New McCarthy-like Congressional hearings about Muslims in America


Soosan Khanoom
by Soosan Khanoom

One day shall come that being a muslim is a crime and you have to deny even being one to avoid jail.

What I am posting here and blogging about may actually make many Islam haters on IC happy and ready to attack as usual. I do expect nothing from these death to Islam crowd of IC. I should say do not even bother !!

I only ask those who cares , muslim or non muslim , religious or non religious ones to be a voice for the voiceless. Let it be written that at this time of the history the target is no longer Jews or Communists but it is " ISLAM "

New McCarthy-like Congressional hearings beginning this Thursday about Muslims in America


Congress To Hold Hearings On Muslim Threat

Things may get worse, Rep. Peter King (R-NY), Chair of the Homeland Security Committee of the House of Representatives, is holding McCarthy-like Congressional hearings beginning this Thursday on the "Radicalization of American Muslims."

Quite a bit of the proposed witness list has looked like a who's who of Islamophobes,
and we Muslim Americans are holding our collective breath waiting for the fallout from these hearings.

We wonder: will we see more hate mobs outside our mosques or events due to hysteria being whipped up by these hearings?

It's certainly possible, and Muslims around the country are strategizing on how to respond to protect our faith community from more bigoted protests,
or even dangerous attacks on our places of worship and individuals.



A Minnesota Democrat, congressman Keith Ellison, the first Muslim elected to the House,

says that while it's proper to investigate radicalization, he thinks it is wrong to single out a religious minority.

"I worry about it," he said on the program. "Everybody I talk to worries about it, and we're concerned about the breadth of this."

He added, "It's absolutely the right thing to do for the chairman of the Homeland Security Committee to investigate radicalization,

but to say we're going to investigate a religious minority, and a particular one, I think is the wrong course of action to take."

On Sunday, groups opposed to King's hearings plan to rally in New York. President Barack Obama's deputy national security adviser

will speak on the administration's approach to countering domestic radicalization.


The Muslim Family Response to Hatred



more from Soosan Khanoom

FBI’s website has a

by vildemose on

FBI’s website has a chronologi­cal list of all terrorist attacks committed on U.S. soil from the year 1980 to 2005. A total of 318 terrorist incidents in the US occurred in this period, Muslims committed only 14 of them and that is 5%. (Page 15; and 57 to 66).



"And a recent Duke University study indicates U.S. authoritie­s uncovered 48 out of 120 Muslim terrorist plots since 2001 thanks to tips from the (American)  Muslim community.­"



I like to see a hearing on

by vildemose on

I like to see a hearing on radicalization of Christians in the US? Where they might end up making the US another hellhole like IRI:

Christian Republic of America instead of United States of America...

Soosan Khanoom

Escape jan

by Soosan Khanoom on

We agree then they do exist in Old Testament ........  

Christians today believe in old testament as well !......  right ?

It is true that they do not exist as much in new testament but not that there is none ........ 

Otherwise explain to me the crusaders please?

Or the witches burning during dark ages?

 here are two from the new One .....  

In Mark 7:9, Jesus is critical of the Jews for not killing their disobedient children as prescribed by Old Testament law. 

Mark 7:10 For Moses said, Honour thy father and thy mother; and, Whoso curseth father or mother, let him die the death:

now i get back to you all later on this ..... by no means I want to hand pick verses of any religion and accuse them ....... I do respect them all and I do respect all the Prohets of God ........ 

Soosan Khanoom


by Soosan Khanoom on

not bad idea ...... I am tired of being too Enlightened ....... sometime is good to know nothing ...... nothing at all ......

send me a copy please ?

and , oh , please wrap it in pink ! 



by Doctor mohandes on

Sorry sweety.

But Unlike you I do not read Junk stuff and pretend that i know what =i am talking about.

PS. Paris hilton's diary will be my Eidi to you. Want it wrapped or unwrapped?

Soosan Khanoom


by Soosan Khanoom on

Terrorist or Dog when they bite ... it hurts ......  

Soosan Khanoom


by Soosan Khanoom on

VPK dear .... please join the "Tea Party" ...... they so need you there !

Soosan Khanoom


by Soosan Khanoom on

Thank you for such a warm and supporting comment concerning me and Amir...  

and I should say I am agree on what you said  " Holy ... we have consensus."  

Does it matter if it was Batman or Robin ?  who really cares : )






by Raoul1955 on

A loud allah-akbar to you and your wisdom.  :-)

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


In USA they put dogs that attack people to sleep. There are dog catchers and ponds. Does that sound like a good way to deal with terrorists. 


Islamist scholar proves that dogs killed 3000 Americans on 9/11

by AMIR1973 on


Source: Encyclopedia of West-residing Islamists

Mola Nasredeen

There are

by Mola Nasredeen on

"more people

who die

from dog bites

than terrorism in the United States every year" 

Source: US media

I condemn both.



by AMIR1973 on

Well, I do agree that Muslims should reject the radicals in their midst. Hoepfully, we will see more and more of that. And I also think that law enforcement has a right to keep surveillance on dangerous individuals. At the same time, when "outsiders" go after a religion, often times many people of that religious community embrace their religion more. It may be a mindless reaction, but it's a common tendency. Over time, more and more Muslims are "losing their religion" -- it's what happens in industrialized societies.



by Reality-Bites on

 1) Islam demands to be "the state" how do you separate Islam from state.


For what it's worth I believe Islam, as an ideology/faith/religion (call it what you will) passed its sell by date long ago. Many of its laws and principles are too arcane, reactionary and simply unworkable for the modern world of 21st century. But that's my personal view.

However, as I think you will agree (being a defender of freedom yourself), people should have the right to believe in anything they wish, as long as they don't seek to impose their beliefs on others and interfere with the rights of others to their beliefs.

As to your question - which IS a very important question - my quick answer is that Iran, once it finally manages to finally get rid of the nightmare of IRI, can adopt one of several of constitutional models separating religion from state/governance of state from other countries (no need to re-invent the wheel). This must be backed up with a highly competent, independent (very critical) and balanced judiciary which upholds the provisions of the constitution and would hold accountable anyone, including the government itself, should they deviate from the constitution.

However in Iran's case, as is usually the case (is it a curse or a blessing being an Iranian?) the question of separation of Islam and state, is somewhat more complicated, though not unachievable. I say complicated because, whether we like it or not, a huge proportion of the Iranian population, even many of those that are sick of IRI, remain deeply religious and devoted to Islam.

As I firmly believe successful change in any country is best achieved from bottom up, this is an issue that needs to be tackled head on. By this I don't mean people should be coerced to change their personal beliefs, rather they should be convinced that the business of government, economic and social laws should not be based on religious dogma or doctrine. A pretty tough task in the case of Iran, even despite IRI's misrule, imo, since reversing 14 centuries of relentless indoctrination cannot be undone overnight.


2) That would be Robin not Batman. Did you ever wonder why some guy dresses up in a bat suit and lives with a young boy:-)

Quite right, I stand corrected. And no I hadn't wondered about that, but thanks for putting the questionable living arrangement scenario in my head and totally undermining my confidence in the tights wearing fellow.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Yes we have an accepted norm of "Freedom of Religion" in the USA. But what is a religion? How far may a religion go?

For example the USA banns polygamy. This law was passed specifically because of Mormons: //

It is perfectly normal and reasonable to  restrict religions. Otherwise anyone could go and make up a religion; then do whatever they want in name of freedom of religion. King wants to look at the Islamic practices and see who is a danger. This is a reasonable and long overdue action. In the long run normal Muslims have a choice:

  • Break off from the radicals; avoid them and condemn their actions. Do not go to radical mosques. Educate your children to avoid the nut jobs. Do not condone sending your kids to Yemen or Pakistan for radical brainwashing..
  • Stick together with the radicals. Try to justify or whitewash their actions. But in reality remain integrated with them. Turn away when your kids are taking little "trips" to Yemen.

The former will allow Muslims to live in harmony in the world. The latter will lead to an increasing marginalization of Muslims. King is doing Muslims a favor. This is a shot across the bow: get your act together and now! They can listen and do what I suggested. Or they can dig in their heels and go for confrontation. The choice of action is theirs.



by AMIR1973 on

I know that lots of bad things are done in the name of Islam, but freedom of and from religion is an important principle. I think it's better in a free society to allow people to practice their religion as long as they don't try to dominate the society, as in the IRI. The general trend of the world is the growth of secularism, and many more Iranians support it now than in 1979. The future is not good for theocracies.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear Amir

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


What is the average Muslim practice? My family was a "non" practicing Muslim. I remember this from Iran:

  • Being told many times how great Islam was and how inferior all others were. I was subjected to a non stop stream of antisemitism from my friends. Thankfully this was offset by my own family's respect for Jews.
  • I was told outrageous lies disparaging Bahai and Zartoshti people. Many from Iranian literature. Unfortunately Iranian post Islamic literature is very disparaging of nun Muslims.
  • When my father hired an Armenian to work in our house. One of his "educated": friends asked him why did he allow this "najis" into his house. H My father was shocked; so was I
  • In America I was yelled at by an Egyptian college for eating during Ramadan. He was quite angry; red faced and I shudder to think how he would have reacted if we were not in the USA where I was legally protected.
  • They go around beating themselves into a bloody pulp in Ashura. The whole spectacle is disturbing.
  • Recently an Iranian friend of mine got chased out of a meeting for criticizing Islam. This was at an American top notch university not just some hole in the wall. My friend was lucky to get away without physical harm.

These are actions by "ordinary" Muslims. Yes there are many Muslims who are non violent. But how do I know the guy sitting next to me is not one of the above? Honestly I avoid non Iranian Muslims. With Iranians I can tell whether they if they are radicals pretty quickly.




Dear VPK.

by AMIR1973 on

I am against the ideology of Islamism not the religion of Islam. Personally, I am not religious at all (like most Iranian-Americans), but I think the focus for "outsiders" should be Islamic radicalism, not Islam as it it practiced by the average Muslim. I do, however, support those Muslims who want to see increasing secularization of Muslim societies and getting rid of the fanatical and superstitious aspects of the Islamic religion, which definitely exist. Regards.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Reality Bites

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


1) Islam demands to be "the state" how do you separate Islam from state.

2) That would be Robin not Batman. Did you ever wonder why some guy dresses up in a bat suit and lives with a young boy:-) 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


We ususally agree. But I disagree with you over Rep King. He is right to call Islam out. He is right to bring attention to the threat. And he is right to hold the hearings. I wish they invited som Iranian victims of "Political Islam" and "revolution".

Why are you guys trying so hard to justify Islam. Why not admit the obvious. It is not doing us any good. I said in other posts: if you want a religion there are better ones. Why do we have to stick to Islam. Just drop it because it does not help us.

While Obama coddles radicals King is taking them head on. Good for him. Someone needs to stop this "hold hands and sing" ***. We as a nation are under threat and he is dealing with it. I hope this is the first step in many to come in dealing with it.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Mohammad and Jesus

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Jesus as described by history was a model human being: a model for good. Mohammad was the opposite. You all know what he did so I won't bore you here. Of course Islam and Christianity do not have the same real basis.

Superficially they have some similarities. But at the core they are 100% opposite. Islam is lucky it was tolerated as long as it was. Now it is time for paying up. There is no reason for us to defand Islam; just jump the ship and move on.



by Escape on

No violence was ever spoken or promoted by Jesus Christ.If you read it,you would know that was his purpose..So please find these verses from the New Testament you speak of and post them.Do not compare Jesus Christ to Muhammad or Moses without backing it please.Thank You.



AMIR1973 and Soosan Khanoom

by Reality-Bites on

The last two comments by you pretty much cover the important issues on this topic and I agree with you both.

Holy (as Batman might say), we have consensus.

Soosan Khanoom

I know Amir......... That is

by Soosan Khanoom on

I know Amir......... That is so heartbreaking and they are doing it all in the name of God .......

I hope one day we are going to have a free and democratic Iran ......  the key is separation of religion and state ........ 



Dear Soosan,

by AMIR1973 on

I agree with you. Rep. King is a demagogue, and these hearings are unnecessary. But after these hearings are over, Muslims in the U.S. will still enjoy freedom of and from religion; will still be able to attend school and university; pursue their careers; enjoy freedom of speech, press, and assembly; etc. In other words, they will have rights, freedoms, and opportunities that most residents of Islamic states do not have, especially our own Iran, where the Islamic Republic has executed over 20,000 of its own citizens since coming to power (and is still executing more to this day). Regards.

Soosan Khanoom

Amir Jan

by Soosan Khanoom on

compare to any other place on earth U.S is heaven ........ I mean it ........ now let us keep it that way ........ That is all I am saying :) 



Compared to Islamic states, US is paradise

by AMIR1973 on

While some of the illiterate and psychotic West-residing IRI Groupies on this website who have difficulty with writing even the most basic English lose their "minds" and "sanity" about some worthless Congressional hearings, Christians are having their churches burned and being killed in the streets of Egypt and elsewhere in the Mideast. Let's face it: the most reactionary Republicans in the U.S. are 100 times less bad than the most "progressive" of Islamists in the Mideast. Compared to the Islamic states, the US is heaven on earth.

Soosan Khanoom

Then here is a place to vent

by Soosan Khanoom on

so be it and stop that Lab experiment on them : )

Nasrudin trained a frog to hop everytime he said "Jump!".
Then, for reasons known only to himself, he surgically removed the frog's left
hind leg.
"Jump!" he cried. The frog jumped. Veered badly to the left, but it jumped.

Nasrudin wrote in his journal: "Left hind leg removed; frog still jumps."
And then he removed the frog's left fore leg.
"Jump!" he cried. The frog jumped. Almost rolled over on it's back, but it

He wrote in his journal: "Both left legs removed; frog still jumps."
And then he removed the frog's right fore leg.
"Jump!" he cried. The frog jumped. Actually it was more of a 'scoot', but it

He wrote in his journal: "All but right hind leg removed; frog still jumps."
And the he removed the frog's right hind leg.
"Jump!" he cried. Nothing.
"Jump!" he cried. The frog twitched a little, but just sat there.
"Jump!" he cried. The frog just looked at him pitifully.

Nasrudin wrote in his journal: "All legs removed; frog has gone deaf."


Mola Nasredeen

Soosan Khanoom,

by Mola Nasredeen on

I hope you're not leaving us?

We came to see you.

I like this comment by you:

"they are suffering from certain syndrome and they need to be cured ..... otherwise all that hate will kill them ........ they seriously need some professional help ... even those who have been raped by church do not have such a hate in them.."

It's so true. Many are wearing straight jackets although you can't see it. Do you know how much money US taxpayers are saving by having this website available?

Just imagine, without it the emergency rooms of looney asylums would'be filled up every day.

Soosan Khanoom


by Soosan Khanoom on

 Quran is simple with  no headache cause there is only one copy of it remained unchanged since its time ...... forget about the revayat and hadises ...... do not even bother .... not worth the time 

But the other books are quite challenging ... you have to dig your way through several copies of them and stick to one ...

also make sure to read Gospel of Barnabas. It is attributed to St. Barnabas, wherein the history of Jesus Christ is related in a manner very different from what we find in the other Gospels, but very simillar to Quran ........  buy it from Amazon ... they used to have it 

for the rest just go through them on line .......



now put the biography of Paris Hilton down and start reading those  

enjoy  : )