ميشل فوكو و مسئله جنسیت در ایران امروز
by Mansor Pooyan
استفاده از متد ِميشل فوكو (1984 ـ 1926) در بررسی مساله جنسیت و در امر حجاب احباری، چشمانداز نويني در نگاه فلسفی و جامعهشناسانه برویمان می گشاید. فوکو به خاطر نظریاتش درباره جامعه، سیاست و تاریخ از سرشناس ترین متفکران قرن بیستم است. فوکو جزو رهبران نظری پسا ساختگرایی و پست مدرنیته محسوب می شود. جهان خارج از متن، خود بخودی فاقد معنا و حقیقت است. زبان، سخن و گفتمان، شكلدهنده واقعيات هستند و جهان خارج صرفاً از طريق زبان و سخن شناخته ميشود. قوکو نشان ميدهد كه نظام زبان تعيين كننده فرهنگ و معناست. مضافا او نشان ميدهد كه چگونه كاربرد زبان يا گفتمان، همواره با كاربرد قدرت همراه است. نهادهای اجتماعي در چارچوب گفتمان، قدرت و کارکردهای اجتماعی خود را مستقر می سازند
The Iranian nation is herself a Carmen: Proud, complex, set in her ways
Mainstream feminists who promote the foreign policies of Western Patriarchy, should understand that there are Iranian women who identify strongly with the second Carmen. Their experience of oppression as the first Carmen works only to amplify their sympathy for the other Carmen. So they will not welcome anyone who regards their culture the way Bizet’s 19
th century audience may have viewed his gypsy woman: irresponsible, uncivilized, futureless, and deadly. These women have already peeled away the practical and ideological justifications for the US drive for hegemony—oil and freedom—to find nothing but the mad Don Jose standing over them with a knife.
Discussing essential needs of Iranian women today
“Dad, would you rather I were a boy?” The first time my daughter asked me that she was in her teens, arguing for easier curfews and a more liberal attitude towards boyfriends. What she was really asking was, “Why is my worth as a human being disproportionately tied up in my chastity?” As I browse the program for the 19th international conference of the Iranian Women’s Studies Foundation, I see that some of the lectures and panels pose same question from different angles. For example, Sharareh Shahrokhi’s lecture topic will be, "The right to choose what to wear: an essential need for an Iranian woman or a superfluous one?"
Women-only parks in Tehran
Congratulations to Iranian women for achieving another milestone, the official inauguration of the first women-only park in Tehran, called Mothers' Paradise Park. Many Westerners might not know that women in Iran have been going to parks for centuries, however in the old days it was called bagh (garden), a place where they would go to have a good time (hal kardan). But, in recent history the word "bagh" has been changed to "park", which originally is an Arabic word pronounced "bark", which means the outer covering of woody stems and roots of trees and shrubs. In another word, it meant a landscaped place where people went to let their donkeys roam freely while they relaxed in the shades
New crackdown on women's activists
While the global community marks the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with a year long celebration of “Dignity and Justice for All “ there is neither dignity nor rights or justice for women in Iran. On June 12th for the occasion of the third anniversary of National Day of Solidarity of Iranian Women, nine women's rights activists were arrested outside of the Rahe Abrisham (Silk Road) Gallery just prior to a small, peaceful assembly planned to commemorate the day. Aida Saadat, Nahid Mirhaj, Nafiseh Azad, Nasrin Sotoodeh, Jelve Javaheri, Jila Baniyagoub, Sarah Loghmani, Farideh Ghaeb, were arrested by Tehran security police along with photographer and reporter Aliyeh Mohtalebzadeh.
آخر یک آدم گناهکار جهنمی، اگر قرار است در آتش جهنم بسوزد، این همه خانه را می خواهد به کجای نه بدترش فرو کند؟
نوشته است؛ "هر زنی که خود را بیاراید و خوشبو کند و از منزل خارج شود و شوهرش به این کار راضی باشد، خداوند برای هر قدمی که زن بر می دارد، برای شوهرش خانه ای در دوزخ بنا خواهد کرد"! فاعتبروا یا اولی الابصار! اگر مغز دانشمندی که این "حدیث" یا "خبر" یا "نقل قول" را ساخته، به اندازه ی مغز گنجشگ باشد، لابد فکری هم برای خراب کردن این خانه ها در جهنم کرده است! مثلن این که زن یا مرد، چه اعمالی انجام بدهند تا خانه هاشان در جهنم خراب شود، یا خانه ای در بهشت تدارک ببینند. وگرنه سرانجام چنین پروژه ای که "خروجی" هم ندارد، چه می شود؟ گیرم تمام تاریخ را ول کنیم و فقط همین 1400 سال اخیر را بچسبیم، با یک حساب سرانگشتی هم تعداد خانه ها در جهنم سر به خدا می زند.
Photo essay: Chador and other forms of hejab
Sid Sarshar >>>
My parents made the decision to leave the Islamic Republic of Iran specifically because they wanted their daughters to grow up free. And by freedom, I mean the freedom to ride bicycles, the freedom to wear shorts, to swim in public pools and to play on the beach, the freedom to speak with boys, the freedom to speak our minds, the freedom to choose our careers, the freedom to succeed in life without the specific barriers created by an oppressive patriarchal hegemony, both in the public and private sphere
Victims of both discriminatory laws and punative and traditional discriminations
by Mahboube Hosseinzade
It is said that in the slums of Zahedan, there are many houses where several families each occupy a single room in a house. There was an opportunity for us to enter one of these houses. The mother, sister, wife, sister-in-law, father and two brothers of the man who has asked us to go in, as well as several little children all live in a single room. One of the women is 27 and has a 12-year-old son as well as a little girl who is only a few months old. When I ask her at what age she got married, she replies: "At the age of 10!" And later other people tell me that in some of the towns in this region 10 to 11 is indeed the usual age of marriage
Women in the United State , working full-time, year-round earn only about 77 cents for every dollar earned by men. The median annual earnings of women ages 15 and older are $31,858, compared to $41,386 for their male counterparts. (Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States). The gap between the earning of minority women and white men is significantly worse. An African American woman earns just 64 cents for every dollar earned by a white man, while a Hispanic woman earns only 52 cents on the dollar compared to her white male counterpart.
Olaf Palme Award acceptance speech
by Parvin Ardalan
For nearly three decades now, we have been struggling to achieve the right to divorce and equal rights in marriage for women. We have repeatedly claimed that polygamy rights for men create an unbearable and disgraceful reality for women. But these patriarchal laws have sustained. For years, we have objected to unequal diyeh, or compensation for bodily injury, and have wondered why it is that being a man or a woman determines the amount of compensation to be paid to accident victims? We ask why our laws recognize men as full human beings, setting them as the standard, and value women at half the male standard, and sometimes even less
گلچینی از اشعار فروغ فرخزاد به زبان انگلیسی
گرچه مترجمان بسیاری هم سعی داشته اند تا شعر فروغ را به زبان انگلیسی برگردانند و گاه ترجمه های غنی از ایشان خوانده ام اما بی شک شعله ولپی با حس شاعرانه و ممتاز خود یکی از زیباترین ترجمه های اشعار فروغ را در گلچین گناه برای خوانندگان به ارمغان آورده است. شعله با انتخاب و ترجمه این اشعار در عین حال به آگاه کردن مردم به وجود سانسور در ایران پرداخته است. بسیاری در جهان در مورد نقض حقوق بشر و استبداد حاکم بر ایران می دانند. با این وجود وظیفه هنرمند آن است که باز به افشای ستم بپردازد و توجه هر چه بیشتر جهانیان را به آن جلب کند. شعله با داشتن نامی آشنا در جامعه ادبی انگلیسی زبان به این مهم پرداخته است. وی در این تلاش یکی ازموفقترین ترجمه ها از شعر فروغ را ارائه داده است.
Significant women in Iranian and regional history
1350 - 1300 BC. Politically Influential Queen Napir Asu, Elam, Khuzistan: Wife of King Untash-Napirasha who built many great buildings and temples in the area including, the Choga Zanbil near Sush (Susa). Her well preserved and headless status was discovered at Susa and is currently at the Louvre Museum in Paris. She is dressed in the same outfit as the Elamite goddess Pinikir and very likely served and represented this divinity at the temple of Ninhursag where she was discovered
در بيشتر جوامع توسعه نيافته همچنان مزد «مقام مادری» بهشت پس از مرگ است،
اکنون، جوامع متمدن با باروری زن به عنوان امری کاملاً طبيعی و تحسين برانگيز روبرو می شوند؛ روابط جنسی را نيز همين گونه زيبا و طبيعی و زمينی می بينند، پوشش زن را نيز. اکنون تن عريان يک زن همانقدر جاذبه دارد که تن عريان مرد، و گيسوی زن بود و نبودش همانقدر مهم است يا مهم نيست که گيسوی مرد. و چنين است که خانواده ی بشری در قرن بيست و يکم رفته رفته، در متن اين روابط آزاد از توهم، شکل تازه و بديعی بخود می گيرد. و انسان امروز به ابتدای جهان باز می گردد، زن همان «حوا»یی می شود که برای رسيدن به، و پا گذاشتن بر زمين، نافرمانی کرد و شادمانه حتی از بهشت گذشت تا بتواند به راحتی دوست داشته باشد، به راحتی عشق بورزد، و بی ترس و نگرانی از تبعيض زندگی کند و مرد هموزن او همان «آدم»ی باشد که در درک ارزش اين نافرمانی و همسانی با او همراهی و همفکری کند.
In the 21st century, women’s rights should not be crippled by Islamic laws
As a proposition of the Socialist International in 1910, International Women's Day (March 8) was celebrated for the first time in many industrial nations. It demanded the right to vote and to hold public office, right to work, to vocational training and to an end to discrimination on the job. Since then, the International Women's Day is commemorated and is a national holiday in communist countries. It symbolises a long struggle of all women on all continents, with different ethnics, religions, cultures and social classes, who have been deprived from the equal right with men