نزاع بین احمدینژاد و مجلس اسلامی به نحو بیسابقهای شدت گرفته است. این نزاع که نه بین حاکمیت و اصلاحطلبان و بلکه بین خود اصولگرایان حاکم در جریان بوده در روزهای اخیر با اظهارات جدیدی از احمدینژاد و مجلسیان به اوج رسیده است. احمدینژاد در تازهترین اظهارات خود در این باره، د رمصاحبهای با روزنامه دولتی ایران در آستانه سفر به نیویورک، ضمن انتقاد شدید از مخالفان خویش در درون حاکمیت خواسته است که موقعیت او به عنوان «رییس جمهور» و مقام دوم کشور (پس از ولی فقیه) به رسمیت شناخته شود
Student movement remains vibrant despite pressure
Life for students in Iran has not been easy, especially those who seek justice or demand more freedom. Yet some of Iran’s best and brightest come out of Iranian universities and are sought after by American universities. Many have had to leave their homeland to seek more freedom, opportunities or take refuge in exile from harassment and imprisonment. Iran’s brave students continue to resist despite being targeted by IRI officials. They are once again holding the banner of the struggle for democracy, freedom, civil rights and the rule of law whether in prison or outside
How Haystack endangered the Iranian dissidents it was supposed to protect
by Evgeny Morozov
In March of this year, Hillary Clinton announced that the U.S. government had granted a license to a company whose software would "help information continue to flow freely into and out of Iran." That software was called Haystack, an anti-censorship tool that received glowing coverage from the BBC, NPR, the Christian Science Monitor, the International Herald Tribune, and many other news sources. Perhaps it was Haystack's teasing, provocative slogan—"Good luck finding that needle"—that so intrigued the reporters
فضای کنونی برای کانال های تلویزیونی بیشتر و مخاطبان خاص تر خیلی راه دارد تا به مرحله اشباع برسد
by Siavash Ardalan
راه اندازی تلویزیون صدای آمریکا و همچنین پی ام سی، اولین جوش های بلوغ بر چهره تلویزیون های ماهواره ای ایرانی بود که با شروع به کار تلویزیون فارسی بی بی سی جهش به یک دوران تازه را رقم زد: دورانی که کانال های لوس آنجلسی، هم به خاطر تنگنای مالی بیشترشان و هم به خاطر حرفه ای تر شدن فضای تلویزیونی، به حاشیه رانده شدند و جای خودشان را به انبوهی از تلویزیون های تخصصی حرفه ای تا شبه حرفه ای دادند
اگر فحش ناموسی به مامانش بدی، انگار که به زن دایی خودت فحش دادی
وقتی که بچّه بودیم، ظهرهای تابستون بزرگترها بعد از خوردن نهار پرده های نی ای اطاق رو پایین میاوردن و پنکه رو روشن میکردن و متکّا ها رو روی کف اطاق میانداختن و قبل از اینکه زیر شَمَدهای سفید و نازک به خواب خوشمزه فرو برن دستور میدادن که بچّه ها هم باید یکی دو ساعتی بخوابن. ولی من و پسر داییم، که هر کدوم بیشتر از هفت هشت سا ل نداشتیم، چند دقیقه ای ادای خواب بودن رو در میاوردیم
Khamenei and Ahmadinejad falling out
All along, Khamenei's support for Ahmadinejadh as been tactical and not based on what the clerics often refer to as "aqd-e okhovvat" (a tradition of brotherhood contract established by Prophet Mohammad in Medina). Both Ayatollah Khomeini and Ayatollah Khamenei have used this phrase when asked about their parting from their old colleagues. Khamenei will support Ahmadinejad as long as the advantages of such a support outweigh its disadvantages. Surely, Khamenei is starting to see how the obedient president is enjoying power and is slowly outgrowing his own skin
دنیا ممکن است ناحادثه قرآنسوزی را به فراموشی بسپارد و از آن بگذرد، ولی جمهوری اسلامی دستبردار نیست
برنامه قرآنسوزی کشیش گمنام آمریکایی که قرار بود در 11 سپتامبر برگزار شود از سوی قاطبه رهبران سیاسی و مذهبی جهان مورد تخطئه قرار گرفت و لغو شد. ولی رهبران جمهوری اسلامی دقیقا راه عکس را پیش گرفتند و تا توانستند سعی کردند با تبلیغات وسیع از این حوادث کوچک و پراکنده توطئهای بزرگ و جهانی بسازند و مردم را علیه غرب بشورانند
Ahmadinejad election myths
Ms. Fatemeh Keshavarz's article on Iran's "defrauded" presidential election surfaced at a juncture when the U.S. is trying to deflect world public attention from its woes in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan to Iran, impose more potent sanctions on the people of Iran, in lockstep with Israel, threaten the country with the use of nuclear weapons and effectively use such terrorist organizations as Mojahedin-Khalq and the soldiers of the Kingdom Restoration of Iran to throw dust in the air right before the 65th United Nations General Assembly on September 23, 2010
Iranian-American contestant Mahsa Saeidi-Azcuy
"I have to say that The Apprentice is one of the best-produced shows. And it is real. The tension is real. The feelings are real. The tasks are real. You work like an animal. You almost get no sleep. The producers are so careful with the rules that all the drama that unfolds on screen is real. The second you walk in, you feel the pressure and it starts to impact you. But that's also what makes it so fun to watch. And this season more than any other previous season, the craziest things happen, you have to watch!"
Photo essay: Visiting the mother of an American held at Evin Prison
Nazy Kaviani >>>
High quality graphic art accessible to Muslim youth in an entertaining package
So many years after a super villain raged unchallenged over the Twin Towers, many Americans still unjustly blame innocent Muslims for the horror. Now Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and other superheroes of the DC Comics
Justice League have rallied to save the world from the disastrous fallout of America’s hostility towards Islam. In an unprecedented artistic collaboration, DC Comics in the US has teamed up with the Middle Eastern publisher of the popular
The Ninety-Nine comic books to set the world right again
A case study of China vs Iran
by Cameron J. Shahab & Reza Mousoli
This paper aims to compare Chinese and Iranian cyberspace to highlight the excessive traffic analysis, surveillance, filtering and the resulting effects on anonymity and freedom of expression in the borderless society of the Internet. The paradoxical contrasts between these two different states provide much scope for analysis and discourse, particularly in light of recent media attention. As has been shown by the government crackdowns in the aftermath of the Iranian election of 2009, and China’s recent dispute with Google, cyberspace is highly contested by government’s seeking to harness digital economic and e-business benefits whilst restricting online dissent and political activism
ادبیاتی که به کار میرود نمایانگر سطح فرهنگی است
دلمشغولی جنسی و نگاه ابزاری جنسی به زن که وجه غالب فرهنگ حاکمیت را تشکیل میدهد به غالب توهینها و افتراهایی که از سوی سخنگویان و بلندگوهای حکومت مطرح میشود رنگ جنسی میدهد. اگر بازجوها با توهینهای جنسی به تحقیر زندانیان سیاسی میپردازند و یا آنان را به تجاوز جنسی تهدید میکنند (صرف نظر از مواردی که عملا به تجاوز دست میزنند)... آن را باید نشانی از دلمشغولی جنسی و نگاه ابزاری جنسی آنان به زن دانست
How can a country be democratic if its nation does not understand the meaning of the word?
My first lesson of true democracy came from an old neighbor in the early 1970’s. I was trying to explain why I felt so homesick. “Back in my town people knew me, I knew them. They would say hello on the streets and I would run into friends here and there. Many people in town knew my family. But here I’m nobody!” To which my neighbor said, “Oh, Zoe, everybody is somebody!” Everybody is somebody. Wow! Still, it has taken years to un-educate myself, erase the wrong lessons and come to understand that, no matter who you are, your existence is significant in some way
The Islamic Republic is merciless when it comes to members of the Bahai faith. It is the greatest sin to be a Bahai because in the eyes of Islam the idea of divine revelation after the death of the Prophet Mohammad—the Seal of the Prophets— is unacceptable. The regime's Shi'a leaders consider the Bahai faith dangerous; to them it is the highest form of apostasy. The Bahais are also branded as Zionists. One reason for this is that Mirza Hossein Ali Nouri, aka Bahaollah, who was forced to leave Iran, ended up in Ottoman Iraq and by way of Istanbul went to Palestine where he died in 1892 in the city of Akko, now in Israel