عید قربان، جشن درندگی و بی رحمی انسانها: بابک پاپیان دزفولی


عید قربان، جشن درندگی و بی رحمی انسانها: بابک پاپیان دزفولی
by Shahin iran1012

تکامل انسانی زمانی محسوس خواهد بود که ما از کشتن جانوران زبان بسته به پرهیزیم. دیشب پس از دیدن یک عکس دردناک از حیوان آزاری تا دیری خوابم نمی‌برد. هر جانوری در قلمرو خود با هوش تر از جانوران دیگر است. ما در قلمرو مورچگان کمتر از مورچه ایم. پس یکباره فراموش کنیم که ما جایگاهی والا تر از دیگر جانوران داریم. من از بچگی به این دانایی رسیده ام که پستان داران توانمندی شگرفی دارند که با ما “انسانها” پیوند دوستی بسیار نزدیکی بر قرار کنند. تجربه شخصی ام با سگان یک تجربه نمادین است از این راستی.

در کودکی با یک بزغاله چنان دوست شده بودم که هر جا که میرفتم دنبالم بود. آنقدر کوچک بودم که وقت کشتنش، در روز “جشن خون ریزی”، نمیدانستم که او دیگر نخواهد زیست.اکنون که بچه نیستم با سگان دوستی نزدیکی دارم. گاهی میاندیشم که نکند آنچه را که ما وفای سگ می‌نامیم، چیزی نیست جز جلوه ای از یک هراس بیکران که سگان از ما انسانها دارند. یادمان تاریخی سگان پر است از درندگی انسانها.

بخود میگویم، که نکند سگان بخود گفته اند که، “برای زنده ماندن، ما باید انسانها را فریب دهیم”. با این ترفند “انسانها” خواهند پنداشت که ما بسیار دوستشان داریم – تا شاید آنها ما را کمتر بیازارند. از این قصه‌ها میگذرم. من که خود را ”انسان” می‌نامم، هنوز از این درندگی دست بر نداشته ام. من گیاه خوار نیستم. من ریا کارانه از اندیشه‌های گران دم میزنم اما توان این را در خود نمی‌بینم که بایک جهش “انسانی” دست از درندگی بکشم.

روز “عید قربان” در کشورهای اسلامی جانوران بیگناه هزار هزار در خون خود میغلتند. “عید” که عربی است برای “جشن” پارسی، می‌بایست زمانی می‌بود برای شادی و پایکوبی، بخشش و همدلی، و بزرگداشت زندگی. شوربختانه عید قربان مناسبتی است برای شکنجه, خونریزی, و پایمالی زندگی. بزرگترین پیروزی من در این زندگی این خواهد بود که پیش از مرگ ، دست از درنده خویی بر داشته و گیاه خوار شوم.

ما “انسانها” درندگان راستین هستیم. درندگی، زمانی که راه دیگری پیش پایمان هست، نشانه ایست از این که ما جایگاهی پایین تر از دیگر جانوران داریم. ما “انسانهای” خود بین باید از این پنداشت که جایگاهی والا تر از دیگر جانوران داریم دست بکشیم. تا آن زمان، ما جانوریم – از گونه درنده اش.


more from Shahin iran1012

vildemose, how do you know that it can't evolve?

by rrrezz on

Are you sure your vision does not rest on racism? I think any expression that puts a big group of peole into a dead end is racist, like "mag bar amrica".

If you want to see one particular example of evolution of religions, watch Kiarostami's "ABC Africa" and see how the Pop is campaigning agains birth control in AIDS-pron Uganda. 


P.S. Related to this, Bernard Lewis has a very interesting book called "What went wrong?" 

Soosan Khanoom

Albaloo and Demo thank you

by Soosan Khanoom on

: )

Soosan Khanoom

Masud jan thankx a bunch for the sweet poem..

by Soosan Khanoom on

U R so kind...



مرسی  سوسن


مرسی  سوسن خانم .  حرف حساب میزنی


So he (and Muslims),

by vildemose on

So he (and Muslims), try to rationalize torturing millions of animals
TODAY, by comparing it to what other idiots did thousands of years ago.
The fact is other religions have evolved , but Islam has not and can
not. When their so-called educated (like Demo, SK, IRI,..), blindly
defend and rationalize all crimes of Islam in 21st century.



All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir


Soosan Khanoom

by masoud5 on


سلام به اون اهل دلي كه بي ريا و با صفاست ،
قلبِ پر از محبتش هميشه با يادت خداست،
دور باشه از وجودتون هر چي غم و هر چي بلاست،
گفتم سلامي عرض كنم، نَگين فلاني بي وفاست!!!‬


IranFirst, you say " There is no prohibition

by rrrezz on

You say " There is no prohibition of cruelty to animals in Islam" but I've heard that in Islam for example hunting of animals is forbidden if not for eating their meat. Or animals should not be slaughtered in front of each other.

You don't say what torture you are talking about. Also isn't the whole point of Halal or Kosher slaughter to kill the animal fast without it suffering much?


OK, sorry that what I'm saying is in favour of Islamist terrorist ..., etc but what you say is not totally convincing, as I said above. 


Allah loves chopping off heads and hands and feet

by Fesenjoon2 on

The Arab God Al-ilah orders his followers in the Quran to "chop off the hands and feet of disbelievers that wage war against Allah":


Chopping off animal heads ke sahl ast.

Here are some muslims pleasing Al-ilah:




by masoud5 on

این بلاگ جای بحث ما نیست. بیا سر کوچه تو الترناتیو سازی.


Demo and defending Islamic Lying

by IranFirst on

Now that you can't defend your original post, you prove my point by grasping for ANYONE else who is stupid enough to perform animal sacrifices like Muslim robots. This time you come up with a small minority religion named "Samaritans" in West bank. Their total population is 751 people !, and you want to use them to justify Muslim killing and torture of millions and millions of animals. What is next? are you going to bring examples from cruelty to animal by a small tribe in Africa, to make you feel less guilty?

And always remember: Honesty & Integrity First


Gandhi: Greatness of a Nation & How animals are Treated.

by IranFirst on

"The greatness of a nation," said Mahatma Gandhi, "can be judged by the way its animals are treated."

Congratulations for the World Animal Day , to all animal lovers around the world


World Animal Day was on October 4th , 3 weeks before Muslim savages started to perform their needless annual ritual of toture and scarificing of millions of animals



by Roozbeh_Gilani on

این بزغاله های حاکم بر ایران عزیز، از خمینی دجال تا علی‌ خامنه‌ای و ملیجک دربارش احمدی‌نژاد،  شاید برای تو "مقامات" باشند، ولی‌ برای من و اکثریت بزرگ ملت شریف و عمده مسلمان ایران، چیزی  جز یک مشت وطن فروش ترسوی  آدمکش نیستند که زیر نقاب "اسلام" ۳۴ سال کاری جز دزدی، جنایت، خیانت و تیشه به ریشه زدن اسلام، نکرده‌اند.


Demo Lying? For Real?

by Demo on

Well, watch the below & you be the judge:


& if you are old enough watch the underneath video as well to see the degree of brutality in a typical US salaughterhouse by your own eyes, dear:


And always remember: Honesty & Integrity First!


عید قربان یعنی عید حیات و عطف زندگی


ما ایرانیان در کلام  مرتب قربان یکدگر میرویم ولی چند در صدمان واقعأ حاضر به قربانی شدن از برای مخاطب خود هستیم؟ بهر حال پیروی هر مرام و عقیده ای هستیم هر روزمان عید با حیاتی تازه و زندگی دگر بار و  قلوبمان مملو از عطوفت و مهربانی و در تپش از بهر قربان رفتن عزیزان و دوستان بهتر از جان. همچون عید قربانی بر همه مبارک انشالله.


Demo lying, like a "good" Muslim , again

by IranFirst on

Dear Divaneh, thanks for your good comments.

When ever barbarity of Islam is exposed (which happens a lot), Muslims
have this defensive reflex; they try to prove that someone else is doing
a similar wrong, so they can rationalize away the crimes of Islam. They
can not defend Islam's obvious acts of savagery (terrorism, stoning,
etc.) they also have to follow Quran like sheep (which directs them to
commit all sorts of crimes), so they try find some non-Muslim, who
committed similar acts thousands of years ago.

In this thread "Demo" mentions some Jewish ancient sacrificing ritual.But after looking at HIS source, one reads that

"With the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem by the Romans, the Jewish practice of offering korbanot stopped for all intents and purposes."

also, looking at his other example


One reads that that one is an ancient one and has NOT been allowed in modern times by courts

So he (and Muslims), try to rationalize torturing millions of animals
TODAY, by comparing it to what other idiots did thousands of years ago.
The fact is other religions have evolved , but Islam has not and can
not. When their so-called educated (like Demo, SK, IRI,..), blindly
defend and rationalize all crimes of Islam in 21st century.

If the excuse is to provide food for the needy for ONE DAY, why not provide the mony to them or give money to a charity. But as I saiod before , Muslims (even the "educated" are not allowed to think or decide they have to follow what some ancient Arab savages ordered them to do

One other point , you mentioned 1 billion people can not be inhumane,
But many (not all, who are mostly Muslims in name only) support this and
other inhumanities. By the way Muslims use the 1 billion number to show
that they are correct! (SK has used it before). As you know this is
called "Argumentum ad populum" and is a fallacy


Soosan Khanoom

By the way, It is a week late but Eid Mubarak to all who

by Soosan Khanoom on

Celebrate here in the States as well as every where else on this planet.  





Islami is a direct

by vildemose on

Islam is a direct offshoot of Islam. One could even say a complete plaigarism by Mo. As Divaneh said, one barbarity does not justify another.

Leave it to De m o nic to bring fetuses into this discussion. Sick of loser Islamists. 

All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir

Soosan Khanoom

Those charities are inside Iran not online.

by Soosan Khanoom on

I was in Iran last year and donated in person. For this year ,  for Eid celebration , I donated the necessary amount to the homeless shelter here in the states  and asked them that to use it specifically in providing the food and they accepted  it  with no problem.  

Also,   Just to let you know , unfortunately meat comes from killing the animals. Unless you are a  vegetarian then there is no other way.

Again , if some backward people want to see this procedure then that just talks more about them rather than anything else.  Still, for anyone on this earth who eats meat, the action is there, cause in the slaughter houses they do still slaughter animals.    


Roots of Islam

by divaneh on


I agree that Islam has copied most of its teachings from Jewish religion but why are you trying to justify one barbarity by another. I think they are both daft and should be abandoned, what about you?

Please do not divert this discussion to the abortion laws.


Fetus vs Lamb

by Demo on

One must be either divaneh or vilemore not to credit the Jews with their traditional Korban & with their Passover Lambs sacrifices:



And which is more human, a lamb or a fetus in his/her momy's womb?




Killing and Charity

by divaneh on

Dear Soosan Khanoom you are in my view trying to confuse the matter. A charity providing food uses the same staples that the rest of the society uses with meat being one of those. I was recently sent a flyer by an Islamic so called charity with prices of different animals to sacrifice in different countries ranging from India to Somalia. They were happy to sacrifice one or more on my behalf if I was happy to use my plastic card. Of course it promised to then feed it to the poor people but if it was about feeding people then it could have included wheat and corn. What is it that this big surplus of meat on one day (if not buried) is going to achieve?

No one said you do not have your own opinion but the validity of any opinion can be questioned in a debating society such as IC. I do not call a billion people inhuman but I think they have received the wrong education.

Soosan Khanoom

Wahhabism is pretty much an invented phenomena and

by Soosan Khanoom on

It has it's own twisted world. Who is talking about them? I said inside Iran.  I personally has not seen any meat on this day goes to waste inside Iran.  Now there are some backward people in Iran who like to see the sheep being sacrificed on front of them. But that says more about them than the Celebration of this day.  Last year I was in Iran.  I saw charity centers in Iran that would accept your donation money for this day to provide the needy family with food.  There was one specific center in Niavaran stree that runs a big Orphange place. Many people that i knew were donating money to that center to provide meat and/or a prepared meal for the kids.  

By the way, I am Muslim and I do celebrate Eid Gorban. And, NO, I see no difference between this day and thanks giving  ...I celebrate them both.   I also celebrate the birth of Jesus and Prophet Mohammad.  Peace be on both of them.

Now , you guys can go ahead and argue with me.   We each have one vote. You are entitle to your own opinion and me to mine.   I just can not call a billion of people who are muslims inhuman or allow myself to make fun of them. 



 Divanahe jon : Thank

by vildemose on

 Feeding poor people can happen on any day of the year and is not the objective of this ritual, spilling blood for Allah is.


Divanahe jon : Thank you. Islamist and their operatives are masters of false equivalency arguments. It's sickening that some people actually fall for it.


All Oppression Creates a State of War--Simone De Beauvoir


Traditional Meal vs Sacrifice

by divaneh on

Soosan Khanoom,

As usual you are trying to justify the Islamic barbarity by a false or a true comparison to another tradition.

Turkey being the Christmas traditional meal is like the Iranian New Year traditional meal of fish and herbed rice. This is very different to a festival of sacrifice where the whole idea of the day is to kill an animal. Increasingly people opt for other types of food on Christmas without anyone feeling obliged to eat turkey on that day. Muslims are however obliged to kill an animal if they can afford it. The whole ritual off course is to please the blood thirsty Allah. Your own friend Demo would find a lamb anywhere and will kill it while facing the idol house in the Mecca to dissuade the Allah from crushing his bones in the grave.

I know in the past the Saudis used to bury the carcases due to the inability of the authorities to deal with so many slaughters in one day. I think it still may be the case. Feeding poor people can happen on any day of the year and is not the objective of this ritual, spilling blood for Allah is.



by masoud5 on

نکته مهم همین است. قانع کردن مقامات. به ایرانیای درست حسابی که بد و بیرا میگید. سلمان رشدی رو بفرستید تا براتون مذاکره کنه!   موفقیت باشید.


Muslims' Savagery and Torture of Animals

by IranFirst on

Until not long ago the bodies of millions of slautherd animals were buried, because Muslims are not allowed to use their brains and have to follow Islam like robots.   There
is no prohibition of cruelty to animals in Islam.  Civilized people of the world consume
meet but they do their best to reduce the suffering of the animal. 
Muslims don’t consume meet UNLESS the animals has been killed and tortrured cruely.
Halal meet means animal torture.  Everyone should boycott stores
that sell halal food.

Shahriar Zahedi

The picture

by Shahriar Zahedi on

btw, what's with the corn-on-the-cob in the picture above?


قدم به قدم...


دوست گرامی‌، شاهین: به قول دوستان "اصلاح طلب"، یک ذره صبر داشته باشید. اول بگذارید این اسلامیون حاکم به مملکت را قانع به توقف کشتار مردم ایران کنیم، بعدا بریم سراغ بزغاله ها.

البته به عقیده من، اگر از شر حاکمین بزغاله صفت خلاص بشویم، تمام جریان حل خواهد شد....


A Politician You Can Vote for!

by Faramarz on



Rabbi Shmuley for Congress!


Soosan Khanoom

LOL... You all are invited to my Thanksgiving Feast ...

by Soosan Khanoom on

Since the Eid Gorban is over ... 

Come one and come all.   I am a great Cook.  Well I mean ... I hire a good cook.  
