Few Questions to Shazdeh Parastan


Few Questions to Shazdeh Parastan
by capt_ayhab

I just had the privilege of reading a blog by one of the most civil, well organized, kind and truly patriotic contributors in this site. I am referring to Ms. Mehrban and her title called [Driving wedges in the secular ranks]

As I was placing a comment on her beautiful writing I started thinking[I know  - not becoming of me] and here is how it went in my mind:

Yes, IR been working very hard in driving the all mighty wedge between the opposition, BUT we can not ignore the fact that opposition, particularly abroad, is headless [leaderless].

The  Green Movement in Iran, in my belief, still has the momentum and the energy to follow up on the premise of change. A permanent and lasting change from yolks of Islamic Regime.
BUT...... I also believe that that movement might need some time to mature, in order for a strong leader to emerge who can unify and consolidate all the factions, where by the complete change and transformation can take place.


With considering the facts above, and  at the expense of few dozen uninvited attack, I have few questions for his majesty to be: 

Question #1: Does this gentleman has ANY, NONE or ALL of the qualification that it takes to consolidate a movement[revolution] of this magnitude? Why or why not??

Question #2: Why and why not it is considered blasphemy by all of his devout followers including  characters such as Mr. Ahy  to question and or criticize the borne into man of no accomplishment?

Question #3: If[which I doubt very seriously] Mr. Pahlavi is a proponent of democracy, which has embedded in its roots, freedom of speech, and right to question a person of authority, why is it that his cronies are hellbent in silencing anything that might be of any offense to this person of no accomplishment?[Be jegheye ishum bar bokhoreh?]

Question #4: Why and why not this person Reza Pahlavi, , who sets claim to 3000 year old heritage of Cyrus and Xerxes, who allegedly is a advocate of human rights is yet to go on records in condemning action of his father, who is the sole responsible, ineffective, tyrannical, treasonous, 3 times fugitive in the face of adversaries, man who pledged his soul to kinds of Nixon, Carter and Kissinger, man who did not have the guts to stand and defend the people, man who ……………………….

Question #5: Mr. Reza Pahlavi…… Who do you serve? Why is it that you boycott elections and once street fights breakout between our brave youth and Baseeji militia, all of sudden you find a microphone to regurgitate your repetitious talking point?

Question #6: How stupid do you really think Iranians who are sacrificing day in and day out are? As stupid as You dude?.............. I beg the differ, no one can beat you buddy.


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Desparation glore...Boro kashketo besab FREE

by capt_ayhab on

Blog Shaban Jafari's latest blog entries.">View recent blog entries Member for 8 min 26 sec   Boro kashketo besab FREE



Shaban Jafari

Ayhab Hendi berakhsseh, Ayhab Hendi berakhsseh

by Shaban Jafari on

Agha oon panka-ro roshan kon bad bokhoreh zir mooyeh Aghou.


Free, Cost of Progress, jamshid

by capt_ayhab on

let us be honest,

Do you not love the photo of your king wanna be in that [WATCH ME CRYING ONLY IN ONE EYE] ?

Oscar you say?????? or just an AME Award?




Free, be honest

by capt_ayhab on

How much do you know? Any? What is it that you can contribute to a conversation except this //iranian.com/main/blog/capt-ayhab/shaaban-ja...

And how much more time do I need to WASTE to educate your illiterate being?




But Honestly Free

by capt_ayhab on

Did you check out what I wrote about your other master Sha'ban Bimokh?

Don't miss it.



Ayhab, the hypocrite

by Free on

who writes in an earlier post (this is the entirety of his post):

"Free is not full of himself, but something rather more .... how should I say it?.... Something rather more  pungent?"

Where's the substance of this post, Ayhab??? 

Kettle, kindly meet the pot.


One very simplified question to Free

by capt_ayhab on

Free..........How dense one has to be, to be  you?

Keep off  my blogs when you have nothing of substance to contribute. Same goes to your cohorts........

Ay baba, ina dige kia hastan??




by Free on

Take your "jan" and "wink" and kindly stick it where your anti-Iranian sun don't shine. If there is universal justice, Karma, you will get yours.



My gift to you all and thanks for partaking

by capt_ayhab on



As Promised Free

by capt_ayhab on


Go have a blast Free jan  [WINK]




by Free on

You're laughable (oh, wait, is that a personal insult?). ha ha. The hypocrite who censors all who he deems out of line writes, "you are not welcome in my blogs."

Listen, bache-mullah, this is a public forum and all of your gestapo tactics will not chill our freedoms and rights. Your hollow threats will not work, pal. I'll come back to this blog and any other nonsensical, biased blog you put up, you hear? Do you understand English, college professor, who can't spell "fond" ("found of")?

And if I get censored and blocked, you be sure that I will be back to put you in your little place over and over again. Now, go ahead and flag me, you hypocrite.




P/S Rules of debate in IC

by capt_ayhab on

  • Comments containing profanity or personal attacks will be
    removed. Repeat offenders will be blocked.
  • Do not post articles
    as comments.
  • Embedding videos is not recommended and may be





by capt_ayhab on

You have been attacking me personally and I am yet to engage you directly is a dirt match that you are used to.

Any time you act uncivilized, make rude and personal attacks in any of my threads, I will  flag you again. I have invited you out of my blog many times very politely,  DUE to  distracting, off subject comments and personal attacks on my person and other civilized commentators,  BUT seems to me you have hard time understanding that you are not welcome in my blogs unless you have something to add to the value of the discussion and refrain from attacking myself or other commentators.

I will not tolerate and engage thuggish[Shaban Bimokhish] and childish remarks by your nor any of your pals, for I have better things to do with my time. If you do not have anything civil and substantive to add to the conversation kindly stay out.

End of conversation



Mr. Hamidbak - sad state of affairs indeed

by capt_ayhab on

Thanks for your to the point comment.

To many who have been spamming this thread with often vulgar and vicious personal attacks, freedom of speech is when you agree with them only. To which i say[keep on dreaming]

What is so childish about them is that  so liberally use the words HYPOCRITE and HYPOCRISY without even looking at the mirror. 

It will a cold day in hell before these people can even begin to understand that the definition of freedom of speech IS the absolute rights of citizens to criticize public figure. Even more disturbing fact is that these people live abroad, mostly in countries that freedom of speech is diligently protected and exercised. Where day in and day out images of the leaders are defaced, and multitude of signs with very harsh criticize of even the highest public official, i.e. President or Prime minister are shown in news media, and in demonstrations.


Imagine these thugs having the control of our country after 31 years of same type of tyranny by Akhunds.

Best regards



Ms. Rusta

by capt_ayhab on

My apology for not mentioning the word [Ladies] in that comment as well.

You know well that your comments and critiques are always more than welcome.

Huges[Ba ejazeh albateh] and have a great day.





by Free on

writes, "When there is freedom of speech, it gives one the right to say basicallywhat he/she wants about another, even if it is an insult."

If that's the standard, then so be it, except that this master hypocrite FLAGGED one of my comments, when all I wrote was that Ayhab is a "shameless" person who should be checked into a hospital for mental examinations. He censored my FREE SPEECH, while this is the same craven creature who attacks Reza Pahlavi as "stupid," "a jackass," "fatboy," giving a "BJ" to AIPAC, an "@ss h@ole," a "McDonald filled carcass," etc.

What is this but SHAMELESS HYPOCRACY???


Freedom Q

by hamidbak on


Freedom is absolute.  It leaves no room for bleeding hearts like you to
whine.  There is either freedom or there isn't. 

When there is freedom of speech, it gives one the right to say basically
what he/she wants about another, even if it is an insult. 

Open your eyes and your mind read about freedom of
speech implemented in multiple nations and come back here and apologies. 
Christ old mighty you people are dense.

Farah Rusta

How about us ladies Captain?

by Farah Rusta on

I hope you would save a little space for some of your female admirers too(myself included). Surely you are not suggesting that we are any less than Gents! :)

I keenly await the result of your investigative stories and I hope you wouldn't mind my critique of them both.

 Good luck [WINK] 




by KouroshS on

I am selling tickets for the upcoming showdown:))




by jamshid on

Just FYI, I am working on two stories that you are gonna love.

1. A deep and investigative look at the Reformists' kaarnaameh.

2. How few knife wielding [chagho kesh] Islamists much like
you essentially destroyed Iran's chance for lasting democracy in

Gather your forces, and stay tuned....



by capt_ayhab on

Just FYI, I am working on  two stories that you children are gonna love.

1. A deep and investigative look at Pahlavi dynasty.

2. How few knife wielding[chagho kesh] Shaban Bimokhs[Jafari] much like
you guys essentially destroyed Iran's chance for lasting democracy in


Gather your forces, and stay tuned....





by Free on

Point well taken, but you're really insulting canines as a species when you call this malcontent character a "dog." Dogs are honorable, brave, praiseworthy, and honest to a bone. Vermin is more like it. 

Also, there is a sinister element at play here, specifically between the censorship cabal on this site and several usual suspects that seem to get away with murder. For example, I had one of my earlier posts censored, where I didn't utter any insults (other than to call this revolting character "shameless"), but all of his vile insults directed at Reza Pahlavi  ("fat boy," "@ss h@ole," "jackass," "stupid," "BJ" to AIPAC, "McDonald-filled carcass") somehow were gifted the protection of Iranian.com Gods. On a side note, how unbelievably sad that a "college professor" can be so utterly low-class and vulgar. 

Strange rules of censorship around here, clearly biased in favor of these sordid characters. What does that say about those in charge of this site?



Free and Qioumars

by jamshid on

Remember, as we say in Farsi, "nafasesh az jaaye garm boland misheh".

The type of a person you are trying to argue with owes everything he has to this regime, and if not for this regime, today he would be only a nobody somewhere. AND THEY KNOW IT TOO!

Now, you don't realistically expect for a dog to bite the hands that are feeding him, do you? Do you think the said dog even cares about who is being murdered or imprisoned (unless perhaps it's another fellow dog)?

If your answer is yes, then you disappoint me! If the answer is no, then why waste time?

marhoum Kharmagas

"Latter day greens" (to Mammad)

by marhoum Kharmagas on

Mammad, please understand the extreme anger and frustration of "latter day greens" of various flavours and stench (Shazdeh parastaan, AIPAC parastan (Sazegaraists), ......), they impatiently wanted to ride the green wave!  Saaleh khoobi dar peesh Ostaad.

##best regards##


Mammad RE Free

by capt_ayhab on

Free is not full of himself, but something rather more .... how should I say it?....

Something rather more  pungent?



Cost Of Progress

by capt_ayhab on

I am certain that by now you have come to realize that I have no interest in engaging your baseless and accusatory childish remarks.

Your remarks and comments in my threads, and all for that fact, only demonstrates your deep seated hatred for any idea and person who does not share same opinions with you.

May this be a lesson to you in the future. 


P/S. Calling me Prof....... tells me that you have a particular resentment for intellect and more than likely some sort of  vendetta toward your prior college teachers, that is if you ever attended one, for the number of F's you have posted on your transcript.

Do not blame the profession for your lack of achievement. 


ayhab callers...... enjoy the clip

by capt_ayhab on

Enjoy since it applies to you folks ;-)




by Qioumars- on

How can you consider that pissing on a living person is your right because of the freedom of speech, while, if I don’t like your way of thinking, I haven’t the right to say it with the manner that you employ to paint people that you don’t like?

You, indeed, have a bacheh mullahi attitude. You Bacheh Mullah-ha are all the same, you have a collective intelligence, you are all maghlatteh-goo and chaploos and no matter how many of you dearest persons have to be murdered by the ones that you, willing or unwilling, defend at the end; you never change one epsilon of what you were.

I'll stop writing in this thread, not because you aked for it, but because it's turning into lynching and I'm not a lyncher.  Believe me you and anyone else who thinks that you can build the future by having an exclusive way of thinking are wrong. This, not because I'm saying it but because construction has always been achieved through unity not hatred.

Sur ce, Adieu mon cher Captaine!



by Free on

You are SUCH a hypocrite. If you value freedom of speech so much, why did you just flag me, as in try to CENSOR me, a few posts down?

Are you seriously this blatantly shameless?




by capt_ayhab on

Have fun guys, now you two can go and troll there for a while, since you have nothing of substance to contribute to the subject matter.
