Q & A
روز 22 بهمن معترضین سبز به خیابان خواهند آمد و خواسته های خود را بیان خواهند کرد. باید دید که اکثریت آنها چه خطی را دنبال خواهند کرد و چه شعارهایی خواهند داد. آیا به دنبال ساختار شکنی، درگیری با نیروهای انتظامی و تصرف مراکز حساس حکومت خواهند بود؟ یا اینکه به توصیه رهبران سبز گوش خواهند داد و از قانون اساسی فراتر نخواهند رفت و شعار براندازی نخواهند داد. البته 22 بهمن آخرین ایستگاه این قطار نیست. روزهای دیگری هم خواهند بود. ولی 22 بهمن شرایط حرکت بعدی را تعیین خواهد کرد
The Unbearable Loneliness of the Iranian People
Thirty years on, this Republic remains the only one without a Nation, based on which to constitute itself. It has been a mongrel system that has thus been in permanent warfare against the real body politic, the Nation, for the last thirty years. Alas, the Ommat never showed up in the June elections, but the Nation, impatient with playing the role of Ommat, finally decided to call the political system for what it is: a Mongrel Republic, a lie, a non-Republic
حاکمیّت مردم یا ولایت مطلقۀ فقیه
طی صد سال گذشته، جنبش سبز چهارمین قیام مردممان برای کسب عدالت و آزادی است. اینبار تکلیف روشن تر است زیرا روحانیان برای نابود کردن جنبش، دیگر از پشت خنجر نمیزنند، بلکه شمشیر را از روبسته و با کمال وقاحت بنام فقاهت از هیچ جنایتی برای خاموش کردن ندای حق طلبانۀ مردممان دریغ نمی کنند. ملت ایران در یک سیر تکاملی در پیکارهای خود برای کسب عدالت، استقلال و آزادی از دوران انقلاب مشروطیت؛ جنبش ملی شدن نفت و انقلاب 57 درسهائی آموخته که برای پیروزی جنبش سبز حیاتی است
Most determining factor in the outcome of a movement is the ideals of the people involved
Phrases like, “No (violent) revolution in history has brought democracy to a country”, “Revolution is not the answer”, “The Iranian regime is a totalitarian/authoritarian regime because it was established by a violent revolution”, “Reform is the only way forward” and so on, are talking points repeated by some so-called “reformist intellectuals” nowadays. But do they have any validity? And are they based on historical facts? To answer these questions let’s first focus on the term “violent revolution”, recently used by these “reformist intellectuals”, to refer to the Iranian revolution of 1979
One American Jew's solidarity with Iranian people
As an American who is living openly in freedom, I feel utterly unqualified to address the Iranian people. After all, I don’t have to fear that the Basij will arrest me and torture me and rape me in Evin Prison. I don’t have to fear that I will be beaten or murdered for attending or organizing a demonstration on February 11, 2010, the 31st anniversary of the Islamic revolution in Iran, or any other day. I don’t have to fear that my phone is being tapped, my email is being watched
The Quran should be interpreted by unbiased experts in a positive, constructive way
No book has been dragged more frequently into the forum of public opinion by the media and more intensely scrutinized, sometimes unscrupulously, by Western scholars than the holy Quran. Westerners began to be more inquisitive about this book after 1979 and the inauguration of an Islamic government in Iran (IRI) and particularly throughout post 9/11 years. Many contemporary Western religious scholars seem to believe that Islamic radicalism is rooted in the teachings of Quran and the distorted interpretations of some of its verses
The Islamic Republic's ship of state is heading into turbulent waters
Unless Iran's supreme leader changes course in his internal policies, the domestic stability of his regime in 2010 is going to be more fragile than in 2009. "Tishe be reeshe zadan" is a famous expression in Persian. It literally means hitting the roots with an ax. It is used to describe situations where someone deals a major blow to the foundation of something. Should Ayatollah Ali Khamenei continue with the current subsidies reform bill, he would be dealing a heavy blow to the foundation of his regime
آیا معنویت و پاکدینی روشنفکرانه میتوانند بدیلهائی برای دین باشند؟
در ربع آخر قرن بیستم در آمریکا شاهد یک حرکت مذهبی بنیادگرایانه قوی بوده ایم که شاید بتوان از آن به سومین احیای مذهبی (اولی و دومی در قرون هجدهم و نوزدهم رخ دادند) تعبیر کنیم. در ایندوره شرکت مردم در کلیساهای بنیاد گرا بمراتب بیش از اقبال آنها از کلیساهای "جریان اصلی" پروتستان (مانند پرسبیتارین و اپیسکوپل و متدیست) بوده است. عجیب اینست که جامعه شناسان این دوران بجای مطالعه این پدیده هنوز به مرده ریگ عصر روشنگری یعنی خیال خوش تقدس زدائی از تفکر انسانی (سکولاریسم ذهنی) و ناسوتی سازی حیطه عمومی تکیه میکردند
This is a new kind of Revolution
These are both tense and exciting times in Iran and amongst the opposition abroad. In the build-up to 22 Bahman1 which is yet another chance for the Green movement to use the cover of official demonstrations to come out en-masse to protest, the regime is showing signs of uncharacteristic and newfound anxiety. In what is believed by many to be an attempt to deter a repeat of the widespread and vociferous Ashura demonstrations, two young men who were defendants in the regime’s post-election Stalinist trails have been executed and eleven more have been charged, five of whom for being a Mohareb, a warrior against God, which is punishable by death
طرفداران خط براندازی را نباید بیش از حد جدی گرفت
رهبران اصلاح طلب جنبش سبز در سه جبهه متفاوت حضور فعال دارند و سیاست های خود را پیش میبرند. این سه جبهه عبارتند از جبهه اصولگرایان، جبهه توده های سبز و جبهه رقبای رادیکال. به اعتقاد این نویسنده، رهبران اصلاح طلب سبز باید سه کار در این سه جبهه انجام دهند. اول - شکاف میان جناح های مختلف اصولگرا را افزایش دهند. دوم - در میان طرفداران خیابانی خود انضباط سیاسی برقرار کنند. سوم - با رقبای رادیکال سکولار و انقلابی وارد تعامل و گفتگوی آرام شوند
Everything I wanted to know about revolution, I learned in a project management class
Change, revolution, transformation, reform is a project. Like any project, it has to meet certain requirements to succeed. Every project has some common principles. The outcome must be clearly defined, right team must be assigned, a clear strategy must be put in place, risk assessment must be implemented and most importantly … the process must be executed by the right leader. The leader must be able to sell his/her vision to the team. The team must be able to sell the leader’s vision to the stakeholders
Revisiting Iran's Green Movement
While some are of the opinion that it is no more than a civil rights movement in pursuit of specific concessions from those in power, there are those to whom the movement is no less than a revolutionary phenomenon destined to topple the Islamic Republic. Whatever the truth behind such speculations, one thing is for certain: Iran’s Green Movement is the concrete embodiment of an emerging democratic consciousness on the part of the majority of Iranians, and, as such, cannot be reduced to its component parts, including its leaders
The Nazi regime and Ahamdinejad’s Islamic Republic
The English historian, Richard Evans, in his three extraordinary volumes on Nazi Germany goes into great detail about the rise and fall of the third Reich. As someone who follows the events in today’s Iran, reading the 700 pages of volume two,
The Reich in Power, I am struck by various similarities between the Nazi regime and the Islamic Republic. One is the role of resentment of perceived humiliation by foreign powers in both regimes. The Nazi regime derived much of its popularity and ideological fervor from anger about the humiliating terms imposed on Germany following World War One
Boycotting Chinese goods is the easiest action we can take
The Chinese dictators know very well that the IRI has lost its national based support and legitimacy and can not survive without foreign assistance. From their own experience they know well that this type of regimes are venerable and open to paying bribes, so they can strike any deal they want with them. That was why during the past few months the Chinese government have been selling anti-riot gears and assault weapons to IRI and specially Sepaah e Pasdaran. They are providing them with tear gas electric batons, pepper spray, helmets anti riot cars (one of which was used to kill an Iranian citizen during Ashoora), water canons and other suppression tools
Bill O'Reilly, John Bolton, Israel, and Iran
Year after year, when it comes to Iran’s nuclear program, the Israelis have threatened to attack while actually exercising restraint—whereas with Syria and Iraq, they attacked early on, without real warning, despite being faced with what arguably were lesser provocations. The reason the Israelis have held back is threefold: 1. It would be difficult, if not impossible, for them to stage such a long-range attack on their own. And even if they could get the planes there, the targets are heavily protected. And the Israelis may not even know where all the targets are