Why peace is detrimental to Israel
The state of Israel, formed in 1948, has led a tumultuous existence since its birth. While achieving impressive scientific and industrial feats, its political and sovereign societal stance has been based on a claimed secular democracy that is ironically based on strong religious notions, non-inclusive, paranoid (for historical reasons that are nevertheless fading away) and ineffective structures, ideas, and governing policies. The Israeli democracy does not uniformly apply to its Arab citizens residing within the pre-1967 borders, the misplaced refugees and the populations under its occupation since 1967
تعهد عبادی و گنجی به آزادی بیان و تعهدشان به اسلام و جنبش اسلامی به روشنی نمایان شد
هر سال بنیادهای مختلف در کشورهای اروپایی و آمریکا جوایزی را به برخی فعالین برای "دفاع از آزادی بیان" یا "حقوق بشر" اعطاء می کنند. این نهادها بعنوان بخشی از نهاد ایدئولوژیک نظام حاکم با اعطای این جوایز اهداف سیاسی – ایدئولوژیکی معینی را دنبال می کنند. جایزه نوبل یکی از مهمترین و با پرستیژترین این جوایز در تمام طول حیاتش در جبهه منافع بورژوازی جهانی قرار داشته است، چه در زمان جنگ سرد و چه پس از آن در زمان ”نظم نوین جهانی
Iran steps up assault on female activists
by Gissou Nia
Iran's government recognizes and fears the broader power of the women activists who have been on the front line of reform in Iran for more than a decade. One can roughly draw an analogy between the women's movement in Iran to movements of religious groups in Burma or Tibet, or the labor "solidarity" movements in the former Eastern bloc and associated labor-Roman Catholic solidarity in Poland -- all advocating initially for the freedoms of a specific group but which provoked government fears for their transformative power to promote broader human rights progress
صدای طبلها گوش ِ جانهایمان راچنان پر کرده که منفذی برای شنیدن واقعیات باقی نگذاشته
سران امریکا بروش خود و سایر کشورهای غربی به تبعیت از امریکا سرانجام به احمدی نژاد فهماندند که این بار شوخی نمی کنند، اصلا اورا بحساب نمی آورند، با همۀادعا هایش بقول ِ خودش "عددی نیست" و دیگر مایل نیستند بازیجۀ این رژیم سراپا دروغ شوند. آقای ِ اباما سریعا در همین زمان زمام امور بین المللی را بدست خانم کلینتون که در ماههای اخیر آشتی ناپذیر بودنش را با رژیم تهران علنا در هر فرصتی که پیدا کرد بیان نمود و بسیار هم شدید، سپرد
Every tool at Iran's disposal comes with serious limitations
by Matthew M. Reed
Iran's arsenal is familiar by now. It includes the "oil weapon," armies, proxies, and ultimately nuclear weapons. Each tool of leverage is seriously flawed but that does not prevent alarmists from overstating their effect. Upon further review, Tehran's arsenal is generally weak. Use of the "oil weapon" is unrealistic. According to the US Government Accountability Office, "between 50 and 76 percent of the Iranian government's revenues in recent years" came from oil exports
Why doesn't the U.S. talk to Iran?
by Ismael Hossein-Zadeh & Karla Hansen
Why have successive U.S. administrations been reluctant to enter into a conflict-resolution dialogue with Iran, which could clearly be in the national interests of the United States? The answer, in a nutshell, is that U.S. foreign policy, especially in the Middle East, is driven not so much by broad national interests as they are by narrow but powerful special interests—interests that seem to prefer war and militarism to peace and international understanding
برسربزرگترین دوراهی در سه دهه گذشته
مقدمه بیش از یک سال پس از انتخابات ریاست جمهوری و شکل گیری جنبش بزرگ ضد حکومتی، مهمترین پرسش ِ مطرح این است که چه آینده ای برای جنبش اعتراضی به نتایج انتخابات ریاست جمهوری، جنبشی که به جنبش سبز معروف شده است، قابل پیش بینی است و شاید پرسش مهم تراز پرسش اول این است که آینده نظام حکومتی موجود چه خواهد بود؟ برای پاسخ گوئی به این دوپرسش کلیدی را باید شناسائی و بررسی کرد
Human rights in an inhuman regime
Ahmadinejad made his annual trip to New York to appear before the United Nations. The seats where the U.N. General Assembly members should have been, quickly emptied in protest again this year when the fraudulent president took to the stage. Yet, this alone isn’t enough of a message of support for human rights for Iran. Later Ahmadinejad met with Larry King as he has in years past. I waited, just as I have each time Western media has interviewed Ahmadinejad, to hear answers to the hard questions: “What is Iran doing about human rights?” “How can you justify the torture and murder by your government of your own people?” Again, Ahmadinejad didn’t have to answer these questions
What exactly can we expect in the way of consequences for America's engagements and interests in the world?
by Michael Brenner
The all-in melee that is now American politics makes forecasting impossible. It can yield anything -- the bizarre is the new norm. Who or what will rise to the top after all this crazed flailing about is a matter of pure guesswork. For we have become an incoherent polity. Yet, in the midst of all this commotion, the tracks of the nation's foreign policy are readily discernible. There most certainly will be more of the same -- "more" in both senses. There are three reasons for this
در پاسخ به اقتراح اکبر گنجی در مورد مفهوم هویت در ایران
تاریخچه اخیر گفتگو در باره هویت از "غربزدگی" آل احمد آغاز می شود و با "بازگشت به خویش" دکتر علی شریعتی ادامه می یابد. سخن در نیمه دوم قرن بیستم اینست که نمی توان هویت ایرانی را از هویت اسلامی ایرانیان مستغنی دانست. بویژه در حضور رقیبی متهاجم چون استعمار فرهنگی غرب. این گفنار در مقاله "سه فرهنگ" دکتر عبدالکریم سروش دامنه وسیعتری می یابد. سخن او اینست که هویت ایرانی، هویت اسلامی، و هویت غربی در این سرزمین با یکدیگر عجین و ممزوجند
Iran needs to change, because it's making me into an alcoholic!
After oil and pistachios it seems, ransom for hostages, seems to be our best source of income. If oil is a dirty smelly disgusting substance, taking lost hikers hostage and releasing the sickest and weakest female for $500,000 a year later cannot be that far behind. I am not going to even attempt to argue whether these 3 are spies or are innocent hikers as they claim. One would hope that we're better than that
Where the government of Iran has been most vulnerable, it’s the fact that its clerical oligarchy stole the riches of the country and brought misery to its own people. Oddly, this has never been a point of contention; instead all focus is on the nuclear non-issue. The sanction proponents have each their own agenda, which all converge toward one essential point: they do not wish to see an independent Iran sit on top of the oil-rich Persian Gulf. Ms. Merkel once claimed that she knows history well (i.e. of the Nazi era) and she won’t let it happen again. Well, it’s happening again
Inter-religious dialogue would be a testament to the best that America represents
by Roger Friedland
If Islamist radicals continue to attack America on its own soil, I am very worried about our capacity to withstand the forces of exclusion and hatred. But I also think you need to put the hostility to Islam in context. This is the same year in which we elected a Muslim woman as Miss America, in which there are two Muslims sitting in Congress. There are pockets of hate and intolerance. They are real and dangerous, but there are also millions of cordial, generous and intimate encounters that go on all the time. Hopefully we will be able to build on those
Branding Iran has pushed it further beyond U.S. foreign policy pale
by Marsha B. Cohen
When, on September 11, 2001, two terrorist attacks occurred on U.S. soil, Israeli political figures anticipated that the Americans would now be better able to empathize with Israel’s vulnerability to its own random terror attacks. In the hours immediately following the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, Israeli leaders envisioned a massive U.S. retaliation in which Israel was uniquely equipped to be a partner, even a mentor, of the U.S.
«ایرانیت و اسلامیت » دیگر شعار ملیون نمی تواند باشد!
by Hasan Behgar
با کسب این تجارب است که امروز فضای سیاسی را باید شفاف کرد. این کار نه دشمنی با اسلام است و نه دشمنی با ملی اسلامی ها؛ بلکه باید گفت خواست آنها با معیارها ی آزادیخواهی و دموکراسی در تضاد است چون قوانین الهی ثابت است و با خواست مردم و تحولات جامعه که هر روز در حال تغییراست ناسازگار است. اگر پیوند لائیسیته را با دموکراسی نپذیریم و دموکراسی را از آن جدا سازیم ، قلچماقی دیگر با نمایش ضد آخوندی ،خود را قهرمان سکولاریسم به مردم معرفی خواهد کرد