Here comes President Mousavi

Jahanshah Javid
by Jahanshah Javid

How ever you look at it, Mousavi is going to be the next president.

The only way Ahmadinejad can be re-elected is for him to gain more than 50% of the vote on Friday. That's highly unlikely, given Mousavi's rising popularity.

Here are the likely scenarios:

A) Mousavi will win more than 50% of the vote on Friday, or

B) Mousavi will get the most votes but less than 50%, followed by Ahmadinejad, Karroubi and Rezaie. In the the run-off election, the great majority of the anti-Ahmadinejad people who voted for Karroubi and Rezaie will vote for Mousavi, making him the next president.

C) Or, Ahmadinejad will gain the majority of votes but not above 50%. Mousavi will come in second, followed by Karroubi and Rezaie. In the run-off, Mousavi will top Ahmadinejad with Karroubi and Rezaie supporters switching to Mousavi.

So be prepared to deal with President Mir Hossein Mousavi for the next four years. Bebinim cheh tofehee az ab darmiyad.

Best of all rejoice the final days of the god-aweful Ahmadinejad era.


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Niloufar Parsi

Rosie jan

by Niloufar Parsi on

yes i saw that. it really is heating up in unexpected ways. wonder what tehran is like tonight. wish i was there :)

rosie is roxy is roshan


by rosie is roxy is roshan on

Niloufar Parsi

JJ there is a possible scenario D:

by Niloufar Parsi on

a massive fraud attempt by the AN camp leading to quite a few possible outcomes, including a system collapse...

Big Boy


by Big Boy on

Millions upon millions upon millions voted for Obama and THAT made it okay. So, Parham (and the dwindling 1979 minority), please remain on the sidelines and watch as millions upon millions upon millions of Iranians take back their country and move Iran forward.  You're getting smaller in the rear view mirror! 

ROCK THE VOTE baby.  It'll make you feel better.






by BlahBlah (not verified) on

OK already established you have nothing to prove anything that you have done.

Now I also claim that you personally ordered the mass murders of 1980's.

When you can prove that Mousavi personally ordered them, I will prove that you did too.



by Parham on

The only fact that I should be rubbing your nose in the mass-murder should be enough.
What an appropriate name, by the way!

p.s. "Millions" have also voted for the Third Reich -- and the Islamic Republic too. As if that made it alright.


Moussavi's letter to Khamenei now!

by Naameh paraani (not verified) on

rosie is roxy is roshan


by rosie is roxy is roshan on





by BlahBlah (not verified) on

We still have to see examples of your outstanding human rights efforts !
links, records?
or just empty slogans?
or you just asking others ?

or use it as chomagh to beat others?

All human right defenders have records. Where is yours?
We want proof!

What did you do when 4000 were massacered? Anything?!
If Not.... then just ...

(or use it as chomagh to beat others?)

I stand with the million in the street yesterday and not your empty slogan kind.

Darius Kadivar

Rosie Jaan My Friends call me Rudolf ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Rudolf Rassendyll or King Rudolf V in Private.

No Wait a minute isn't it the contrary ? ;0)


Gee Its Good to be the King of Zenda ;0))



rosie is roxy is roshan


by rosie is roxy is roshan on








by OnNo (not verified) on

The so called "bitter generation" that you disgrace are the ones who are now CEO's and founders of major world companies. They have excelled in medicine , science and all aspects in other countries.

The people that you hatefully speak of were the ones that Islamic Republic and those with intolerant attitudes such as yours forced out of Iran.

People who could have contributed whatthey have to other countries and the world to Iran , if only your regime and its supporters like you were not so close minded and hateful to the point of imprisoning , torturing and murdering only because people have different view than yours.

Jaleho the bitter are your Islamic Republic and its supporters like you. Read your comments again and see who is the bitter !

Darius Kadivar

On Second Thoughts I'm moving to Tadjikistan with Googoosh ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Even Better ;0))

Atash Zardosht:

And I will Reissue our Old Passports so if you still have it in your suitecases know that they are still Valid ;0) 




Big Boy


by Big Boy on

Hahah...thanks!  "Ineffective" in wanting a better future for Iran and Iranian? 

Good luck to you and Kadivar as you relocate to India to set up whatever empire it is you guys are planning.  Send me a postcard.  :)

In the meantime, ROCK THE VOTE...millions and millions and millions of Iranians are going to do exactly that.



by capt_ayhab on

I think stronly that he will win, lest just hope that he does not crush the hopes of so many youth and speciallt women.

Excellent analysis JJ



Big Boy

by Parham on

Do you even realize you sound as ineffective in your "enthusiastic" yabbadabba as that slogan that went, "if you wanna be sexy, drink Pepsi"?
Somebody ought to tell you. No, really.


Enthusiasm for Mousavi .....

by Mehrban on

I think that the enthusiasm for Mousavi by young Iranians does not reflect their embrace of the regime.  On the contrary,  it is because compared to other candidates, during his campaign, in style, imagery and content he least resembled the regime itself.

Darius Kadivar

Parham Jaan I am moving to India ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

After the Elections I am definitively moving to India, convert to Zorastrianism and create a Byzantine Persian Empire for the Parsi Community. At least they are really Persian unlike us Arabized pseudo Iranians ... 


Hope they won't ask me for a Working Visa though ... LOL


Anyone cares to join My Party ?


Long Live Queen Victoria !

Just Make Sure to Shoot Straight ! ;0)





Manoucher Avaznia

Kuroush Geraamee;

by Manoucher Avaznia on

I am sorry if I have exaggerated your statement, however I believe polling is being conducted in Iran nowadays.  If I am wrong, please correct me as I have not been in Iran in the past twenty some years.  But, when it comes to popular satisfaction about a regime as a whole anywhere in the world, refredum is more logical and it perhaps will bring some legal issues such as legitimacy to the surface.   

Big Boy

Join us

by Big Boy on

Parham, it is the year 2009!  Would you please join us?

Holding a grudge against your country and the millions and millions and millions of Iranians who will vote for a chance at a better life and future, is simply not healthy for you. 



Ali Lakani

by Parham on

You and I probably have very different values. Are you asking me in fact, "what's wrong with voting for someone who was prime minister when they mass murdered 4000+ people"? Because if you are, I'd be really in a loss for the correct words to use in my reply. I'd have to dig deep!


Big Boy

by Parham on

I thought it was mostly weekend warriors supporting him. I doubt 90% of these people could even tell you who Mousavi was a couple of weeks ago, or even if we had a prime minister one day.

Just like when they couldn't tell who Khatami was 12 years ago, or better, just like they couldn't tell you what an Islamic Republic was 30 years ago. Yet they voted for it with a 98% GREEN vote!

So many people repeating the same things all over...

Hekayate looti ast o antaresh...

Ali Lakani


by Ali Lakani on

I hope this doesn't offend you, but what's up with the self righteous stance you have been adopting recently versus others? 

From what I understand about your position, you are in favor of boycotting the Iranian elections. That's your prerogative and I respect your reasons for your choice.

But I think your new position as the benefactor and defender of human rights on the site, while appreciated in principle, is a bit too transparent here. You hide behind the notion of defending human rights in Iran, throwing stones at others who do want to participate in the elections. Every time someone says they want to vote, stating their own reasons, you demand that they explain about IRI's atrocities.

Nobody can explain those atrocities, not even IRI itself.  That's why they raze and demolish mass graves of political prisoners, so they don't have to explain it. But many feel that their vote can still make a difference.  Why do you keep attacking them for their opinions and choices?

Not enough people are doing things for human rights in Iran, so if you are now actively pursuing this as your passion and priority, as another humble citizen I personally thank you. But I would like you to know that to those watching your comments here and there, this feels like a new bunker for you from which to attack others for their opinions.



by Midwesty on

I hope you didn’t jinx Mosavi. Four years ago I traveled 500 miles to vote for Rafsanjani not to let AH to be elected. But the next four years I learned to listen to AH clearly, trying to find his true intentions. I have to say I like AH. One major thing to his credit is for bringing out a very dynamic and aggressive foreign policy that replaced a reactionary and passive one. He deflected major threats to our country. However, there were two things in his last speech that were a major turn off. He became defensive and he totally refused giving any credits to his predecessors. His defensiveness is a sign of his fragile personality, low tolerance, and lack of pragmatism, despite of the picture he wants to depict of himself. His denial of the contributions the previous admin have made where he wants to claim them all as his, is a major dividing factor amongst Iranians. Continuing on this path will put Iran on a very dangerous path.


For people who think Mosavi has a soft personality, I should tell, he managed 8 years of one the most destructive war in the modern history. If it comes to another war, he’ll know how to manage it again.


For people who are still hanging on to their pain for the last thirty years, I shall say, one way or another you could have been in misery, either for the loss of a loved one by the IRI or a broken Lully Pop. The point is not to compare the loss of a loved one to the loss of a candy but to realize that the world has moved on so should we.



by Parham on

Thank you for posting Bakhtiar's video. That must be new, I hadn't seen it. To think that people let him down and now they're jubilating for the likes of Mousavi baffles me.

Big Boy


by Big Boy on

Iran's future depends on it.  Don't remain stuck in 1979.

Even weekend freedom fighrts are feeling the surge.


Darius Kadivar

Parham THAT was a Good One ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Thanks for sharing.



I was going to say...

by Parham on

... "kasi kakesh ham be 4000+ zendanie koshte shode nagazid", but I see at least one in so many has, and I'm sure there are others. I'm glad people like that still exist. Sometimes I wonder!

Here's another one of such people:


If I may......

by Souri on

I just want to state my understanding of what have been said here trough different comments. I have mixed feeling :)

1) On the matter of voting: Yes or NOT? I am all with MR Yassari, I approve what he says totally but do not get the same result as to the choice of the candidate.

2) On the matter of the choice for who I "would" vote, I am all with Manouchehr and think he is absolutely right in recognition of the weakness of Mousavi and strength of Ahmadinejad face to the international atrocities.


his wife

by Anonymous77 (not verified) on

looks like a scary bully