To those Eye-ranians who like the idea of bombing Iran

by ComraidsConcubine

Hey, you pathological genocidal maniacs, if you like the idea of bombing Iran, and it seems that by that you mean for utilitarian reasons, I have an idea.

I'm gonna get one of my clever friends to design little thrones on top of all rockets and snipers so that you can sit on top of them to get a first-class view and webcams so we can cheer you on.

Don't worry about dying or anything like that. I promise we will keep your martyred lives alive on IC forever. We'll petition an entire cemetery designated especially for odes and epitaphs for you. We'll have buttons to press to play your favourite exit tunes.

And yes of course, we'll open a Facebook page and tweet about your heroism everyday. 


Oh and thanks in advance. Your tiny "brain cells" will not die in vain. You'll help the whole of humanity's gene pool too. 






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Flash Gordon NOT Flash Mob!

by Faramarz on

So let me try to get this.

We are all concerned here about the probability of the future civilian life loss in Iran if a Libya-like NATO strikes by the international community is authorized. But meanwhile, Iranians are getting tortured and killed on a daily basis and we are supposed to do what; Sign petitions? Do Flash Mobs or sympathy hunger strikes?

Bring on Flash Gordon!



no sane Iranian and

by Fatollah on

no sane Iranian and non-Iranian would buy this crap of carpet or surgical bombing ... 

hirre, try to beat in the logic ... knock knock! anybody home?


You are the distraction

by MeyBokhor_Manbarbesuzan on

The bottom line is this. Do you approve of bombing Iran by foreign forces?


A useless (useful?) distraction

by AMIR1973 on

If I had a dime for every article on this website going back about 5 years on the non-existent bombing of the IRI by the Great Satan or one of the Little Satans and the resulting non-existent deaths of Iranian orphans, widows, and innocent kittens at the hands of Global Arrogance/International Imperialism/The Jooooz, I would be a very rich man. So rich, in fact, that I could purchase and stop publishing such claptrap on this website. But then again, focusing on the IRI's external enemies does serve a useful distraction for the regime's North America and Europe-residing Groupies (even the ones peddling worthless Psycho-babble, complete with citations from periodical literature  -- LOL    :-)  


Psychology of "adopted children"

by MeyBokhor_Manbarbesuzan on

Since most of these so-called Iranians are kind of adopted by their present countries, their behaviors should be analyzed as such:

In 1978, Dr. David Kirschner coined the term "Adopted Child Syndrome" as underlying "Dissociative Disorder," in his paper, "Son of Sam and the Adopted Child Syndrome," Adelphi Society for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy Newsletter, 1978)

"In twenty-five years of practice I have seen hundreds of adoptees, most adopted in infancy. In case after case, I have observed what I have come to call the Adopted Child Syndrome, which may include pathological lying, stealing, truancy, manipulation, shallowness of attachment, provocation of parents and other authorities, threatened or actual running away, promiscuity, learning problems, fire-setting, and increasingly serious antisocial behavior .
It may include an extremely negative or grandiose self-image, low frustration tolerance, and an absence of normal guilt or anxiety."

The Adopted Child Syndrome: What Therapists Should Know," Psychotherapy in Private Practice, vol. 8 (3) Hayworth Press, 1990)....

Now you can see why cheerleading the bombing of Iran brings them no remorse.



by hirre on

It is quite stupid to still want bombs to be dropped on Iran when the majority of all serious military reports that investigated this matter indicated that the desired end result (e.g. regime change) would not be achieved...


surgical carpet bombing

by mahmoudg on

is the only way to cleanse Iran from the filth it has been sucking it dry, inclusive of their supporters in disapora and the airwaves.


Only an Eye-ranian wish Iran to be bombed and destroyed

by Bavafa on

As no self respecting Iranian will ever want or accept his/her mother land to be bombed, destroyed and very likely occupied by some foreign mercenaries

Good blog


Soosan Khanoom


by Soosan Khanoom on

That is the best blog ever ..... LOVED IT   : )