Of one-size-fits-allism


by پندارنیک




Often times, I see people on this site refer to the Israel supporters as “Zionists” or "Israeli agents.” I beg to disagree with this terminology. I believe that these people are Zionist junkies, not Israel supporters. First of all, if the Israel is paying these people to post online, it should seriously ask for its money back! These people put forth no arguments and have no valid defenses to Israel’s atrocities. The best that they can do is to accuse Israel opponents of using multiple usernames on internet forums. Half of them can’t even spell for G*d's sake! So, I am not buying it. I think that the Israel is a bit more sophisticated in choosing its operatives and agents. What I believe is that these people are Zionist junkies.

See, just like the methamphetamine addict who knows that the stuff is killing him, but is still using it, these people know that Zionism is bad for their country. They know that its destroying us from within, but they just can’t help it. They are either anti-Muslim fanatics, anti-Iranian fanatics, religious fanatics or just a bunch of land grabbers in foreign lands who hate their very own existence. And every time Israel yells at Iran or her allies, they just get a high. Just like when the heroin addict puts that needle in his arm, knowing that the infection is going to kill him, but then forgets everything when he experiences the rush, these people are the same way. They read that the Israel just killed a score of innocent people, but then in the next news report they read that Madonna has gone Kabbalah thing So, they forget the massacres, and experience the high of hearing that Iran is being somehow belittled and attack[ed]. So, it all becomes justifiable. The high and the rush of this strange addiction is enough to make them forget all about the atrocities and the destruction of the fabric of Zionism.

So, please people, don’t call them Israel supporters. Call them but what they really are: Zionist junkies!


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Dear Soosan,

by AMIR1973 on

The writer of this blog has a longstanding habit of making "accusations" against others. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Regards.

Soosan Khanoom

Dear Amir

by Soosan Khanoom on

Is it not time to stop all accusations once and for all ?  

I believe  Pendar wrote this blog to mock the other one ... It is basically the carbon copy of the other one but just the names are changed....  

This is a political forum and we all have our own point of views but accusations and bullying are just getting out of control..   

I hope you , who seems to be more reasonable than your friends won't let yourself falling for these foolish games .  

I have to go now .... talk to you later

: ) 


Jooooz-on-the-Brain Syndrome

by AMIR1973 on

It comes in both Stalinist and Islamist subtypes. Pity those who suffer from this malady.

Soosan Khanoom

a little music for change

by Soosan Khanoom on

We Didn't Start The Fire

"the fire", here is an allusion to conflict and societal turmoil; and it can't just be blamed on current generation alone, as "the fire" has been "always burning since the world's been turning".  The fire started before then...and will continue. And every generation tries to fight it...not always the same fire but new ones within time.  


Soosan Khanoom

LOL ... Dear Pendar

by Soosan Khanoom on

Good one .... Really good one and NO you did not start it ...

Great Reply ..