قطره ای باران

Manoucher Avaznia
by Manoucher Avaznia

نفس آسوده می آید

ز شُشهای تنورآسای تابستان؛

و می لغزد به آرامی

به روی برگهای بوتۀ انگور

قطره های دلکش باران.


گوئیا چشم بلند آسمان از شوق یک فرزند

دانه ای گوهر فشانده از نوک مژگان؛

یا که یک مرغ مهاجر

قطره اشکی را

فرو افکنده پیش از لحظۀ آتشفشان غربت هجران؛

یا که آه عارفی شوریده و حیران

آب در چشمان من آورده است اینسان.


گوهر یکدانۀ کیهانی، ای انسان؛

کو به پای خویشتن افتاده در زنجیر این زندان:

قطره ای کو باز بوسد سینۀ ریحان

آه سرد توست:

فرو افتاده از چشمان سبز و سینۀ تبدار تابستان.


بیستم ژوئن 2005



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Manoucher Avaznia

Very much fond to read it

by Manoucher Avaznia on

Ebi Jaan;


I am very much fond of reading realistic stories of those days.  Despite a vast literature about political prison and what the prisoners have gone through before and after the revolution, it is strikingly hard to believe that there is so little information about two grave phenomena of Cultural Revoltion and Eight-year Iran-Iraq war and their consequences. 


Yes, write it please...

by Souri on

I'm very interested to read your experience in shiraz. Me and my old friends of Shiraz have lots of memories to share and we always talk about them when we meet each other. I like you tell us your story too.


ebi amirhosseini

Thanks !!

by ebi amirhosseini on

Dear Souri & Manuchehr

tnx for all info.A lot of common grounds,not the university,but memories of Shiraz university for me too.maybe one day ,if you like I write for you about it & my bitter experience of what Manuchehr rightfully called it "Cultural Coup".

Zendeh baad shahr kaakuhaay Aziz !!


Dear Manouchehr

by Souri on

Thanks for taking time and sending that intensive resumé. Unfortunately, I hadn't that chance to be your class-mate. I left there two years before you came. I loved the "Farsi literature " course at the Adabyat daneshkadeh ! Don't remember the name of the prof. but still remember his face when he passionately read the "Hafez" Ghazliat. Overall, I love the memory of that one year study in SU.

Looking forward to see more poems posted from you.


Manoucher Avaznia

Souri and Ebi Jaan

by Manoucher Avaznia on

Moorcheh Cheest Keh Kalleh Paache'Ash Chee Baash'e.  My biography is the subject of a novel that I very much hope to finish within next few years as I believe my generation has been the source of great deeds in the history of our homeland.  I am not to judge ourselves through the lenses of morality.  For now, as I am pleased to answer your questions, I would say that I entered University of Shiraz when it was still Pahlavi University in September 1978: Shareevar Maah 1357 as a student in Economics at the Faculty of Arts: Adabeeyaat side by side Hafez' Mosoleum.  You are all aware of the revolutionary situations of the day and closure of universities until after the victory of 1979 Revolution. And how beautiful was the days of freedom.  Then, I decided to change my course of study to History that I dearly loved. As these were happening, came the Cultural Coupe that was titled Cultural Revolution and universities were closed for three years on people like me who were taking arts and literature.  Then the war came and semented everything towards worse. Eventually, in Mehr 1362 (October 1983) we went back to school.  In Bahamn of 1364, February 1986, I was graduated with a bchelor's degree in history with one piece of paper on which my total debt to the university and conditions on which my degree was to be released were stated. The paper was to serve as introduction to military service.  Several months later, I was in military fatigues in Tehran and Shiraz and eventually the war zone as a conscript infantry second lieutenat in the South: Khuzestan.

Details of this story is written in a 415-page-long book titled "A Path to Nowhere" of war memoirs that I have self-published with Infinity Publishing as print on demand. I could not publish it with other publishers as my finances were limited and the publishing business was not very much known to me.  That book is an eyewitness account of what happened in the war zone as I arrived there until I defected to Iraq in the heat of a battle in the Month of Teer 1337 (1988).  I strongly recomend that you, please, read the book.  Souri Jaan; I do not know if this is of any use to determine if we went to the same school at the same time.


I dearly appreciate your attention and Del-garmee that you bestow upon me.

Manoucher Avaznia



Dear Ebi

by Souri on

Manouchehr had already cited the link for his books online. I went to buy his books online, then I found the biography. Now, I don't have the link anymore, but am sure you can find "Manoucher Avaznia biography" on the google.

Don't forget there's an "H" missing in his first name :)


ebi amirhosseini


by ebi amirhosseini on

Dear Manuchehr,from now on,no comments,only will write WOW.

p.s.couldn't read the bio,how did you do that souri Jaan!?

best wishes.


I likded taht one

by Souri on

Manouchehr jan, thank you for sharing this with us. I read your biography and noticed that you had studied in Shiraz University. Which year you have entered the University? I have been there for one year. Maybe we have been class mate !!

 I also thank you for the beautiful poem you sent in my blog, under Saayeh's Tashvish. You are very talented, dear.