به محض اينکه تشکيلات مذهبی دست بکار فعاليت سياسی شوند، بايد آنها را از ردهء «جامعهء مدنی» خارج کرد
اغلب ما با مقولهء شرکت نظاميان در حکومت آشنا هستيم. شخصی که بعلت داشتن شغل مديريت و رهبری در ساختار نيروهای انتظامی و نظامی به منابع قدرت سازمان يافته و سلسله مراتبی بی چون و چرا دسترسی دارد نبايد بتواند که در حال داشتن آن شغل خود را نامزد مشاغل انتخاباتی نيز کرده و، در عين حفظ مقام نظامی خود، برای احراز شغلی حکومتی و دولتی انتخاب شود.بنظر من، همين امر در مورد دينکاران و سرکردگان مذاهب (و حتی سلسله های درويشی) صادق است
Most Iranian men support Iranian women in their struggle to gain equal rights
Iranian men unfortunately are once again victims of stereotyping and this time not by the American Betty Mahmoody in a movie called “Not without My Daughter” but in Sadr’s article titled “What is Different between Tehran’s Friday Sermon Imam and the rest of Iranian Men?”. The image she has portrayed of Iranian men in her article is misleading. Without raising objection to the original comments and minimizing the Ayatollah’s statement she takes Iranian men to a kangaroo court and denies them all due process rights
«اسلاميسم» يک ايدئولوژی است
برخی از دوستان از من می پرسند که چرا در مقاله هايم اغلب از واژهء «اسلاميست» استفاده می کنم و گروهی از «مسلمانان» را با اين عنوان مشخص می سازم. فکر کردم بد نباشد در اين مورد توضيحی دهم؛ چرا که اين تفاوت واژگانی از فرهنگ روزنامه نگاران سياسی نويس غربی سرچشمه گرفته و در آن دو واژهء مزبور دارای معانی متفاوتی هستند که توجه به آنها و کاربرد درست شان می تواند به مفاهمهء بين شرکت کنندگان در يک گفتگو کمک کند
چالش مردان از سوی خانم صدر
خانم صدر بر نقطه حساسی در فرهنگ مردسالار ما انگشت گذاشته و مردان جامعه را برای نگرش به نقش خود در این فرهنگ و نقد آن به چالش کشیده است. ولی تعمیمگرایی ایشان (که از یک حقوقدان انتظار نمیرود) مسئله را به حد یک نبرد دایم و حلناپذیر سلطه بلامنازع مرد بر زن کاهش داده است. نه همه مردان مانند امام جمعه صدیقی فکر یا عمل میکنند، و نه تنها مردان مسئول ادامه فرهنگ خشن مردسالار حاکم بر جامعهاند. باید مردان را در مبارزه علیه فرهنگ مردسالار تشجیع کرد، ولی در این مبارزه باید همه حاملان آن (و نه فقط مردها) هدف قرار گیرند
Iran, gender discrimination, and the UN's Women's Commission
The Iranian regime must have a real sense of humor. In a year when their human rights abuses reached ever lower depths with an exponential rise in political prisoners, prison rapes, torture and executions, the regime tried to get a prime spot on the UN Human Rights Council. Their bid failed. But the jokers had another trick up their sleeves. Two weeks ago just as a senior Iranian cleric declared that women's un-Islamic garb - meaning a wisp of hair showing - is the root of men's immorality and the cause of earthquakes, the regime moved to secure a seat on the UN's Commission for the Status of Women (CSW)
It is high time that we begin to reject our position as the carriers of the male burden
The United Nations has given a seat to the Islamic Republic on its women's council, despite a petition signed by Iranian women activists urging them not to allow this most perverse form of satire. The United Nations have now enshrined my right to be stoned, they have enshrined my judicious right to be half a person; my right not to divorce or child custody, my right to no freedom of mobility, my right not to higher education after marriage without permission of my husband. The country that guarantees my subjugated role in society is now sitting on the women's council of the United Nations
با “قانون اساسی جمهوری اسلامی” چه باید کرد؟
by Mohsen Kadivar
جنبش سبز مردم ایران به روایت مولدان و نمایندگان برخوردار از اقبال ملی اش مطالباتی حداقلی و استقامتی حداکثری دارد. این مطالبات در اجرای اصول برجامانده قانون اساسی و تفسیر حقوقی و دموکراتیک دیگر اصول آن خلاصه می شود. این جنبش (تا برگزاری رفراندم) نه قصد تغییر رژیم دارد و نه مطالبه ای فراتر از قانون اساسی جمهوری اسلامی دارد. دموکراسی حداکثری یا سکولاریسم خارج از مطالبات جنبش سبز است. تاب جنبش محدود و توانش مشخص است. تبیین مطالبات بر اساس ظرفیت جنبش شرط خردمندی است.
سرگردان بین دو نهایت تاریخ
بینش تاریخی حكومت اسلامی مخلوطی است از سه عامل ناسازگار: برداشت خمینی از انقلاب، مفهوم نوین انقلاب و بینش کلاسیک شیعی از حرکت تاریخ. از خمینی شروع کنیم. وی تا وقتی كه هنوز گردونۀ انقلاب به حركت نیافتاده بود، از جمله در ولایت فقیهش، صحبت از «انقلاب سیاسی اسلام» میكرد ولی بعد مانند همه عبارت «انقلاب اسلامی» را پذیرفت و مورد استفاده قرار داد. تفاوت بین این دو عبارت كه كوچك مینمود و از دید بسیاری پنهان ماند، تفاوت بین دو بینش دوری و خطی تاریخ بود
Censorship and the Boobquake vs. Brainquake Debate
Boobquake was rightly making a mockery of a comment made by a moronic cleric in the Islamic Republic. Brainquake’s - HEY EVERYBODY WE HAVE BRAINS! – project is further unpalatable because of its pandering to a challenge that women should not even be engaged in; we should not have to sell ourselves and our accomplishments, we should not have to sell our boobs or our brains; if after more than a century of struggle for our inalienable rights we are still shouting these banal and insipid statements as women - perhaps it is us and our movement that needs a shaking at the core, and not mother earth
Military intervention still remains an option
The challenge that the Obama administration faces is creating a second and third phase in their approach that could take away any kind of comparison with the war on Iraq. It would by then even be necessary to focus on other aspects of the Iranian government, other than their nuclear program, to create a more legitimate political narrative in support of a military intervention. Perhaps the Obama administration will use a different principle of Anne Morelli, namely the focus on the humanitarian need to a military intervention
What happens in Iran affects Iranians living outside Iran
by Josh Shahryar
The Iranian Diaspora has so far led a very symbolic and largely ineffective role in what is happening in their country because of these self-imposed restraints. True, there were many protests in the few months after the June 12 election. However, thus far there are very few PACs, lobbying groups and such to work to promote the cause for Iran's democratization. Furthermore, few intellectuals are willing to openly come out and declare their support for the Green Movement And let's not underestimate the power of political involvement
دانش و کنش میان ادیان: از تخاصم تا تفاهم
در قرون 16 و 17 در اروپا پس از جنگها و قتل عامهای گسترده میان فرق گوناگون مسیحیت اصل تحمل مذهبی به کرسی نشست. یعنی همۀ طرفهای مبارزه دریافتند که هرچند دست تا مرفق به خون مخالفان آلوده داشته باشند قادر به حذف خشونت بار رقبا از میدان نخواهند بود و برای ختم نبرد بی پایان دینی به اصل "بیائید بپذیریم که عقائد یکدیگر را نمی پذیریم" گردن نهادند.2 این تحملِِِ ِ حد اقل، هر چند کشمکش بین ادیان را از جنگ گرم به جنگ سرد تبدیل کرد اما گامی معنا دار به سوی تفاهم در میان مذاهب به شمار می آید
Whether it's called conspiracy or something else, the facts are there
The story of new world order became a well known matter by most people since the time that former president of the United States; G.H. Bush openly spoke about it. In the first glance, the new order of the world with one superpower after break up of Soviet Union, and creation of a single world government system to run the affairs of the whole planet does not seem a bad idea. After all, different nations share the same environment on a planet with limited resources which is more like a very tiny dot in a vast universe that its realities change frequently as human's knowledge advances
What is the Best Form of Government for Iran?
Today, there is a serious discourse among Iranian intellectuals, secularists as well as religiously minded ones, about whether Iran should have a secular government or continue on a more moderate path of religious democracy. This discussion is even more relevant after the rise of the Green movement. Should a semi- religious state evolve if and when the concept of Velayat-e- Faqih is gone? I think that advocates of the idea of a religious state, members of Washington think-tanks or scholars, are mistaken to advise their governments that Iran is better off under religious rule
Responding to attack on Denis Ross and Washington Institute
by Robert Satloff
Politico's Laura Rozen ran a story citing an anonymous U.S. government source who suggested that Ambassador Dennis Ross, senior director for the Central Region at the National Security Council, "seems to be far more sensitive to Netanyahu's coalition politics than to U.S. interests." Five days later, Stephen M. Walt, coauthor of the 2007 book The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy weighed in with his, "On 'Dual Loyalty'," which called for all employees of The Washington Institute for Near East Policy to be barred from policymaking positions in the U.S. government