Happy Holi or Happy Norooz
... he governed as if he felt predestined to never die
شاعری شاد خوار و زندگی دوست یا عارفی خدا شیدا
France and westerns countries have supported BenAli since 23 years because they thought he is the guy who can stop Islamists
I don’t know why these days there are many posts about Pahlavi’s money in this site. As the time has been stopped 30 years ago and nothing happened
This year is the 50th anniversary of his death.
شاید چون ما در خارج از ایران زندگی میکنیم بیشتر کمبودهای زبان فارسی به چشممان میخورد
In the eve of July 14, would we be tough enough for a new revolution, I hope so and may be one day we will have our Evin Day
I received this by email, I don't know who wrote it but he or she did it well.