Of secular Yom Kippur

Of secular Yom Kippur
by پندارنیک

I had to call my lawyer, Crimestein, to bail me out following my arrest in front of a crowded synagogue where Yom Kippur was celebrated by the Jewish friends.......... The cop told me I needed a permit for holding the sign which read "End the Occupation, Now", and charged me with a bunch of stuff ranging from trespassing to resisting an arrest while I was trying to make a kosher scene by shouting " Ver iz deh permishen forrr deh aakyoopayshen een deh ferrrrst pelayce?".....

Bergie, his nickname, took me home from the police station .............. When he pulled in front of the house I said "listen, thank you for your help..... and sorry for the inconvenience" to which he replied "are you kidding me, Pendy? Keep it up, it's good for the business" and laughingly added "and don't forget that the bill will be higher for the holiday"..........





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blown tactics

by fozolie on

Bit of phoney respect, bit of bigotry, bit of jealousy, mixed in with crocodille tears.....

Mr. Fozolie


Of the serious side...

by Tavana on

The 'US Congress' is the only known 'permanently occupied territory' by the Jewish state! Pendy dear, you were in a worng place & in a wrong time! But remember this 'Bergie will not be able to bail you out if you ever dare to make such protest there!'