Pro Moussavi Supporters Try to Discourage Pro Pahlavi Supporters In Rome Rally


Pro Moussavi Supporters Try to Discourage Pro Pahlavi Supporters In Rome Rally
by Darius Kadivar

more from Darius Kadivar
Mash Ghasem

دو کلام برای مادر عروس "سلمان خائن قهار "

Mash Ghasem

هر که گفت پنیر ، تو سر تو بزار زمین بمیر.

salman farsi

You have not tasted Islamic Democracy yet!

by salman farsi on



Brother Aynak

you need to modify your slogan thus:

 نه ولایت وقیح نه پادشاه سفیه نه عینک کریه و نه قاسم قبیح

 For an Islamic democracy


A bit of discipline and advanced planning

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

would prevent this kind of all too common friction between different factions of opposition.

Had the organisers set the ground rules covering what banners to carry?

But never mind, we "the opposition in exile" will catch up with internal opposition one day. In the mean time, my biggest concern is finding someone with the brilliance of mind, theoretical knowledge and dogged commitment to the revolutionary cause to send in a locked train cabin to Tehran to seize the moment when it arrives.... 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


"Secular Democracy", is a bs as "Islamic Democracy"

by aynak on

We experienced "secular democracy" during Reza Shah the first.   You are either smart enough to understand that if a force can be devisive enough to break a rally, then that force has to STOP playing games and say:

Time of Monarchy or one man rule in any form is over

Or play around,  He opts to use Khoamanee's approach, wait for people to get fed up with the current system and use it as a jumping board.

You great folks lack bacisc logic, not too different from Hezboolah brothers and sisters in their hey days.  The very fact that this lady does not understand holding NO-PICTUREs will help strengthen NOT weaken the rally shows how much you and she know about cooperation.   If you folks don't understand it at this phase, you will never get it when you are in power (like you were).


If you like to hold a picture, hold a picture of a recent murder victim of IR in Evin Hoda Saber, who was on hunger strike.

Hold the picture of Nasrin Sotoudeh or any of the prisoners in Evin and other political prisoners in Iran, paying with precious life behind bars, figthing for democracy.

Hold the picture of Neda or Sohrab or ......

No one for democracy would object to this.

Bottom line, hold the picture of Reza Pahalvi in your own rally, but dont break up/weaken a joint rally with this crap.  

Once again the title of this thread by the perpetual distortionist on this site: "Mousavi supporters try to discourage Pahlavi supporters in Rome Rally"

a:  How did Kadivar determine the person asking no picture to be shown to be Mousavi supporter?

b:  Is this rally supposed to be Pro-Pahalivi Pro-Mousavi? or Pro democracy?

c: Was there picture of anyone on display in this rally other than Reza Pahalvi?


May we all have good dreams.

نه ولایت وقیح نه پادشاه سفیه


In calling for secular democracy consistently for 32 years...

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

That would make him a legitimate leader for many supporters of the green movement.

That is unless you feel the green movement should not be a secular movement..

or a movement for democracy in Iran.

PEOPLE are free to put up pictures of any leader they wish that epitomizes the ideals of the green movement. 

I thik it was smart for people to not put up pictures of karrubi or mousavi, they sold out too many iranians for supporting this regime and praising khomeini, 2 things a true secular democrat.. i.e. reza pahlavi would never do.


In calling for secular democracy consistently for 32 years...

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

That would make him a legitimate leader for many supporters of the green movement.

That is unless you feel the green movement should not be a secular movement..

or a movement for democracy in Iran.

PEOPLE are free to put up pictures of any leader they wish that epitomizes the ideals of the green movement. 

I thik it was smart for people to not put up pictures of karrubi or mousavi, they sold out too many iranians for supporting this regime and praising khomeini, 2 things a true secular democrat.. i.e. reza pahlavi would never do.


Mash Ghasem

آسان نمود اول، ولی افتاد مشکل ها

Mash Ghasem

مهرداد جان، قضیه یه چیکه پیچده تر از این حرفهاست  . به قول معروف :" آسان
نمود اول، ولی افتاد مشکل ها" حتا در ایران هم در برخی از تظاهرات و
اعتراضات برخی افراد صورت خویش را کاملا یا بخشا پوشیده نگاه میدارند. این
بستگی داره به شخص و موقعیت مشخص, "تحلیل مشخص ازاوضاع مشخص" به قول معروف.
حتا این حقیر هم، از خدا پنهان نیست از شما نیز پنهان نباشه، هر وقت قراره
که برم ایران، یا کاملا ازتظاهرات کنار میکشم، یا با احتیاط بسیار و مخفی
کردن چهره پشت یک پلاکارد در اعتراض شرکت میکنم. "تحلیل مشخص ازاوضاع


Mash Ghasem jan: your point well taken

by Bavafa on

Hence my first suggestion

Although, if we are to fight a regime that has robbed us from our freedom and dignity, we must be willing to sacrifice some (i.e take our vacation or business else where)

Furthermore, If the folks on the streets of Iran laugh at us for our lack of bravery and toughness and see this merely as a afternoon walk in the park and just a passing time exercise, no one can or should blame them.

'Vahdat' is the main key to victory 


Mash Ghasem

It sounds good either way, because: its the Truth

by Mash Ghasem on

Thank you.


Re:Aynak jan

by aynak on

Actually I meant to say:

نه ولایت وقیح نه پادشاه سفیه

Thanks for correction :)

May we all have good dreams.

Mash Ghasem

Ayanak jan, Shazdeh Pesar's correct, official title is

by Mash Ghasem on

The Quarter Pahlavi

ربع پهلوی

نه ولایت فقیه، نه شاه  صفیح
بسیار زیبا و موزون، ننگ و نفرت به وقاحت هر دو تاشون، چون هر دو هستند بسیار بسیار وقیح. 


Shows lack of respect and opportunism by Pahlavli supporters

by aynak on

If no one is holding a picture of any individual, and someone tells this lady, don't show Pahlavis picture, because no one else is, it only shows the the true nature of this supporters:

1-If you like to have a pro-Pahlavi demo, go to a pro-pahlavi demo, but may be you can not get enough people and need to ride a differenet crowd?

2-I would personally walk away from a rally with a picture of Pahlavi, and I know of many others in the same boat as me.

3-This means, Pahalvi is only a uniting force for his own supporters :) and a dividing force for others.

4-Now what is more important here:  To unite against IR or to divide against the role of Shzdeh pesar?

BTW, in his usual distortion of reality, Kadivar equates someone who says we need no picture at this rally to Mousavi supporter.  How  did he concolude from the exchange the person is Mousavi supporter? The point of proof is the other guy (Sheereh-ee?) who says if you believe in someone else bring his picture, we dont have any other picture here.  (i.e Pahlavi's picture was the only present at the rally).

NO TO DICTATORSHIP.   Valeeh vagheeh or Shah Safeeh

May we all have good dreams.

Mash Ghasem


by Mash Ghasem on

Mehrdad jan, if you had to go to Iran for any reason (personal, bussiness, social,...) how would you attend a rally that you know there's a good possibility that you'll be filmed and recorded?


It is amazing…

by Bavafa on

Even in the security of being outside of Iran, they still fear to show their face.

This can only means two thing...

1- The fear and terror that IRI has inflicted on Iranians

2- How chicken-heart Iranians are

or possibly...

that they fear this will interfere with their travel back to Iran for their lucrative business deal

'Vahdat' is the main key to victory 



If I were a monarchist/Pahlavist

by پندارنیک on

I would have gone to a  Home Depot store for a can of blue paint, instead of lifting or standing under a Green banner which has a national identity.


Well Done Lady!!!!!

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Good Picture.