ask who "thinks" we should call something an illness and take a vote and voila, a new illness is borne. You call that a science?

I attack ignorance and lies. If you find yourself offended, I am not sure what you want me to do. I am sorry that what you spent years "memorizing" turns out to be useless. Instead of getting upset and start labeling, you should ask yourself why you did that. That would be the sane approach. Or show me how it was not useless. What gives you the idea that I am frustrated? Why would I be? I didn't get that degree. Please stop typical labeling used by psychologists in order to gain authority. If you were equipped with scientific approach, you wouldn't need to be labeling, would you?

Let's see if you can answer once, instead of labeling and accusing and making typical meaningless "diagnosis."Why do you think I am attacking you? I am bringing up facts about psychology. It should have been easy to point me to just ONE scientific fact in psychology. But instead you keep repeating that psychologists know things and are the authority without ever pointing to any such knowledge. How is that an attack?

Azadeh Azmoudeh

Annonymous everyday!

by Azadeh Azmoudeh on

I believe everyone can say his/her oopinion. However, there is a difference between arguing over the matters that you have little knowledge and discussing the matter. Arguing is to prove you are right, discussion is I tell my side; however, I listen to yours as well and give you the benefit of a doubt.You might want to look more carefully on his comments some of which are : "useless work", " But if you are only interested in showing off your degree, which you can't explain how it is worth anything, then go ahead","Why defend a worthless degree?". Look at his topics and look how he generalizes. Please refresh my memory where and when I threaten him? You do not need to use vulgarities to show how defensive you are, your mere tonality will show. And I am here to exchange ideas, I will say my part and he can do the same, and FYI I believe I have respected him.  And I believe he has a strong character to defend himself, you do NOT need to worry. Moreover, I left my IM to the world, would that bother you or does that have anything to do with you? Does that bother you if someone, unlike so many. has nothing to hide?!!!!!!!!

Also, when someone leaves a comment as anonymous that by itself tells me a lot about him/her. Have a wonderful time my dear!


you don't have to answer to comments

by AnonymousEveryDay (not verified) on

Azadeh, you can't delete anybody's comment anywhere on this site, even on your own blogs, so stop threatening other users.I always post anonymously and because I am polite and never say bad words,I have never been deleted by JJ. in mehdi's case, he doesn't seem to be saying anything rude or using bad words. he just disagrees with you, and you have no right to threaten him for this.answer him or ignore him, but you can't threaten him.

Azadeh Azmoudeh

Duste Aziz Mehdi Jaan

by Azadeh Azmoudeh on

What does pharmeceutical and their inhuman actions has to do with what I do or believe. Why is it so hard for you to accept, and I am not even asking to respect me?  Furthermore, how do you know me as a human being? Do you know my line of work, or just  judge me basd on the lines you saw here? Honestly, I ask you again: Who or what has frustrated you so much that you have the urge to talk so fiercly? If you are interested in knowing me before attacking me as who I am and what I do (of both I am very proud of), and before labling me as what car I drive (which I don't see if it is any of your business), you just could have IM me, since I don't want to show off in public I could have told you where I m coming from. What you are doing is typical Iranian way of attacking, finding someone and take everything heavy off your chest targetting him/her. It is a little bit immature. I have no problem with you, in fact, I do not even know you and where you have coming from:).

Also, once I said before this is my personal page, if you want to be welcome here you might need to be polite and watch how you talk, (if you are a supporter of the humanity you need to start with yourself and then teach others, right?). So far I have not deleted any of your opinion because, unlike you, I respect you and your perspective towards psychologists and the so-called field (FYI psychologists have no hands in any deal with pharmeceuticals!!!!).



Why defend a worthless degree?

by Mehdi on

Because for useless work, people pay great money! Right?

What I am saying is the the whole thing called psychology, if anybody can ever define what it encompass and what it doesn't, is NOT a science. It is mumbo-jumbo, hocus-pocus. It is not an opinion. It is a scientific fact. There is not ONE theory that has ever been proven. That is not my opinion. You can ask the APA and they will gladly confirm it for you. How is that an opinion then? Open ANY psychology book and it will tell you openly that they are not talking scientifically. So how is that my opinion only?

I thought you wanted to know facts and truth. But if you are only interested in showing off your degree, which you can't explain how it is worth anything, then go ahead. I don't want to rain on your parade. Millions of people are being brutally hurt, LEGALLY, by psychiatrists and psychologists are involved in sending them "patients." Put millions of children on dangerous drugs and justify it by lies and falsehood handed to you by pharmaceutical multi-trillion dollar criminals. Be proud of it. Why not? Buy a Mercedes and say words that seem like you know something. Makes you look educated.

My friends, I told you a few times, I am NOT interested in how many people adore some psychologist. Millions adore the Pope. Does that mean he is talking science? Do you believe in the Pope? What does believing have to do with science. I don't think you have ever looked up that word in a simple dictionary.

Azadeh Azmoudeh


by Azadeh Azmoudeh on

It seems like you have either a very bad experience regarding psychologist, or you are so oblivious to the fact that mathematic can be proven not science. Science is what we can transformational, whereas, 2+2 is always 4. Now, about "unconditional positive Regard":

Carl Ransom Rogers (January 8, 1902February 4, 1987) was an influential American psychologist and among the founders of the humanistic approach to psychology. Rogers is widely considered to be one of the founding fathers of psychotherapy research and was honored for his pioneering research with the Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions by the American Psychological Association in 1956. The Person-centered approach, his own unique approach to understanding personality and human relationships, found wide application in various domains such as psychotherapy and counseling (Client-centered therapy), education (Student-centered learning), organizations, and other group settings. For his professional work he was bestowed the Award for Distinguished Professional Contributions to Psychology by the APA in 1972. Towards the end of his life Carl Rogers was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his work with national intergroup conflict in South Africa and Northern Ireland.[1] In an empirical study by Haggbloom et al. (2002) using six criteria such as citations and recognition, Rogers was found to be the sixth most eminent psychologist of the 20th Century and among clinicians, second only to Sigmund Freud.[2]. (Wikipedia).

Also check this out://

By the way, you are entitled to your opinion.(an example of UPR :0) 



I have to prove your point?

by Mehdi on

I can't quite understand what you are saying here but are you asking me to prove that the phrase has NOT been scientifically defined? I don't think I understand. What I said is that you have used a phrase which is vague and quite meaningless. It is like saying I will be good to my patients. It doesn't mean anything really. It is not new. It doesn't define anything. So I was asking what it means. Is that a scientific definition or just somebody said something and everybody is welcome to decide what that means?

To make it clear, I mentioned Hitler. He could say, hey "I give unconditional positive regard toward people of the world." If it's open to interpretation, we can't say, no you didn't! He could even say, hey you guys are judgmental. How could we say no, we are not? That's what I mean by scientific definition. A definition that is very clear and exact and does not depend on the viewpoint or mentality of a psychologist or ant person.

Azadeh Azmoudeh

Eye for An Eye

by Azadeh Azmoudeh on

Mehdi jaan,

What is your point when you say:"and the other is that "unconditional positive regard toward clients" has not been scientifically defined." And give me some proof, so I that SCIENTIFICALLY" it is not proven :0)



I guess you see yourself as some kind of authority

by Mehdi on

I asked a very specific question but instead of giving me an answer you seem to resort to psychology way of "handling" which is to simply claim that you are an authority and others should just agree with you. What proof do you have that I just want to argue for the sake of arguing? Are you saying my question was invalid? Do you EVER provide proof for what you claim or do you ALWAYS expect people to just say you are right?

I raised two points which you ignored. One was that you have not defined what it means to not be judgmental (scientifically) and the other is that "unconditional positive regard toward clients" has not been scientifically defined. Am I arguing for the sake of arguing? How is that?

Azadeh Azmoudeh

Dearest Mehdi

by Azadeh Azmoudeh on

Do you want to argue for the sake of arguement, or do you want to get some where? Just wondering! If you want to discuss a matter, please next time be more prepared and relax then we can sit down like two mature adults and discuss our view points. Other than that I do NOT see any points to argue about every single matter :) 



unconditional positive regard toward clients - can't be defined

by Mehdi on

What does that phrase mean? So if Hitler came to me I should respect him for who he is?

Or another vague statement. "We are all judgmental." What does that mean? Does that mean we are all sick people? Does that mean psychologists are also judgmental? Then how could they follow your other advice of "unconditional positive regard toward clients?" These are all un-scientific statements.

ebi amirhosseini

Azadeh Jaan

by ebi amirhosseini on


Azadeh Azmoudeh

That's What I am Talking about!

by Azadeh Azmoudeh on

We all are judgemental, Ebbi joon. However, I meant I can have my own opinion and respect yours, instead of attacking you for what you say is against me and my thoughts. And to my friend, Mehdi, no you're absolutely wrong! There is no psychologist you can find who is not bisa!!! However, there is something called unconditional positive regard toward clients, and that is to accept them as who, and what they are without judging them, because only through that we can help them. So it is not BS my friend.



We are all judgemental

by javaneh29 on

 Arent we all judgemental? Its how we rationalise those thoughts internally and then give voice to them that is the issue. Some are better than others at this and some give vent to their instinctual response. And an individuals ability to rationalise and reflect upon their internal thoughts is formed by many factors, some personal and many external.....

If you take a  systemic  approach to this issue, it is not so suprising.



Makes sense - we should respect Khamenei too

by Mehdi on

Otherwise God forbid we may be judgemental (a word invented by psychologist which has never been scientifically defined - only used to shut up the "patient"). If Khemenei has reputation who are we to judge him? What are we trying to prove? Why are we attacking them? Makes total sense.

ebi amirhosseini

Azadeh jaan

by ebi amirhosseini on

Good points you made here.You know better I think,since I've limited knoweldge aobut psychology;is n't in everybody's nature to be somehow judgemental?! but some try to get rid of it,while others not.


Azadeh Azmoudeh

No Attack!

by Azadeh Azmoudeh on

My target is not Mehdi, it is anyone to discredit another just because he wants to. Please, don't tell me he did not attack him. I simply say: You want to reject someone do it without ruining the credibility of someone. I believe if I do not agree with some one I will not attck the character or his/her knowledge. He even questioned psychology and since it is my field of knowledge I did not reply to the last comment in order to prevent subjectivity, and for me there is some other implications to his opinion about this field. There were no on line chatting I do not know the reason. So, there!



i read your discussion with

by ferdowsi (not verified) on

i read your discussion with looked like a fair conversation to me.he didn't attack Yalom too badly and you didn't defend him very well,so it was balanced!what is the prob now? please elaborate.what happened with the online chat offer you gave mehdi?