Persian woman’s mind flying

I can change the world if I can change ”myself”

24-Dec-2007 (15 comments)
And here I am, listening to the opera letting it penetrate my soul, and relaxing my mind, it is about love I know this one song, she is totally in love, I am thinking we should cherish the moments we were or are in love. Let the positive thought and the feeling of ”yes I am able to love” be dominating. This way I as a woman will be easier with myself and consequently with everyone around me and when another woman tells me what a wonderful time she has had I can rejoice and be really really happy for her and not let the martyr feeling come out and get frustrated. We women often have a lot of frustrations which is related to our cultural background but who doesn’t>>>


I am  going to break these walls
19-Dec-2007 (2 comments)

I am going to break these walls
I am going to be the fuel of fire
Watch me dancing seductively
I am the flame of a wild burning candle
These nights are begging…
Begging for my heat

These long kept emotions are begging
Begging for me to set them free


We don't need your money

Women's equality campaign gets its backing from the people of Iran

30-Nov-2007 (13 comments)
We pay out of pocket for trips to other cities. We print the booklets with the $5 membership fees. Nobody asks for compensation for the articles on the website. We hold the workshops in the homes of volunteer women. We also get donations and prayers from women who have lost hope and have put their faith in our work. What would we need 15 million euros for? Our workshops don't need video projectors. To cut down on cost, we do not print nor photocopy our notes and displays; they are handwritten with markers. We have bought a few different colors of markers to make the notes more visually appealing.>>>


Forough and me

Voice of movement, majesty and light

18-Nov-2007 (35 comments)
People here sometimes ask me how I came to things Iranian, and this is a difficult question to respond to. Because one never comes to things like this; these things always come to one. And if I explained how Iran came to me, those who had to ask me would never believe me, and those who would believe me never ever ask. Nonetheless, I shall single out two "events". The first one was September, 11, 2001, when I like many of my "hamvatans", looking deeply into the flames, began to ponder the "Muslim world." But my research led me inexorably to Iran, as though it were a road I'd trodden often long before>>>


The freedom bus

They are using women to appease Islamic extremists. Why?

04-Nov-2007 (22 comments)
The scenario of Ms Bhutto's return is classic or better described a cliché... The international media knows this job only too well, to sell her as the angel of freedom to the frustrated people, stuck between two evils, one military dictatorship and the other an Islamic one. This game of political and media engineering is too transparent to miss. However, what struck me was, the way she was described repeatedly, as the first "Moslem woman leader in the Moslem world." Why did they have to mention this repeatedly? What purpose does this serve?>>>


Prostitution behind the veil (5)


31-Oct-2007 (9 comments)


Prostitution behind the veil (4)




Prostitution behind the veil (3)




Prostitution behind the veil (2)


31-Oct-2007 (2 comments)


Prostitution behind the veil (1)


31-Oct-2007 (153 comments)
PARTS: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) >>>



Ancient Aryaian/Persian women warriors

15-Oct-2007 (16 comments)
Over 3000 yrs ago in Persian heritage Men & Women were not different and they were equal. Princesses, and Queens were seen as role models and every women in Persia were always side by side men, equally without any discrimination, They were working together in persia for peace, freedom and glory. Many warrior ladies being captain of armies held the highest position in militaries, side by side with men, in the toughest wars, they fought with enemies. >>>


Secretary Rice thinks Iran is scary and boring. She’s wrong.

07-Oct-2007 (32 comments)
About this time last year, I was having tea with my teenage cousin Shirin in Tehran. We were celebrating the good news in the papers that day. Her name had been published among the list of admitted students to her “first choice” university. Her hard work had paid off and it was time to have fun. Iranian fun. She invited me to take part in some of the leisure she’d sacrificed to a yearlong preparation that was devoted primarily to studying and thinking about her future. Her offer impressed me - neither she nor her friends were the slightest bit embarrassed by my hot pink scarf with sparkly gold embroidery. I wore the Britney Spears of hijab. >>>


ديگر قرباني نخواهم شد

تجاوز و اثرات آن بر روي زن ‌، خانواده ‌، اجتماع

05-Oct-2007 (2 comments)
زنان ديگر ‌، بدون آنكه لحظه اي بي انديشند كه اين حادثه هر لحظه در كمين خودشان است ،‌ با نگاهي قهر آلود به شخص مورد تجاوز قرار گرفته ‌، مي نگرند و اين در حالي است كه بايد توجه بيشتري به اينگونه زنان كرد . اينان هموراه لحظه اي را بياد مي آورند كه در آن زندگي شان از مسير طبيعي خود خارج گرديد. لحظه اي كه مي كوشيدند دستي را كه راه دهانشان را مسدود كرده پس بزنند . لحظه اي را كه عرق ريزان با دستاني ضعيفتر از بازواني كه سخت پيكرشان را در بر گرفته بود مي كوشيدند تا خود را رها سازند .لحظه اي را كه فرياد زدند اما كسي صدايشان را نشنيد ...>>>


Tokyo bound

Tokyo bound

1958 article on Iranian sportswomen

by bahram9821
26-Sep-2007 (12 comments)



برخورد دشمنانه

انعکاس سیاسی کنفرانس اخیر زنان در واشنگتن

کنفرانس امسال چندین ویژیگی داشت که برخی از آنها را مطرح می کنم. شرکت وسیع نسل دوم ،شرکت قابل ملاحظه مردان که بیش از سی درصد جمعیت در کنفرانس بوند ، امسال برخلاف سال گذشته کنفرانس از نخبه گرایی برحضر بود بدین خاطرتمام سخنرانان انتخابی در کنفرانس جدید بودن به غیر از یک نفر از سخنرانان که قبلاً در بنیاد سخنرانی کرده بود. آن چیزی در کنفرانسهای بنیاد معمول شده بود تعدادی از سخنرانان مثل دور قمری هر دو و سه سال یکبار دعوت می شدند تا نظرات تکراری خود را با یک مقداری کمک و زیاد مطرح کنند و از طرفی تعدادی از دوستان هم عادت کردن که یک نوع بحث را بشنوند.>>>