14-Nov-2009 (248 comments)
A snapshot of an email between those who are attacking NIAC and Trita Parsi. Judge for Yourself.>>>
11-Nov-2009 (9 comments)
Sorry Foad (admin), I know you said no conspiracy theories but I'm just articulating what's on everyone's mind>>>
24-Oct-2009 (12 comments)
I was delighted to find out that J Street, the liberal Jewish group is having an Iran panel at the their inaugural conference. I have made arrangements to attend and hope many of you can make it too.>>>
28-Aug-2009 (83 comments)
It's so funny to watch Glenn Beck's paranoid conspiracy theories. This is one of the funniest bits I've seen in a long time!>>>
15-Aug-2009 (39 comments)
This was a comment that I wrote on that blog titled "It is not fair that Zoroastrian's Parse Have been criticized by you" which has now disappeared. I have repeated the whole blog for people to see.>>>
25-Jul-2009 (14 comments)
Good speech by Farah Douglas (5 women who care) in San Diego's Balboa park last night.>>>
بيانيه شماره 5ميرحسين موسوي خطاب به مردم شريف ايران:نگذارید دروغگويان و متقلبان پرچم دفاع از نظام اسلامی را از شما بربايند خرداد۳۰ ۱۳۸۸ ساعت ۲۱:۲>>>
14-Jun-2009 (2 comments)
This could be another photographic evidence of fraud.>>>
04-Jun-2009 (135 comments)
The second part of the story.>>>
30-May-2009 (32 comments)
This is the story of how a small group of patriotic Iranians overthrew a system of occupation and tyranny, and established Iran as a free and proud democratic nation.>>>
04-May-2009 (39 comments)
A few words about meaning of tragedy as applied to innocent Iranians.>>>
08-Jan-2009 (53 comments)
regardless of your point of view, is this too much to ask at this point?>>>
03-Jan-2009 (36 comments)
Annie Lennox, Alexei Sayle, Bianca Jagger, Ken Livingstone and George Galloway. British-Jewish Comedian Alexei Sayle says it best.>>>
02-Jan-2009 (91 comments)
This is a response to the Israeli propaganda piece currently on the front page masquerading as an "article". >>>
29-Dec-2008 (20 comments)
A stunning opinion piece by a Chilean Jew about the Gaza bombings today. Simply a must-read. >>>