From Political Activists to Homosexuals

Interview with Ann Harrison, Amnesty Int’l Middle East Specialist

09-Dec-2010 (4 comments)
A new definition of PRISONERS OF CONSCIENCE caught my eye in an email exchange with a friend at Amnesty International. While it included political prisoner, the definition was much broader than what Iranians usually have in mind. I asked Ann Harrison to further explain how Amnesty International defines prisoners of conscience. Ann Harrison, a Middle East specialist, has worked for Amnesty International's Middle East and North Africa Programme for over 13 years in total since 1989>>>


Our Responsibility

Culture of human rights cultivates tolerance

The cultural concept of human rights is universal: all human beings, male and female, are born equal with an essential dignity manifested in living freely and responsibly. The universality of human rights is founded on the interdependence of all human beings, so it is historically logical to stress that the principle of human rights belongs neither uniquely to the West, nor the East, but all people everywhere. A fair account of the history of human rights needs to be acknowledged by those aspiring to have theirs recognized>>>


Siege Mentality

Complex stage of rule and protest, dissent and apathy

07-Dec-2010 (26 comments)
Yet even a paranoid can have real enemies - and delights in conjuring more from its delusions. Three decades of sanctions and suspicion from the west have nurtured revolutionary Iran’s sense of siege. The regime uses every particle of hostility to blame any domestic problem or upheaval on foreign powers, the United States and Britain above all. It is skilled too in sustaining the alarmist message that internal enemies are in the pay of or serving the interests of these nefarious outsiders>>>


Innocence Lost

Seven-year-old's eloquent anger at Islamic Republic

06-Dec-2010 (209 comments)


Hands of Ignorance

Ever so victorious in defeating yet another woman

03-Dec-2010 (5 comments)
One would look at Shahla and her bold, brave, manner of defending herself in public court, and would wonder sadly at how her passion was so overtly wasted on the lustful desires of a man. What would Shahla be if not infatuated at age 13 with a grown man who enjoyed celebrity status? Where would she be now if her talents, passion and drive had been exerted towards attainments which would be possible for women in an atmosphere of true equality? >>>


بر قوری داغ بوسه مگذار هرگز

به گرمی‌ دست میرزا را فشرد و گفت،"باند...جیمز باند."

03-Dec-2010 (9 comments)

از در که وارد اتاق منشی شد محمد میرزا کلاه قاجاریش را ماهرانه بسوی میخ روی دیوار پرتاب کرد. کلاه دو سه بار دور میخ چرخ زد و به دیوار آویزان ماند. منشی‌ خاتون ملقب به `صنار سه شاهی` اینبار هیچ محلش نذاشت. محمد میرزا رفت جلو که طبق معمول لب بگیره ‌ ولی‌ صنار سه شاهی گفت، "برو گمشو تو،`میم` کارت داره." محمد میرزا که خودش می‌دونست چه غلطی کرده با آهی دستاشواز شلیتهصنار سهشاهی برداشت وگفت، " دلت را اینقدر شورننداز خوشگله ،ماموریتی نیست که از راضی‌ کردن تو خطرناک تر باشه."



Lokht dar Ayeneh

Candid look at our character

01-Dec-2010 (11 comments)



Why would the Islamic Republic want to eliminate its own scientists?

01-Dec-2010 (13 comments)
Once again two scientists with nuclear connection have been subject of bomb explosion. Majid Shahriari was an Elementary Particle physicist, and a member of the Scientific Board of Beheshti University. He was driving to work with his wife when the explosion occurred near the intersection of Imam Ali and Artesh Freeway. He was killed and his wife survived with injuries. The assailants riding motorcycles attached magnetized bombs to the car>>>


Who's a threat to peace?

Iran's independent stance is hugely popular among Arabs

01-Dec-2010 (66 comments)
The latest batch of Wikileaks revelations give the impression that, next to Israel, it's the Arab states that are most energetically pressuring the U.S. to attack Iran. In terms of the real threat to Iran, that 's definitely putting the cart before the horse. In the first place, the Arab governments mentioned as being hostile to Iran – Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain, Abu Dhabi and the United Arab Emirates – are all undemocratic, unpopular regimes that depend on U.S. support to stay in power>>>


Arab States Urge Strike Against Iran

Saudi Arabia urges US attack on Iran to stop nuclear programme, documents show

28-Nov-2010 (24 comments)
King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has repeatedly urged the United States to attack Iran to destroy its nuclear programme, according to leaked US diplomatic cables that describe how other Arab allies have secretly agitated for military action against Tehran. The revelations, in secret memos from US embassies across the Middle East, expose behind-the-scenes pressures in the scramble to contain the Islamic Republic, which the US, Arab states and Israel suspect is close to acquiring nuclear weapons>>>


Pre-Islamic Past Pushes into Present

Ahmadinejad talks increasingly of Iran’s unique past, before the Arab invasion

28-Nov-2010 (7 comments)
Despite Iran’s emphasis on common Islamic values, long-harboured frictions with its Arab neighbours occasionally resurface. Some believe President Ahmadinejad’s administration is placing more emphasis on Iran’s ancient and unique heritage these days, marking a shift away from the previous stress on a Muslim sense of community with the Arab world. In the last few months, Ahmadinejad and his allies have used a variety of tactics to foster the perception that they are distancing themselves from the clerical establishment>>>


Release Hossein

A letter to the supreme leader

26-Nov-2010 (13 comments)
Mr. Khamenei, this is how your actions at the macro level results in problems for an Iranian like me at a micro level. It is time to address the negative image that Iranians have created for us. Iran was the first country in the world and Iranians are a warm and passionate people who have many beautiful cultures. You as an Iranian and selected leader need to promote the positive aspects of our culture. It is easy to shout and be critical of individual bloggers and exploitative foreigners>>>


حکومت فرهنگ خشونت

کدامین صحنه فاجعه‌بارتر و تکان‌دهنده‌تر است؟

26-Nov-2010 (6 comments)
واکنش حکومتی که جامعه‌ای چنین خشن آفریده و پلیس‌اش نه فقط برای جلوگیری از جرم و نجات جان یک انسان اقدامی انجام نداده و بلکه با به تماشا ایستادن خود مجرم را عملا تشویق کرده و مرگ مقتول را باعث شده است، برای پاسخگویی و جبران این فاجعه چیست؟ پذیرش مسئولیت قتل از طرف حکومت و پرداخت خسارت برای ارضای خانواده مقتول؟ بازنگری در فرهنگ خشونت که همه ارکان حکومت را در بر گرفته است؟ و ... ابدا>>>


Stop Airborne Terrorism

A few recommendations

Since Muslims and people of Middle Eastern background are prime suspects anyway, profiling against them not only makes sense but saves travelers and tax payers billions of dollars every year. At airports across the country all passengers must form a line with their tickets and valid IDs in hand. Then a professional profiler from TSA walks by, examines their travel documents and taps on the shoulders of suspects>>>


Difficult Road Ahead

The U.S. and Iran at a pivotal crossroad

23-Nov-2010 (one comment)
Two years into the Obama administration, the United States has made important progress in tightening sanctions against the Iranian regime, but more must be done to alter Iran's nuclear ambitions. Despite the new sanctions, Iran has continued to gain influence in Iraq and Afghanistan and stir unrest in Lebanon, strengthening its armed forces all while advancing its uranium enrichment efforts. Today, it is unlikely that Iran views the United States, preoccupied with withdrawing from the region and addressing its languishing economy, as a genuine threat to its nuclear aspirations>>>