Of hallucinating curves

by پندارنیک

Let me share with you what occurred to me while I was staring at the majestic curves of  steam shaping on the edge of my coffee cup, sometime today...............I just asked myself what would have happened if Darwin was a fish.............and then I tried to figure out the right forefather which "Fishwin" would've theorized for his species..............I don't know, a shark maybe.........or maybe an alga...............I still don't know that how then my thought rose out of the oceans and asked myself that what would have happened if "Khomeini" had accepted the "western initiative" and stayed the course........................He could've had whatever he wanted..........everything would've been in place "Islamicly".......the "hijab", the "sharia law".........everything................ except the nukes.............the Oscar.............and the audience.

I need another cup.............of a different brand, I think.................


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