Children's Rights and Protection

Mash Ghasem
by Mash Ghasem

Sorry to start you weekday with such horrible news items but,...

Below ther are very disturbing images and news from China and Iran, leaving you to wonder WTF is going on?!?!?

First case- China: This video has started a national debate in China, on how the whole country running after 'modernization' has lost its soul, and can't even save a toddler. This video is really shocking, not for the frail, like myself.

WARNING!!! Disturbing: Full uncut video: Toddler ran over by 2 cars and nobody helps in China.

Second case- Iran: An unspeakable crime that leaves me speechless. Not only the epidemy of violence against women has not improved any, now we see its extension to other vulnerable sectors. Would this case, like the video above, start a national debate? Probably not.

تجاوز گروهی این بار به یک کودک کار توسط ۱۱ نفر


WTF is going on?


more from Mash Ghasem


by Fatollah on

I'm totally dumbfounded! stopped after a few seconds, couldn't watch it...


نمايشگاهی برای آزار روانی کودکان و توهين به زنان


در اين نمايشگاه آخوندها علنا نشان ميدهند که به جای نشسته و و مداجباری را تعيين ميکنند، پاسداران ريشو جای گزمه ها و ژاندارم ها را گرفته و نقش راهنما را ايفا ميکنند، صحنه های واقعی توهين به زنان توسط ماموران رژيم به کودکان نشان داده ميشود، نقاشی ها و پوسترها نگاه هرزه دستگاه ولايت و جمهوری اسلامی به زن را تصوير ميکند و در ميان همه اين صحنه های وحشت در گوش کودکان ميخوانند:«من امام خمينی را دوست دارم»!

اين نمايشگاه يکی ديگر از مصداق های نقض حقوق بشر در ايران است


Anonymous Observer

Thanks MG for this piece

by Anonymous Observer on

I have to say that I did not watch the video, and probably will not do so.  I just can't stomach it.  Child labor, child povery and child imprisonment around the world have been subjects that I have always followed and--to the extent of ability--advocated against.  

Also, you may be interested in this video report about demand for better work conditions by manual laborers in Iran:


Anahid Hojjati

Thanks Mash Ghasem for bringng attention to this

by Anahid Hojjati on

very important issue. Kids are at the mercy of adults and not all of them are lucky to have loving adults in their lives,  I have seen few other disturbing pictures of child abuse on facebook. Pictures of children bruised and battered. Thanks for sharing.