Of bastards in uniforms

by پندارنیک

once again an American soldier committed the capital crime of murder, which can only be identified as a systematic genocide by an institutionalized killing machine called the US Army.

No matter how many times the Secretary of State is questioned on the topic of troops' behaviour or however many committees are convened on the topic, the fact remains that the US Army is solely an instrument of invasion, destruction, and it does so under the guise of liberation. Shame on any of us who support the idea of a foreign soldier's feet on the soil of our beloved homeland.



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"colateral damage" [sic]

by پندارنیک on

There's only one thing more criminal than a crime and that is any attampt to rationalize it........I've come across many ridiculous ideas and comments, but yours tops them all. You and your ilk represent a portion of the opposition that I hope never gets its way. SHAME ON YOU.

Arash Kamangir

pendar nic: colateral damage

by Arash Kamangir on

This sort of incident can happen anywhere where there is war. After all the afghans are not that grateful for what USA has done for them. If they want to have talibans back, they only have to wait till 2014!! Afghans don't deserve anything better than taliban anyway.


Let’s face it….

by Bavafa on

In the land of opportunities, not the brightest of all will join a profession [volunteerly] where the main task at hand is the act of killing of other human being.  But arguably, “rotten apple” exists and can be found in any society and profession.  The sad part is the follow up and often times cover ups and lack of justice.

Case in point:
The Haditha massacre where 24 unarmed Iraqi men, women and children were killed.


Now in a system that is ruled by dictators such as in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan or Iraq one would not be surprised to see such atrocities go unpunished but in a land where the accountability is the motto of that system, it is sad to see the cover up and lack of justice.

For this sad case, it will remain to be seen what awaits the investigation and justice for the death.  Is that going to be another $100 a head for Afghans.

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



lets not talk about Iranians being executed!

by Fesenjoon2 on

I hear they just executed 5 Arabs in Khuzestan:


and forget the 60 women and children that were burned and massacred in Syria:





Pendar Jan

by Simorgh5555 on

Oh, Pendar jan. Taze fahmidi? Whe you were a revolutionary in Iran circa 1970's you knew very well the atrocities the US carried out in Vietnam and Laos but to name a few countries. You started a revolution to get rid of what you considered a US puppet dictator in the form of the Shah. When you abandoned Iran to its miserable fate where did you take your rear end to? THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. THe bastion of world imperialism. The Great Satan. The country built on slavery and ethnic cleansing.of its native population. The country which dropped the first atomic bomb in the world on the poor civilians in Nagasaki and Hiroshima. It's no good feigning ignorance now Pendar Jan your tax money is being used to fund the continued occupation of Afghanistan as well as Iraq to mention nothing of course about the billions of dollars in loans and financial assistance to Israel. Don't expect us to re-examine our conscience when you need a large dosage of critical introspection yourself (sorry, I forgot. You have a Jewish therapist!). You have no qualms on your conscience about the screw up you made after the revolution which you actively participated or the fact that you betrayed your own political principles to come to the USA or the West to enjoy a good standard of living and economic opportunities. Unlike you Pendar Jan, I can die tomorrow knowing that I did not consign my country to a living hell in 1979 and then running away like a theif.


Not to Worry!!

by Demo on

The 'Sar Kardeh Show-Ghawl-Ha' Obomba, just called the event as 'tragic & shocking' & that 'he has been saddend!'


The depicted 'show-ghal' there next to the poor Afghani villager tells it all about what it means to be under seige by a foreigh army. And that is real 'tragic' part of the whole thing extended for the past 11 years.