Many may have opinions and strong feelings towards existence of Israel and what has happened in the past 60+ years
I am begging our sons, daughters, brothers and sisters to get active in this non-violent endeavor
I believe there is a desperate need for a
unifying leader. That’s the person I’m looking for. Please come out and let us know who you are. I beg you...
Why all this bickering one way or the other to sabotage (directly or indirectly) everything that will have the slightest chance of getting me there?
I have noticed a clear rise in posting of open support for IRR on this site. We have always had for a long time closet supporters... What’s going on?
Would someone here please explain to me what is an “airtight” sanction?
Rather than commenting on different blogs about certain subjects and responding to individual posts, I decided to post this blog to let others know my opinions and line of thinking
There is not virtually a single blog or news post on this site that does not have the word “Israel” in it. Why?
Could someone pleas eexplain to me what is “green”? I may be totally ignorant and truly stupid. What I have gathered so far is that the green movement is an uprising against IRI
What happened to you Mammad? Soraya Ulrich? Why so silent all of a sudden? You don’t like people’s reaching their boiling point?
I believe this movement will continue until a democratic government takes hold. The core of any democracy is separation of church and state. Therefore, this movement will succeed to abolish the sharia law and Velayate vaghih.
If the entire world was a true democracy, (like what the US constitution provides), then, there would be no persecution for religion, ethnicity etc…But, we know that’s not the case
This site has recently been filled in one form or another with blogs and news related to what is happening in Gaza. They all talk about shame this, shame that, boycott this, boycott that