There has to be a mind behind the creation


Soosan Khanoom
by Soosan Khanoom
I understand people's anger against religion or as I would like to call it " false religion "

It is not the creator of the universe that needs to be rejected as "opium of the people," but rather the false religion of legitimation and by that I mean a religion that legitimating oppression of any kind including women and human rights. The European intellectual, in particular, Karl Marx, overlooked this. He, along with European Christian intellectuals who had become critical of religion, had not under stood the importance of this difference. Further more they reached to this conclusion by experiencing the false religion and by never being present at the time of the real deal.

As a scientists I am amazed by how this world inside and out side of my body is functioning... Thousands scientific papers are being published yearly and yet we are still no where even close to our understanding and knowledge of the creation ..... it is unbelievable ...... it is amazingly beautiful...... and I, by no means, can deny the existence of a brilliant mind behind all of these.

We have come a long way and we no longer live in the middle ages.

With today's discoveries in science and the fact that science has been more a proof of existence of an intelligent design / designer of universe rather than non existence of it , then we can not and should not let us live in the middle ages and deny everything as a revenge to the ruling religious hypocrites. We should move on with the speed of scientific discoveries rather than staying in the past.

Einstein was a genius with a brain functioning in the future. When he was asked that if he believes in God or not he answered:

" which God? There are two Gods ... one is the one who people have created and one is the one who has created and governs the entire universe "

We do not have a brain that functions in the future but we probably do not need it because we ourselves are living in the future.

Watch this amazing video ..... It just leaves me speechless and that is just inside a tiny cell .. WOW

The Inner Life of a Cell .....

reminds me of this Ayat of Quran......

"We will soon show them Our signs in the Universe
until it will become quite clear to them
that it is the truth.
Is it not sufficient as regards your Lord that He is a witness over all things? ( 41:53)"


more from Soosan Khanoom
Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Quantum Mechanices

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Is tone of he most successful theories of physics. Einstein was wrong to reject it out of hand. Even if QM turns out to be inaccurate still it made no sense to dismiss it. Einstein put religion ahead of science. That is bad.

No real scientist should decide beforehand. All science is theory and must be judged based on data. Not on religion. He screwed up and that is all there is to it. We refer to it as bad science.

salman farsi

Einstein has not been proven wrong

by salman farsi on


Veild Prophet of Khorassan,

Although the question of quantom mechanics is outside the scope of our debate on religion and God, I must remind you that there is absolutely no definitive evidence/proof that quantom machanics is the governing principles of the atomic and sub-atomic physics. There is a strong body of opinion among eminent scientists that quantom theory was based on wrong (philosophical) assumptions. A cautionary view is expressed in this article. Therefore we cannot say with certainty that Einstein (or Bohr) was wrong but the validity or non-validity of the quantum theory is still to be proven.

Yes scientists may be wrong or may be right but the questions belief in God and religion are different issues.

 For an Islamic democracy

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Ali Mostafi

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Thank you.

It is very interesting that Gathas do not have any threats in them. Opposite of Quoran which is filled with threats against the "unbelievers". No hellfire; no damnation. Ahura Mazda does not hate his creation.

No one is damned to eternal torture. Islam damns you to hell in life and death. Ahura Mazda brings you Vahishta in life and afterlife. You pick which path you choose.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Re: Islamic Tolerance

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I was having a discussion with a Muslim about violence. He told me: "We do not use violence; we give you three chances to become Muslim. It is only if you refuse the third time that we kill you!". He was being very honest.

Mash Ghasem


by Mash Ghasem on

helloooo, what's the full title and info on your 'graduate school' book: date, publisher,..

As far as your query, as many have mentioned before here on this blog: it's called evolution. In my very limited reading of the field,Stephen Jay Gould and his notion of  "Punctuated Equilibrium"  are most intresting, and non-mechanical account for evolution. Happy reading.


Soosan Khanoom

helloooo back to the topic please

by Soosan Khanoom on

Consider this from the author of a textbook that I studied at grad school for my  developmental biology class  :
“The concept of an embryo is a staggering one.  To become an embryoyou had to build yourself from a single cell.  You had to respire before you had lungs,  digest before you had a gut,  build bones when you were pulpy,  and form orderly arrays of neurons before you knew how to think.  One of the critical differences between you and a machine is that  a machine is never required to function until after it is built.   Every animal has to function as it builds itself.”                  Scott Gilbert
Now tell me .... how is it even possible? .... Was " I , the embryo " the intelligent one here ?  How could it be?  I had no power at that time.... I could not even have planned  this .... I was not even " I " then ...... I was a tiny single cell that started to multiply within itself .....  How could I have learned to think before I even have a brain?   Accident? Hmmm.. NO  WAY    : )   



Get her this book VPK isbn

by alimostofi on

Get her this book VPK

isbn 9780615374598

Ali Mostofi



Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


My daughter told me she has told her friends she is a Zartoshti. I hugged her and told her she is a true child of mine. I am so proud of her to see through the shit and see the truth.

As Fredowsi said:

  • Ze Khabe geran bayad az chashm shost, Ze rokh barafkande nangin, shost.
  • Bia ta bekoshim va jang avarim, boron sar az in bare nang avarim.
  • Biarim an abe rafte be joy, magar ze an biabim baz abero

My child has finally regained our aberooh.



Islam and tolerance

by Siavash300 on


"The early Islamic rulers did not abide by the Quoran. They drank; allowed infidels to live. And were content to collect massive taxes. The modern Islamists live by Quoran. They are intolerant and refuse to allow original thinking and are doomed." Veiled Prophoet of Khorasan 

Islam divides mankind into three categories - the Muslims (umma), the people of the Book (ahl al-Kitab) and the unbelievers (kafir). The umma consists of all those who have made the profession of faith of Islam (the Sahada). This is the statement that "there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet". They come under the jurisdiction of Islamic law, and retreat from this is impossible, for in Islam apostasy is a capital offence. The people of the Book are Jews and Christians, who according to Islam, also received the revelation from God, but in an imperfect form and in any case they soon departed from its correct interpretation. Even though the Koranic revelation supercedes that of the "people of the Book" they are tolerated in Islamic countries and worship of their religions allowed (except in Arabia proper where the Muhammad decreed that only the worship of Islam be permitted).

Studies of Islam by Christians and Jews lack in objectivity as they cannot criticise the dogmas of Islam without exposing themselves also to the same charges as their beliefs are not too different. They also seem to revel in the special position accorded to them in Islam (though subject to a financial penalty) and Muslim rulers had usually employed them in high positions in the administration of conquered peoples. Christian and Jewish writers on Islam have generally ignored the position of the Kafir in Islam. Quite apart from the affinity they share with Islam their own attitude to "pagans" has been hardly different especially in the medieval period.


I do not believe in a personal God

by Rea on

.... and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it."

A.Einstein, letter to an atheist (1954), The Human Side

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Regarding Einstein. Yes his belief in religion blinded him to Quantum Mechanics. Not sure if you are familiar with it. But the basis is that world is based on "probabilities". Einstein said "God does not roll dice".

He was wrong. And that made him refuse to grasp QM. Which is one of the most successful theories of physics to this day. So just because Albert said it does not make it right.

I am not saying there is no God. I am saying that scientists make mistakes. The good ones experiment; learn and admit it. Einstein shined for a while and then went dark. Because of his bone headed refusal to be open minded.


Salman: and anyone with your

by alimostofi on

Salman: and anyone with your name would be seriously Persian and not become an apostate.

Ali Mostofi



salman farsi

Thanks Ahura (msg received thru Mr Mostofi)

by salman farsi on

By the way did you realize that your initials are the same as Ahura Mazda's!! ( I am beginning to believe it that you ARE in contact with the Lord).

 For an Islamic democracy


Salman: you never liked

by alimostofi on

Salman: you never liked languages and you did really bad on that test on the roots of words. For the last time there is a common language to all languages and it is called Proto-Elamite. Think outside the box. Ali was the third apostate after you and Halabi Qureshi. Our Arab brothers lost a lot of lives and many Arab philosophers and Astrologers died in the Islamic Inquisition. They suffered more than anyone as no other thought was permitted.

Ali Mostofi



salman farsi

Hirre and Roozbeh

by salman farsi on

Hirre you speak logically but I am afraid one humble scientist begs to differ:

"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind"

Albert Einstein


Roozbeh jan

You are a Good human.  Thanks for your kind words.

For an Islamic democracy

salman farsi

Thanks Ahura Mazada (msg delivered via Ali Mostofi)!!

by salman farsi on


My friend at least adopt and Zoroasterian name in honor of the  Lord Mazda and in a gesture of defiance to those Arab invaders  - Omar is lol at your intensely Arabic name which is a symbol of sudmission to those invaders.

My line with AM went noisy for sometime back in  1400 years ago and was soon shut down. But I am glad to see yours is still sharp and clear lol.

 For an Islamic democracy


VPK: Belief in Life is the

by alimostofi on

VPK: Belief in Life is the key, and so many doubt that. They do not trust life, and think that CP is right. The conversation with a person who thinks that he has to carry a weapon, or punishment is good, is always different from one that does not. 

Ali Mostofi



Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear Ali

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Yes of course "free choice" is absolutely important. That is why Yasna 12:8-9 says "Bar Migozinam" or "I Choose" the religion of Mazda Yasna. Not that I am forced to take it! All people have free will and thus responsible.

When we choose a good path we are doing ourselves and the world a favor. When we choose the wrong one we do the opposite. Killing and Capital Punishment goes against all human decency and must be abolished. It is the wrong choice we must avoid.

It is a shame that the nation that brought such enlightened religion suffers. In the grasp of a forced "religion" which kills people for leaving it! What kind of devotion may be excepted at the point of the sword or the "chomagh"?


Salman: You should know as

by alimostofi on

Salman: You should know as your name implies that your dad told you to behave and do your homework. Your dad knew a lot more than you about science and the library in Cteisphon was full of books that you had to study, in oder that you could also become the High Priest of Iran like your dad. But you were a politician more than a Priest and decided to burn all the books and write your own Koran as you thought you were in touch with Ahuramazda directly.

But your fires did not stop the progress of science as the humble scientists all decided to rewrite most of the works under the duress of Islamic law. Later the Monguls actually softened the terror on non-Islamic thought and Iranian culture grew.

Now go and do your homework. 


Ali Mostofi




یکی‌ به من بگه، مرتیکه لا مصب، آخه به تو چه؟


I love costa del sol of  Spain, not only for beaches and what can be caught there, but also for what lays  further inland. The palace of Al_Hamra is an interesting place, where magnificent islamic era buildings and houses are at times rudely interrupted by what was buit by christian conquerers much later. Up to that point at least, the superiority of Islamist culture, as portrayed in architecture, over the "western/christian" one is as obvious as the current superiority of the latter over the former. 

I guess what we all  could learn from more knowledgable friends like Hirre and Salman is when and how this transfer of power happened and the influence of the religions themselves (if any) on this transformation.   I know this is off Soosan khanooms topic of blog, so I'll not interrupt any more. 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."



by hirre on

The same applies to almost all religions. Science and arts are and should be seperated from religion. Many people mix those concepts together in order to justify their own cause...

salman farsi

Logical Spock!

by salman farsi on

Can you extend your decree to theChristian world?

 For an Islamic democracy


Islam by itself had nothing

by hirre on

Islam by itself had nothing in e.g. science and arts. The countries that the arabs invaded helped creating the "islamic golden age". The islamic contribution to science and other fields is a result of invasion, control and assimilation. Islam by itself is only a religion. It's the underlying culture that helps the progress of a nation. Look how much an islamic persia has contributed to the "islamic golden age" comparing with an e.g. islamic somalia.

salman farsi

Islamic Golden Age

by salman farsi on

As my name was mentioned by Ali Mostofi, I thought I  should make a brief contribution. In reading Mr Mostofi's comments one should bear in mind that they are not dealing with an ordinary mind. Mostofi claims to be in constant touch with Ahura Mazad and whenever he is stuck in something the Lord Ahura Mazada comes to the rescue. It is in this light that we should remember that all his deliberations are figments of his very personal imagination (oops! sorry I meant divine communication).

In one such sessions Mostofi must have been told by the Lord that there was no science and philosophy in the Islamic world after the fall of the corrupt Sassanid emipre. So for instance such distinguished figures like Avicenna, Inb-Rushd, al-Kindi, al-Farabi, Ibn-Khaldun, Al-Khwarizmi, Jaber ibn Hayyan, al-Razi, Nasir-al-Din-Al-Tousi and many more scientists, philosophers, mathematicians whose names are too many to mention here were the products of a non-Islamic education and (probaly) were closeted Zoroasterians or Christians!

Although initially the Mongol invasion removed the Abassid khalifate in Baghdad, in later years the grand son of Holagu converted to Islam (Oljaitu) and under him and his successors art and science flourished. Similarly in India the Mughals who were descendants of Mongol-Timurid rulers were behind much expansion of arts an science.

Ironically (and at the same time sadly) under the anti-Islamic republic of Iran, many branches of art flourished like no other time: film making, acting, calligraphy and classical music to name but a few.

Now I am interested to hear what the Lord Ahur Mazda has got to say.

 For an Islamic democracy


VPK: I agree and it is so

by alimostofi on

VPK: I agree and it is so nice to find like minded Iranians. I am sure that most readers will agree with you. Good thinking is the root of Iranian philosophy but you forgot one thing which is more important. Free Will gives us the space to think Good. In the Zend Avesta especially the section where Zoroaster speaks to Ahuramazda he clearly states that we have our own choices to make. That is why religion is ineffective . That is why rulers have to resort to killing and undermine themselves whatever there doctorine is. The change that will come will be based on someone going for no capital punishment. Once the notion of no capital punishment is established then the people will be able to make big changes. Obviously in Islam capital punishment is the core element.

Ali Mostofi



Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


we have a vaccum in Iran.

Yes we do. The solution to be is obvious. Go back to our original religion. The religion of our forefathers. What made Cyrus be the Great King he was. The philosophy that puts good about fear. It is already deeply rooted in Iran. The names of our months come from it as does our new year. The 12 Imams are simply an adaptation of Yazdan. The prayer "namaz" is an old Persian word. It refers to the prayers of the five "Gah" the we used to have. Before the Safavids there were still millions of Zoroastrians in Iran. The Safavids forced them to become Muslim by threat of death. Islam is foreign and not ours. We should look at our own past  to find out future.

This is my solution and I think it is a good one. People are looking for good in Islam. They will not find it. We are looking everywhere when the solution is right here in our own yard! All we need to do is to reach for it.



Sousan: you need to ask

by alimostofi on

Sousan: you need to ask yourself this. Why was it that the science of Iran and the philosophy of Iran disappeared after the Islamic invasion in the 7th century? Next you need to ask where did the few Iranians that managed to escape go? The Iranian rulers of the Sassanian Era fled to China. Much of what you see as Chinese such as in Astrology and philosophy eg: I Ching Yin and Yang are derived from Iranian Magi or Astrologers. We had to run away from the wrath of Salman. It took a special person to take on this wrath and Changiiz Khan had it in his Astrology to do just that. Also his son Hoolaku had the fortitude to put the dogma that had destroyed Iran to rest. The art see and the poetry was done in the Mongul era. It never happened sooner. The fear that Koran spread was gone just like now. No one takes this book seriously because of the amount of killings associated to it. But has anyone associated killings to Hafez or Saadi or Molana who were born under the rule of Mongul Christian Nestorians? No. I hope you have learnt something and will now know differently.

Ali Mostofi



Soosan Khanoom

it is more than

by Soosan Khanoom on

not just to believe your remarks , Ali ,  now it just makes me LOL

one more thing , Rumi, Hafez, Sadi and  Ferdosi were not scientists but poets ....

but still muslims as far as I know .....

Soosan Khanoom

it is more than

by Soosan Khanoom on

not just to believe your remarks , Ali ,  now it just makes me LOL

one more thing , Rumi, Hafez, Sadi and  Ferdosi were not scientists but poets ....

but still muslims as far as I know .....


Soosan Khanoom

By the way

by Soosan Khanoom on

I raised in a totally non religious family ... my parents send me to a French catolic school in Iran ... they did not much care about my Islamic education .... or better say that they did not give a damn about it ...

may be that helped me to look into this more with an open mind and just be fair about it ... or at least read history before make remarks ...

This blog is not about defending Islam cause I care less to even do so ...

I am out of here ... unless you are interested in science and universe and inside the cell discussions ......