It is crucial that Iranian authorities stop the harassment and beating of all students and activists; release those arrested including reformist leaders; ensure the right to peaceful demonstration, and guarantee the security of all participants.
An article titled ‘Iran's missiles not an existential threat, study says’ published in Haaretz yesterday is a Cliffs Notes guide for anyone trying to understand Israel’s true intentions
Ambassador Freeman’s withdrawal may be considered a victory by the
'Lobby' but it is a shameful and deplorable defeat for the American
people and their system of government.
Respect for universal human rights begins at home and not through PR campaigns to promote such rights in Iran or any other country.
I was encouraged by the title of Trita Parsi's latest commentary only to be disappointed by the narrative which unfortunately gives credence to the prevailing attitude in the United States
Following article written by Jim Quinn and posted on this morning is by far the most comprehensive and superb analysis on this very serious subject: U.S. Titanic
Judging from the universally unenthusiastic if not outright negative perception of Iran, it is time that its publicists, namely those who represent Iran in various international arenas, finally realized some of their vast shortcoming
The deal signed with Poland today is a continuation of a disastrous American foreign policy which threatens to nullify every international security agreement reached in the last four decades.
Russia’s crossing of an international boundary must certainly be censured as it is outside the norms of civilized behavior
تحريم اقتصادى خود يک نوع جنگ بيهوده و خشونت آميز است که بر اصيلترين حقوق
اساسى بشر تجاوز ميکند و بايد از ابزار خط و مش خارجى همه کشورهاى متمدن جهان
برداشته شود.
The dictionary defines ‘sanctions’ as “restrictions upon trade and financial dealings that a country imposes upon another for political reasons” -- A practice that in recent years has become a prime instrument of global dominance by a handful of major powers particularly the United States.
The question each and every one us must now ask is this – Do we continue on as mere spectators and then read the bleak consequences of our inaction in yet another opinion poll five years from now?
Patrick Clawson seems to weigh the possible outcome scenarios of a hostile attack on Iran in the same cavalier and careless manner a prospective violator would consider
speeding his vehicle down a freeway
It should come as no surprise that any reputable and unbiased media organization looking for expert Iran analysis would pay more than just lip service to vetting its sources and actually check the credentials of their pundits
President Bush marked the fifth anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq claiming that "The world is better, and the United States is safer"