A snapshot of an email between those who are attacking NIAC and Trita Parsi. Judge for Yourself.
Sorry Foad (admin), I know you said no conspiracy theories but I'm just articulating what's on everyone's mind
I was delighted to find out that J Street, the liberal Jewish group is having an Iran panel at the their inaugural conference. I have made arrangements to attend and hope many of you can make it too.
It's so funny to watch Glenn Beck's paranoid conspiracy theories. This is one of the funniest bits I've seen in a long time!
This was a comment that I wrote on that blog titled "It is not fair that Zoroastrian's Parse Have been criticized by you" which has now disappeared.
I have repeated the whole blog for people to see.
Good speech by Farah Douglas (5 women who care) in San Diego's Balboa park last night.
بيانيه شماره 5ميرحسين موسوي خطاب به مردم شريف ايران:نگذارید دروغگويان و متقلبان پرچم دفاع از
نظام اسلامی را از شما بربايند
۱۳۸۸ ساعت ۲۱:۲
This could be another photographic evidence of fraud.
The second part of the story.
This is the story of how a small group of patriotic Iranians overthrew a system of occupation and tyranny, and established Iran as a free and proud democratic nation.
A few words about meaning of tragedy as applied to innocent Iranians.
regardless of your point of view, is this too much to ask at this point?
Annie Lennox, Alexei Sayle, Bianca Jagger, Ken Livingstone and George Galloway. British-Jewish Comedian Alexei Sayle says it best.
A stunning opinion piece by a Chilean Jew about the Gaza bombings today. Simply a must-read.