Where do I begin? It's a been a week since the iranian.com music festival and I haven' t been able to say a thing about it. I'm still in a state of shock and confusion
Stop your detective work. I'm the only moderator
To be fair, we have to limit blogs to two per day per person
Governments must rethink long-standing policies against the production and use of drugs such as marijuana
One of my favorite musicians of all time, the great Faramarz Aslani, has agreed to be our main guest at the iranian.com fundraising event!
Had a strange dream this afternoon
I was the best ping pong player -- in all of Abadan!
Come perform at the iranian.com event on April 25
I got an email today from the U.S. Central Command
I was just chatting with our tech guru Foaad and he said "I'm organizing this world-wide event. I designed the website and am running the show in Santa Cruz." Wawawhat?!
Love?! What did I know about love? Nothing, but I felt something powerful and it was all-consuming. I thought about Shahrzad night and day
I have some people in my mind. What about you?
I don't know which is the greater sin: parting from the most important issue of the day -- Palestinian-Israeli conflict -- by telling you another pointless personal story, or cheating on my wife?
New Events Section in iranian.com. There's so much happening around the world