Of Bullets and Ballots

by پندارنیک

Despite what it might otherwise seem, the low turnout for the recent parliamentary election in Iran is a clear indicator that a military venture against Iran will be a grave mistake. It simply shows that  the opposition in Iran is truly enjoying public support. The majority of Iranians cast their "disappproval" ballot by not participating in the sham election................in the coming days we will be inundated with some strange data and unbelievable numbers which the government will publish in order to whitewash their failure..............the great nation of Iran, has indeed distanced herself from the ruling faction of the regime................it'll be only a matter of time before muffled voices of freedom and equality overcome the deafening silence of the terrorized majority.................Foreign powers and US in particular should understand the importance of the initial signs of the fledgling political evolution within our beloved homeland, and not disturb it by intervention...........

A military attack on Iran will spoil the joyous moment of opposition, by strengthening the regime under the banner of the defence of our homeland. Don't do it.


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