
by Latina

We begin our journey

In the arms of our Mother,

Looked upon by our Father

With a loving gaze

A love so simple

Yet totally unconditional

Love at its very best


As we blossom

We grow to love our parents

Doing our best to do them proud

Remembering the love lessons taught

Along the way

In hopes of one day

Meeting the only one for us


We continue on our journey

In search for our soul mate

A kindred spirit to love

And rejoice with

Trying to find the one

We take the leap of faith

Swear to love them forever


Down the path

Something goes wrong

Love to mates

Why do so many hearts turn?

I will only love you

If you love me first

How does it end up so bad?


I don’t understand!

Where is the unconditional love?

Where is the “I will help you if you fail”?

I will be there when you fall

I will mend your broken heart

With great love and tenderness

Has forgiveness all been lost?!


Love is not fighting

It is not disrespect

If you love someone

You don't! You won't!

You never want to hurt your love

You never want to disrespect your love

It would hurt you, if you did


Control, fighting is such disrespect

I know because I lived with it so long ago

So I hate it and will not tolerate it

I would wish that I could run away everyday

I stayed for the love of my children

Taking it day by day

As a part of me died a little more every day


Love has its foundations

Which without love will fall

To be respected, needed, fulfilled and devotion

Relationship begins with affection and friendship

Taking time for each other

Sweetness goes a long way


In love the need within is great

Love must be nurtured

Giving of oneself completely

Living every day

With an open heart

Ready to love


Yet the heart has great capacity for love

In so many various ways

We love our children with undying love

No armor, nor weapons

Our hearts totally open

No matter what by their side

Through storms and sunny days


By ones words

The Art of Love

Instead of the Art of War

Come out of our mouth

We shall see to the Art of Love

They will see by our words

Love can grow and evolve

It is up to us to love again



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Next poem is complete...........

by Latina on

You See Me


I hope you like it as much as I do.......Best



by Latina on


Thank you for the kind comments. Especially, thank you for such a beautiful song.......



by yolanda on

Hi! Natalia,

   This stanza is very touching 'cause you made sacrifice for the sake of your put your kids' interest above your own interest:

Control, fighting is such disrespect

I know because I lived with it so long ago

So I hate it and will not tolerate it

I would wish that I could run away everyday

I stayed for the love of my children

Taking it day by day

As a part of me died a little more every day


Art of Love

by Latina on