
by پندارنیک



In my opinion whoever wrote this speech should be tried for treason because there's no mention of the "savage Islamists" in it.....AND I was totally surprised to see him sitting at his desk and not ducking under it; in fear of our nukes, you know................



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Rea: Being corrupted to the bone.....

by Bavafa on

is not a good reason for theft of their land and controlling they daily lives and livelihoods.

And are you saying that you don't give a damn nor should any body else? Plus it does seem you do give a damn otherwise you wouldn't be defending one group or the other.

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



on "pre 1967 borders" excuse of an argument...

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

well, the genocidal hatred of islamo _fascists for jews goes well before state of Israel was even existed, never mind 1967.

Myself, dont give a f#$k about israel/arab conflict, specially hearing it daily from the type of people we hear it from. My heart and mind is with the suffering of my own people

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


Bavafa, let me be honest

by Rea on

In my late thirties I took Jewish side. Prior to it, had always been very palestinian.

Nowadays, frankly, don't give a damn about them so called Palestinians.

Let them sort themselves out. Without Arab and IRI interference, they may eventually get somewhere. 

Palestininans are corrupted to the bone. In the meantime, people are dying from hunger in Somalia and none seems to care.


Who cares??

by afshin on

Not sure why the Israeli-Palestinian issue gets so much attention here on this website.  The Palestinians have been nothing more than parasites for Iran.  Back when Saddam Hussein was lobbing scud missles at Iran on an almost daily basis, Arafat was doing his bidding for him.  When Saddam invaded Kuwait, again,  Arafat back Saddam.  The Israelis don't even care for Iranian Jews let alone Goims such as us.  During the Iran-Iraq war they did everything they could to prolong the killing.  They relished the spectacle.  So why I ask, should I as an Iranian really care about either side.  My attitude is, the same way they could care less if Iranians and Iraqis slaughtered each other, let them duke it out.  I have no sympathy for either side. F... them both!



by yolanda on



Why? Theft & occupation is against the law

by Bavafa on


'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 



Why would Israel go to pre-67 borders ?

by Rea on

To please the Arabs ?

Forget it ! 


Bravo Bibi !

by Rea on

Give peace a chance ! 

@yolanda, how is your message about so many, blah, blah, countries supposed to relate to anybody? 



by yolanda on



This is a deception and a ruse.

by BaronAvak on

Netanyahu refused to accept the 1967 borders, even rejecting President Obama's proposal in public, thereby spitting on the face of the United States. If that's how he responds to the President of the United States, you can imagine his demeanor towards Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinians.

His refusal to negotiate forced the Palestinians to unilaterally seek statehood based on the 1967 borders in the U.N.  Now that that vote is almost on the way, Netanyahu comes out with this surprise call to start negotiating - exactly what he refused to do for years prior.  Obviously the call to negotiate is in complete bad faith and is intended to scuttle the Palestinian UN vote, and further delay any removal of Israel from the West Bank. 

Oon Yaroo

All: Why don't you guys pack up and move to ...

by Oon Yaroo on

Palestine and defend it if you are so concerned about it?


قسم حضرت عباس رو قبول کنیم یا دومِ خروس رو


 SK: One wonders what/if the September vote has any influnce on such speech.

It is certainly a big contrast to the speech in Washington.

Nevertheless, any peaceful speech specially followed by real action on all sides is and must be welcomed

'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 


Soosan Khanoom


by Soosan Khanoom on

I am no fan of Bibi but I am honestly touched by this peaceful message of his ...

Let us hope and pray that all the politicians involved in both sides of this conflict get together, leave the past behind and give peace a permanent chance.  

"Pray like everything depends on God

Work like everything depends on you. "


Sat Jul 30, 2011 at 02:23

by vildemose on

Sat Jul 30, 2011 at 02:23 PM PDT

Over 150,000 Protesters Take to the Streets in Israel as Pressure on Netanyahu Reaches Critical Mass+* //www.dailykos.com/story/2011/07/30/1000678/-Over-150,000-Protesters-Take-to-the-Streets-in-Israel-as-Pressure-on-Netanyahu-Reaches-Critical-Mass

"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho Marx


Brutal Bani Israelis!

by Tavana on

Brutal indeed! Imagine this one now. Anywhere one turns these days he/she hears 'Judo-Christian Values.' And what in the world such means when not a single Jew believes Lord??? Jesus to be the promised Christ by the Lord??? Moses in the Torah. The same Bani Israelis who provoked Romans to crucify Jesus on the 'Cross' rather than stoning him per own 'execution method' also rejected Mohammed as the GOD of Moses' prophet. Now here comes Baba Bibi greeting Muslims with a 'Cross My Heart' message in Hebrew tone! But he simply is forgetting about the monsterous size historical credibility gap all explained in the books behind him!



by yolanda on

Here is the brutal statistics on you-tube for Bibi's video:

likes, 876 dislikes

uh, oh!


"Kind gesture"

by پندارنیک on

This speech is mostly for home consumption.............No one in Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim world has to reciprocate such formalities until and unless Israel goes back to her pre-67 international borders.........

Oon Yaroo

Maybe the mullahs should reciprocate this kind gesture....

by Oon Yaroo on

with a message of love and peace to Israel and the Jews?

Are they capable of such act or is it in their nature to be evil?

May lord Moses bestow love and peace upon Islamists.