To those Eye-ranians who like the idea of bombing Iran

by ComraidsConcubine

Hey, you pathological genocidal maniacs, if you like the idea of bombing Iran, and it seems that by that you mean for utilitarian reasons, I have an idea.

I'm gonna get one of my clever friends to design little thrones on top of all rockets and snipers so that you can sit on top of them to get a first-class view and webcams so we can cheer you on.

Don't worry about dying or anything like that. I promise we will keep your martyred lives alive on IC forever. We'll petition an entire cemetery designated especially for odes and epitaphs for you. We'll have buttons to press to play your favourite exit tunes.

And yes of course, we'll open a Facebook page and tweet about your heroism everyday. 


Oh and thanks in advance. Your tiny "brain cells" will not die in vain. You'll help the whole of humanity's gene pool too. 






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Soosan Khanoom

Stop this madness

by Soosan Khanoom on

I am tired seeing you guys fighting ...  come on we each are entitled to our opinions without accusing each other ....

The situation in Gaza is not a joke to laugh about so does the situation in Iran same with other democracy starving countries in the world ...

now a true freedom fighter fights for everyone's right .. if not then he or she is just a hypocrite ...

Do not act like one

Now please be polite in your replies ...

already I have been called "  a shame on me "   ... LOL




by vildemose on

But we know that will never happen.  You will never leave your comfortable home in Tel Aviv to join such an effort.  Plus, they will fire you from the Mossad if you do.  Then what are you going to do? 

LOL, good one. I always suspected that he might be a mole.


Mola Nasrallah: Back for more?

by AMIR1973 on

Mola Nasrallah, my favorite West-residing IRI Groupie and correspondent for GNN (Gaza News Network). May I suggest that you join the Jooooooooooz on the boat "The Audacity of Taking Showers" (something IRI Groupies don't regularly do) and free Beautiful Gaza. Every Iranian has a special place in their heart for the sand and rocks of Gaza. Oh, yeah.

I have one request: keep coming back here. The more you do means the more humiliation you get from me and that keeps me smiling. Cheers  :-)


shotor, why did you change your comment?

by Onlyiran on

anyway, I think that the only surgical attacks should be on you, Israel, Hamas, the flotilla and Hassan Nasrollah...because all of you are full of doggie do do.

So, are you, or aren't you, going to be on the flotilla?   

Mola Nasredeen


by Mola Nasredeen on

Only Eye-rain,

What is your suggestion for regime change in Iran?

Surgical attacks

or C section?


Shotor- the big question is this:

by Onlyiran on

Are you going to put your money where your moth is and get on the "Audacity of Hope?"  As we say in Farsi (which you do not understand): mikhaheem bebineem chand mardeh hallaji.  Get on that boat already and show us that you're serious about your passion for Palestine.  But we know that will never happen.  You will never leave your comfortable home in Tel Aviv to join such an effort.  Plus, they will fire you from the Mossad if you do.  Then what are you going to do? 

Mola Nasredeen


by Mola Nasredeen on

Topoly, shotors are not hampster for the following reason:

shotors are somebody hampsters are not.

Amirak, why are you crying?

Do they take you as a jew where you live? 

Not all jews want the bombardment of Iran  but the Zionist Jews who are behind this 'Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran' at United States expense and you support this line too.

There are jews who are in a ship called 'The Audacity of Hope' sailing towards Gaza to show their disatisfaction towards the racist policies of Israel.

Your hysterical outbreaks is not going to change this fact.


Great Eye-ranian warriors

by ComraidsConcubine on

 Don't forget not to miss all these people too:







comment on comments

by ComraidsConcubine on


Shotori, IC has a strict recycling policy of hamsters chasing tales and tails. 

SK, that is absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much for introducing me to the work of this wonderful poet.          Bavafa, you were right about the thugs....

doshizeh RG khanoom, in that case, apply to join the US army, failing that (I believe they do some sanity and savagery checks...), let us know when you visit Iran, so that we can arrange our bombing with the utmost reciprocity.         
Amir, I am bare-bottomed with a fig-leaf in front, and barefoot with rings of daisies in my hair. I don't need your shoes!         I'm off to suck a coconut. Slowly



Precisely Sossan Khanom

by Bavafa on

البته بعید می‌دونم که روزبه آقا سانسِ دوم این فیلم رو ندیده باشه و چطور وقتی‌ که این انتخاب مردم برای دوستان امریکی و انگلیسی‌ قابل قبول نبود، زیر پاا گذشته شد و با توسط به یک مشت چماق بدست دوست قبلی‌ و وفادار خودشون رو (شاه خدا بیامرز)  انتخاب مردم کردند



Dear Mash Ghasem,

by AMIR1973 on

All of your suggestions sound very tempting...But what does it say about someone that his main line of "attack" against his opponents is "accusing" them of being Jews (spelled JOOOOZ). I've told this illiterate moron before that I am neither Jewish nor Israeli. But once a "Bi Savad" hater, always a "Bi Savad" hater.


Soosan Khanoom

Not to mention Rozbeh dear

by Soosan Khanoom on

 that the same gang got rid of Mossadegh via Kodeta ..... may be they had temporary run out of bombs or somehow their war machines were broken down ... otherwise they would have bombed Iran again ......  

Now do not hesitate to join our party any time you wish .....  LOL

Mash Ghasem


by Mash Ghasem on

Amir jan, I could settle with Hazrat Musa,  but agha musa sounds a bit ...We could give you a cane, instead of the Nile you could have Zayandeh Rod, or whatever is left of it. And if you don't like any parting of the river, you could just use your cane on mola. I know it sounds a bit violent, but it's so tempting!


Just imagine, Mola Nasrallah...

by AMIR1973 on

When the "cabinet ministers" of the IRI are uneducated losers who have to invent phony degrees from fake, non-existent "universities", just imagine what kind of people are their West-residing Groupies who post on under multiple user IDs in between valeting cars at the parking garage. Now, go and stick your nose up Palestine and Israel and Gaza and Snnnnzzzzzzzz...

Salavat befres  :-) 

Mola Nasredeen


by Mola Nasredeen on


If you are not one

then why popping up whenever the name of Israel is mentioned on this website? 

Then why the hysterical reaction?

Why the freaking out?

You can fool some of the people, etc.


Mola Nasrallah,

by AMIR1973 on

Then we have the Zionist groupies such as this Amir character, a real Iran hater. But thery are wasting their time here, they need to move on Arabic speaking websites because Israel is in deep shit there.   Since it is a known fact that IRI Groupies come from the lowest of the low in society (sewer cleaners and the like) and since they are almost always totally illiterate (education level of a below-average shoe-shine boy), they are unable to read basic English, despite living for many years off of welfare in the U.S of A and Canada.   Personally, I have as much connection to Israel as I do to Finland, New Zealand or Madagascar. But since IRI Groupies are a bunch of psychotic JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-haters, Mola Nasrallah can pretend that my name is Agha Moosa and that I am a JOOOOOOOO myself. Cheers, my Groupie  :-)


Comraids whatever

by AMIR1973 on

Amir, is calling so many posters here 'IRI groupies' a grand strategy of regime-resistance of yours, or just a hobby?

Neither. Just calling a spade, a spade. If the shoe fits: Wear the IRI Groupie label with pride. Own it.  



by AMIR1973 on

So you think that if you asked the average Iranian on the street, they would welcome a situation such as that in Iraq, Afghanistan or Libya?

Huh? Read me response. I answered your question with a "No". You didn't answer mine. 


Hate to spoil the party..

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

But the last time, the only time, we had a resemblance to a truely free, democratic election in Iran's modern history, where every political entity from extreme right to extreme left were  allowed to participate, leading to late Mossadegh's victory, was immediately after the invasion of Iran by WW2 allied forces (I believe they had bombs those days and used them  too !) and overthrowing of the last but one bully boy, murdering,corrupt tin pot dictator who ruled our land; reza gholdor.

Now back to your orgy of keyboard self congradulation and delusion my lovelies :) 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Soosan Khanoom

CC how about I read this

by Soosan Khanoom on

Are you sure my tears are righteous, not
apocryphal, or a crocodile's? Consider this

woman's: a victim of vaginal mutilation
a refugee from an Islamist hellhole in Africa

her frank indignation and now her élan
at winning the lucrative job of the "native

informant" to the "War on Terror." In truncated
form: her anger at being circumcised by her vicious

grandmother, alibi for Westerners' furious
incineration of much of the Middle East. Is

this anything but invidious, my desire to hurt
because I've been hurt? Many more thousand

deaths to atone for her sliced clitoris? Titular
"liberated feminist activist," star of Western media

what does she or I propose should be done with
the traduced Muslims who do nasty things e.g. hate

Israelis, wear chador instead of flashing their
(monstrously unshaven) legs and thighs? Burn

them? With cluster bombs, bunker-busters,
tactical nukes? Grafting concern for women's rights

onto an Imperialist quest to sequester the planet's
"black gold" fields: our mercenary's curriculum vitae

in short. And what about the wails of the war-torn
harmonising with the salvos at makeshift funerals

* * *

across Iraq, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Palestine,
Somalia, Lebanon, Chechnya, etc? Well, we won't

hear of them. We've had our ears blocked, watching
TV, entranced by one to three languid, shiny tears

wringed by the camera from the Rasputin eyes
of the "good Arab" defector who says she loves

democracy and freedom, who vindicates this war.


Ali Alizadeh 


Mola Nasredeen


by Mola Nasredeen on

It's not about 'spying'

but enlightening the newcomers to IC so they know who they are dealing with.



by ComraidsConcubine on

 Internet spy detective playing is not my forte; I lack psychic disabilities on all fronts. ;)

Mola Nasredeen


by Mola Nasredeen on

A few notes regarding the ones who advocate bombing Iran on this Iranian website. 

Bombing Iran, attacking Iran, and assassinating Iranian scientist has been advocated by the Zionist Jews (Iranians and non Iranians) on this website for as long as I could remember. It's their 'mission' here. 

This group already has a foothold that posts under 'Fred' and posts 2 blogs a day, rain or shine. There are more than 1 person who write under 'Fred'. Recently the Farsi/Persian speaking Fred has been posting more of his hatemongerings than the other English speaking one.

Then we have the Zionist groupies such as this Amir character, a real Iran hater. But thery are wasting their time here, they need to move on Arabic speaking websites because Israel is in deep shit there.


quick replies

by ComraidsConcubine on

 Thanks for the comments!


SK, thanks! And just because, well, because, I'd like to put you in charge of reading the poetry for the crocodile tears funerals.  ;)


Bavafa, well, it would wouldn't take much of an imagination to look at just a couple of Iran's neighbouring countries or perhaps they think they'll be three times lucky.  

I'd like to put you in charge of all news entries of obituaries on IC. (wink) 


mahmoudg, I take it that you volunteer to spear ahead. For such heroism, I'll design a special body-bag for your remaining pieces in the shape of a bow-tie to go with your avatar.


hirre, good point! Also, I'm tired of reading 'collateral damage ' and rehashed versions of the same.

Meybokhor_M, I'll drink to that. That's quite funny.

Amir, is calling so many posters here 'IRI groupies' a grand strategy of regime-resistance of yours, or just a hobby?

fatollah, yes,I doubt anyone sane would.

Perperezi, sure, that's all we need, another flashy foreign power! ;)




Survey question for Iranians inside Iran, especially those who have been demonstrating inside:  

"Would you like to be liberated by being bombed?"

If so, please let us know, we have quite a few psychotics around, who want to desperately become strangely unsexy types of strap-on cannon-fodder. Necrophiliacs might fancy them though. I don't know about such things.

In the meantime, here's another singalong thanks to Pin-up Nookie pants (pendar neek):







The mentality of the Bombolahis

by MeyBokhor_Manbarbesuzan on

The operation was successfull but the patient died.

And to Amir19730:  So you think that if you asked the average Iranian on the street, they would welcome a situation such as that in Iraq, Afghanistan or Libya?

Soosan Khanoom

faramraz the wise

by Soosan Khanoom on

you are not a fool ..... i said you must be if you think that way which I am sure you don't ..    I agree that millions got on the streets but there are still millions more who did not join them .... why?  because they are brainwashed ... a civil war is what you get if the war starts ...   the pro IRI are also people of Iran and you can not expel them all out of the country or put them all in jail or like kill millions of them to achieve your gaol.......    Things will change and it won't stay that way ... as we speak more people are waking up and joining for this cause ....   But a war will get us back to the square one ..    now if somehow the Valeheh vaghee be enlightened from the voices in his head like Imam zaman or something and make peace with Isreal then there is not going to be  any western campaign against Iran  ...... Fox news will start making an idol from VF and they throw red carpet for him all the way to white house.   Then who R U going to see this time to drop bombs in the name of democracy?    to achieve freedom we should only rely on ourselves  and we should use the power of pen and keep writing and fighting ..... one letter that comes out of the heart of a political prisoner, if it gets to the masses and be read, has tons of more power than hundred bombs be dropped on our heads ... that is just my two cents and I am sorry if I offended you with the word fool ... i certainly did not mean that you are a fool        


Faramarz jaan: good question

by Bavafa on

"Who is more evil, the Regime in Iran or the western powers/special interests, etc."

And in my mind undoubtedly the latter is more evil, simply for the reason that they are one of the main element in prolonging this regime. The replacement of this regime will not be helped (more like approved) by the special interest in the West unless it is of their approval.

The simple reason for my assertion is that if they were serious about helping Iranians, they would simply boycott Iranian oil and oil industry.

Likewise, it would be the stupidest thing for Iranians to simply and wholly outsource "democratization" of Iranians to the West and Nato. We need to learn from Syrians and as hard and painful as it is, but as they say "no pain no gain" otherwise "easy come easy go"

If they give you the freedom, they can take it back just as easy. 



Democracy Workshops!

by Faramarz on

Soosan Khanoom,

You underestimate the millions of Iranians who poured into the streets and demanded their democratic rights by saying that they are not informed and need time to stand for their rights. Democracy is not an end-state, it is an ongoing process.

Maybe we should have some workshops and expedite that process!

But ask yourself this simple question. Who is more evil, the Regime in Iran or the western powers/special interests, etc. And therein lies your view and stance towards the future of Iran. And calling both the same is a cop out.

p.s. I wrote my reply to you without calling you a fool.

Soosan Khanoom


by Soosan Khanoom on

You can not drop democracy on people's head through bombs .... that will get you no where but only to the state of death and ruin .... and yes much more ruins and deaths  than what is actually happening now in Iran...... 

People of Iran need to get informed and stand for their own rights .... it takes time but it is more promising .... much more ......

Besides you must be a fool to believe that any nato action is independent of the especial interest groups and is mainly for the sake of humanity ... come on do not make me laugh ..

Iran's foreign policy is what that got it in the war zone interest otherwise nato and the rest of superpowers do not give a damn what is going on inside the Iranian's jails in terms of human rights. if these mullahs change their foregn policy then Nato will fall in love with them overnight.  


To West-residing IRI Groupie named MeyBokhor_Manbarbesuzan

by AMIR1973 on

The bottom line is this. Do you approve of bombing Iran by foreign forces?


Now, my bottom line: do you approve of the continued rule of Iran by a regime which is the Number One killer of Iranian men, women, and children?